Don't love cuz I will kill then.

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: End your story with someone finally conceding to another’s point of view.... view prompt


Crime Friendship Mystery

“no, gosh! Liam !”, I screamed trying to pin him down. He wrestled and punched my face. “Love needs to get killed, Clara! And nothing should stay with it!”, he punched harder. “not the kind words, nor the soft glances, love is not supposed to exist! You can’t be good, you…”, I couldn’t breathe in. My nose was smashed. Blood ran through my throat as I choked.


He was with me in the operation theatre, he stayed there all the time. I risked, but didn’t lose the nose… “look, I need that patient, brook.” I argued but all did he do was to glance at me in dismay. “Clara dear”, he held my hands, “I know I am just a crooked old man but, you do wanna listen to me carefully, ok? No messing up with that psychopath now, ok?”

“but it’s my job, brook! You don’t understand. It’s a passion, no … apart from it, it’s a serious case, I…”

“shut it, Clara Houston. You’re young. And new. And I don’t want the FBI raiding into the hospital again, ok? You take care of your nose, save the looks, you’re too young… I will find you a new patient, don’t worry about that”, he slammed his fists on the table beside my bed, and I knew he was done, I wasn’t allowed to speak up. He left.


I glanced at the mirror. My nose. Finally recognizable…breathable. Took a month to bring things back to normal. This time, I decided… this time, I won’t let him beat me up. I will beat his feelings, crack down those emotions, and do my best, to make him understand. Or understand him? Perhaps…

Taking long breaths, I stepped in. My hands unintentionally went to my pocket ensuring the little alarm button, yes. It was there. I looked at him and shuddered, but there was something catchy in there. I just couldn’t stop myself. Sheading down the thoughts on how cross brook will end up, I went towards him with a smile. “hello again, Clara … You’re still alive.”, he whispered with his head hung low.

“look, Liam. Yeah. I just need a good talk with you, maybe you want to open up somewhere, and I will help you go through, I promise.” He shifted his eyes, narrowed to me. “through fists?”

 “No… let’s just talk over this like and love policy of yours, about how you see the world, you know? the pleasures…”

“I am not a psychopath, Clara… I am not a baby. I just follow the rules of life. They are simple.” He calmly spoke, looking at the little alarm button peeking out of my pocket. I backed a little.

“then I love you, Liam. I love every empath, every person who follows the simple rules of life”, those words weren’t scripted, they just got out. I put his documentations aside. I knew this was a different case, a new one. An infinite puzzle. I had to deal him the other way. “you know, when I first heard your name, Liam Arancino…”, I continued not seeing him respond, “ I was startled. Cuz that is a rich name. and people who are money players, they don’t visit here much… you understanding?”. He didn’t reply. I picked up my little diary. “no money business”, I wrote. Then what? Like and love? What the heck? What’s this philosophy related to? His bio-history was normal. A big, happy family. Until he killed them… each one of them… one by one… and then went on killing… going…

Why? That’s the reason I was here. The reason I got my nose punctured. Yes. I was triggered byr4 curiosity too.

“You see Liam, I won’t care if you die. Because I have given you love, provided you the empathy and the kind words…”, I stopped, thinking the past. What he screamed as he crushed my face. Not the time to talk this bullshit now, I zipped my mouth and looked nervously towards him, my fingers grasping the pocket. He didn’t react this time, just smiled… a distorted one.

“you are a dark empath, Clara. Hiding behind sweet words to find out the weak spots and blackmail, scatter all the emotions, get the access towards the heart and destroy it…”

“no… Liam.”, I felt aroused as I quickly laughed. “yeah, see? You’re trying to act normal Clara, to laugh out and wind away from my truth in the air like thin crusts!”, he suddenly stood up, “You dark empath! You ugly creature!”, he shivered, his eyes raging red. I could have, but I didn’t press the button. I wanted to see more, I had to be the best psychic doctor ever. I had to end this case! I had to cure him! And my curiosity!

“you crazy little bug, you filthy animal!”, he growled, “you do not want to understand me, you don’t want things to settle down, you want chaos! Because you love me! And that is going to take a life…”, he suddenly held both of my hands. “you will die slowly, as I will pour down the theory of life… the true one”, he kicked hard on the leg as I heard the snap of the alarm button break in two.” I helplessly clung to him. Finally, letting him speak, opening my mind to consume his thoughts, I never ever wanted to all the time.

And then he spoke, as his hands reached my throat… choking me. He was suddenly so soft…

“you have lost the game my dear, know why?? cuz you loved me but I simply liked. cuz love is something you shouldn't keep for us people at all, it's a quantity from another dimension. I like you. if you die, death can't part us anyway. but if I loved you, I would have died with you, my life a cage for my own self! now tell me my rose, I haven't made any wrong decision, right? I am wise, and that is how you play the chess of life. there are whites and blacks... but you ought to bring the colors of your own. this is why I am happy, and I don't think I am wrong if I say that's the same reason you're not. cuz oppression's biggest definition is to put things out of their place! cuz the intense love is something you need to have for the immortal... and who never dies? Ha! that's my theory. and it's simple..."

May 16, 2021 17:35

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Syeda Fatima
17:38 May 16, 2021

Yes, I am back! and after a freaking long time, I know... just read the story, now.. ok? no questions!😀 I know the story... it's disturbing... I know.


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Nancy Drayce
08:20 May 17, 2021

Such an intriguing story! It was well-paced and I like that it was short but effective! Great story! 💙


Syeda Fatima
14:28 May 18, 2021

thankz Nancy!


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18:53 May 25, 2021

I find this story quite distasteful. Sorry.


Syeda Fatima
06:12 May 27, 2021

oh no problems... everyone has his own tastes


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10:21 May 24, 2021

Never expect mercy from oppressor


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Omar A. Rahman
18:55 May 23, 2021

I’m amazed (like most of the times) how nicely you could relate the whole scene. Shows how well you’re informed about the environment. And then reaching and reflecting the deepest, hidden and somewhat darker (let’s call it) levels of psychological approaches - just super! I can very well see some beyond the ordinary psychologist in the making here (God willing). Thumbs up! (Hope the nose is actually okay though.)


Syeda Fatima
06:12 May 27, 2021



Omar A. Rahman
20:09 May 28, 2021

The title could be improved.


Syeda Fatima
12:29 Jun 02, 2021

like what?


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Sadia Sadiq
16:46 May 17, 2021

Good effort! Keep going👌🏻


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