

The noise of my phone startled me, my mind was elsewhere, I stared as the rain plattered on the windows of my car. I was lost in thoughts and tired of waiting for it to finally happen. My phone chimed again, it was a message from tamitaiwo@gmail.com, 

Tamitaiwo: No still waiting 


  You see tami and I are strangers, we hardly knew each other and we wanted it to remain that way, but we had a common goal. Hence the waiting. 

We made sure all conversations and transactions were done discreetly and on the phone. We never met.

I think Tami and I got to find out about each other on that list, at least that’s where I found her, we had the same last name, which could have been a coincidence, but then beside our names was the name of the same next of kin. Gregory Taiwo.

Gregory Taiwo is a man of every woman’s dream, a smart, charming young man who seems perfect, has his way with words, and makes you laugh. We got married after two years of dating, just us, nobody else was present at the wedding, Gregory, the priest and I, it was the happiest day of my life. Or so I thought.

It was wonderful at first, but then I had fertility problems, multiple miscarriages, it was terrible for me. 

Gregory got angry sometimes, but it was understandable right? The problem was me right? 

He just wanted a child and I couldn’t even give that to him because my body kept failing me.

He got me drugs to help too, he would come back from work with a glass of water and pills that were supposed to help with the baby, and then we make love after. Well that’s what he calls it, making love. The very short and forceful sex that leaves bruises on my body.

He gets really angry when blood starts to flow down my legs, and he just hits and hits till he starts crying and muttering,”you couldn’t even give me a child” 

I felt so bad for Greg I just wanted to give him what he wanted, so all this pain would stop.

That was until I found out about Tami, she was way smarter than I was, made me realize everything and now we’re waiting for it to happen so our lives would go back to normal. She’s the most wonderful stranger I’ve ever come in contact with, the brain behind everything.


I remember when I started chatting with Sharon, and I must say, she’s a naive one. Found it hard to believe those things about her special Gregory. But I had my doubts from the beginning. I got married to Gregory in a church, mama would have been so proud of my choice in a man, bless her soul. But at that time he seemed like a decent suitor. Someone who would support me and help with my job. 

After two years of marriage, Gregory and I agreed, it was time to have kids. When we tried for the first one, he was so excited, always coming home with fruits and some medicine that was supposed to help with the pregnancy, make the baby healthy, but then I lost the baby. He cried and it broke my heart. 

The second time, it was the same routine, fruits and medicine, I lost the baby and he cried. But then I stopped taking those weird drugs he brought to me, and the baby stayed. My baby is kicking, and I would not lose this one. That’s why we’re waiting. 

I found out about Sharon when I went to the hospital and saw her name on a list. And so I texted her.

Tami: Hi Sharon, you don’t know who this is , and I want it to remain that way. Apparently we are both married to the same man and he’s been pumping me with drugs to kill my baby.

Sharon: Is this a prank? How old are you? You should give the phone back to your parents child.

Tami: I have pictures as proof and I will send them to you* sends pictures* oh and you cannot call me, we can only chat with each other 

Sharon: I cannot believe Gregory would do something like this. Does he hit you too? I’ve lost four babies, and he’s been the one killing them. What does he gain from all of this. He’s a monster.

Tami: he hits you? no he doesn’t hit me. But he will start soon, if he wants this baby out of me. If we want to survive this. We need to get rid of him. I’ve thought about this, but Gregory has to die.

Sharon: I cannot kill my husband, I’m not a murderer, I’m so scared. I don’t know how to act around him, once he returns.

Tami: Just act natural, and if we do not get rid of him, he’s going to kill us.

Sharon: what do you suggest we do?

Tami: Leave that to me. I will add rat poison to his coffee bits by bits. We just have to wait. Apparently he’s on a business trip, I guess with you. So when he gets back I put a tiny portion in his coffee, and it’ll kill him slowly. We just have to wait.

Sharon: OK

*A month later 

Sharon: Gregory is showing signs of weakness, he’s sweating a lot and breathing hard. I think he’s coming over to your place tomorrow.

Tami: I need to make things faster. When he gets here. I’ll hit his head with a log of wood. And say he fainted due to his sickness.


*Later that night 

Sharon: is it done?

Tami: No still waiting 

Sharon: Ok

Tami: Done


You see, people think I’m stupid and naive, but I’m really not. Sometimes you just have to be quiet so people can hear you. 

I had an abortion when I was really young, Gregory and I were so reckless and we were not ready to have kids, that risky abortion from a quack, cost me my womb. But my lovely Gregory married me and we were so happy. So the day I found out about Tami, I was furious, but so silent.

The frequent business trips, suspicious calls and text messages. My husband had impregnated another woman, it hurt. We did this together, destroyed my womb together, and he stabbed me in the back.

It was pretty easy making Greg confess, and convincing him how happy I was that we were finally going to have a child, and whatever was his, was also mine. Then with the happiest smile on my face, I gave him medicine and fruits to give to the mother of our child. But it seems, Tami is one smart woman. 

So I added my name to the list, so she would notice me, accusing my husband of hitting me and killing babies. Everything was planned. 

I already sent my gunman to break into her house and steal her phone. No proof of any conversation between us. 

I pick up my phone to dial 911, with tears in my eyes

“hello, I’d like to report a murder”

July 10, 2020 02:24

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