Christian Drama Friendship

Everywhere Lydia looked she saw pain, and despair when faced with the obstacles presented her. These were children of God that she was serving. At the homeless shelter she could not help but inwardly mourn for those who had desensitized themselves so severely that some couldn't be convinced to shower, or sleep indoors. Of course many had turned to alcohol, and or drugs for pain relief and a temporary numbing affect they needed to withstand the reality poor choices presented. Like a dog chasing it's tale. Proverbs 26:11 speaks of a dog going back to eat it's own vomit, as to a fool repeating his folly. Those were were the analogies brought to Lydia's mind when she felt let down by the homeless behavior. Working with the homeless was such a painful

job, and yes indeed it was volunteer work, because not a high enough salary could exist to compensate Lydia for all the sleepless nights she had. Nevertheless she continued to volunteer. She felt she was making some headway, at least in one little girls life. Brittney was 3 years old, and Lydia had grown attached to her. She was born with fetal blood alcohol poisoning affects, and had managed to grow exceedingly well soon after Lydia started working there. She began by working with the children of the homeless mothers. Brittany's mother, Jane was striving to regain custody of her daughter and Lydia volunteered to take care of Brittany at the homeless shelter while her mother Jane looked for work. Soon enough Jane found employment at a nursing home next-door to Lydia's apartment, working overnight shifts. Across the street was the Church of Christ Lydia attended every since she was a little girl. Lydia's life was very peaceful, pleasant, and blessed very much by the good Lord. Lydia took Brittany to the church and kept her in the church nursery for a few hours each day while Jane looked worked for a job. Lydia hated taking Brittany to the shelter everyday to be back with her mother. The women at the church ewed, and awed over Brittany. Many church members purchased beautiful clothing for Brittany. But after all that was the right thing for Lydia to do, until an opportunity presented itself for Jane to need a weekend over-night sitter in order to take a weekend long gig that would supply enough money for the deposit for an apartment next to the church. Lydia also accepted the invitation to keep Brittany for the weekend. What fun the two had, Brittany was now three and a half years old. What a wonderful weekend the two had, playing in the sprinkler, having popsicles, and playing dress up. Lydia had a pet snouzer named Tessa, and the dog licked Brittany so much on the face outside in the back yard. Brittany came inside the house and licked Lydia on the arm and said, "I wish you were my mommy, and this was my home." It took Lydia a while to realize that Brittany was expressing affection by licking her on the arm, lije Tessa the dog kissed her. Well Lydia was totally repulsed by being licked on the arm, but she shared the same sentiments in her heart. In spite of her desires she said to Brittany, "Well, I am a friend of your mommy's, and I plan to stay in your life forever. God meant for you to have your mommy, Jane for wonderful and perfect reasons. I am so happy that God allowed us to be friends, he must have wonderful and perfect reasons for this too. I'm so happy we are together today.' Lydia was so happy for the time they had together, and she wanted to be very careful about her response to Brittany's statement. She would never want to betray Jane, nor would she want to mis-represent Christ or his servants. She felt obligated to be completely forth-coming with her commitment to Brittany, but she was less vocal to Jane about her commitment. Because she knew Jane struggled with alcohol, and a worldly life-style. She saw Jane sometimes at the bar near the grocery store she frequented. Lydia tucked in Brittany, and was deep into prayer about the current responsibility she had to Brittany, to Jane, to herself, the church, and most importantly to Christ. She had to be very careful to be sensitive to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. That night Lydia read her devotional bible study.

Colossians 3:9-11 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 

In actuality Lydia was not lying to Jane about anything, she had always been honest with her. In a way Lydia would be blessing Jane if a time ever came that Jane's ability to continue a healthy lifestyle for Brittany's upbringing were to end. Because Lydia would be there for Brittany. That night around 10pm Lydia got a phone call from Jane, Janes was speech sounded very unintelligible. Jane

said to Lydia that she was staying out of town for the rest of the week, and she said she'd have her boyfriend come pick up Brittany if she couldn't keep her. Lydia pleasantly said that it would be her pleasure to keep Brittany for the rest of the week. As soon as she said that, the phone hung up on the other end. Lydia felt compelled to talk with child protective services, and quickly had an attorney draw up custody papers for Brittany's guardianship. Lydia had taken pictures with her phone when she saw cockroaches crawl out of Brittany's bag. She had also taken pictures of Brittany playing in the sprinkler which revealed the hand prints on her arms. In addition to the numerous pictures she had of Jane entering, and exiting the bar enough evidence was there to present to Jane, and compel her to willfully give up Brittany. These two women had worked hand in hand for Brittany's success, but Jane felt that she could not betray Lydia by giving up Brittany and letting down the church who invested so much into her success. Lydia felt she could not betray Christ by enabling suffering, neglect, or abuse. In addition to this being so secretive about concealing her awareness of Janes backsliding behavior felt like it was a betrayal to Jane.

What would these two women do, how would they maintain there Christian friendship? Lydia wrote often in her journal, just as a means of encouragement for herself. There was nothing Lydia actually did wrong, or sinfully. Lydia felt a misplaced guilt for being disloyal to Jane since she witnessed what a struggling fight Jane put up to do the right things, when she did them. It was the secret sins that Jane continued to struggle with that made the final call. Lydia had tried Jane merely lied and accused Lydia of wanting to take Brittany away because of her own jealousy, and then Jane went further and belittled Lydia for choosing not to marry, and have her own little girl. Lydia privately grieved over this, and intended to be transparent as possible with her intentions with Lydia. So the previous private Christian confrontation with Jane failed. It was time to follow the very next step lined out in

Matthew 18:16 If your brother sins against you, go and point out there fault between just the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. V. 16But if they will not listen to you, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of 2 witnesses. It was time to have a come to Jesus talk with Jane with wives' of the elders of the church. She might lie, as she had done in the past in the initial confrontation. Lydia was armed with the plan provided by God almighty laid out in Matthew 18, and spiraled notebook papered full of pictures, & documented accounts of misbehaviors committed by worldly negligence for years. Lydia never hoped for an occasion to expose Jane by keeping these records. Keeping the records was her way of justifying to herself that it was a fact, that Brittany did not have a mother who tried to do the best for her. Despite how it looked on the outside Jane was selfish, and a no good example for Brittany to have as a mother. Brittany deserved so much better. So Lydia called the wives of the elders to come be at her home when Jane came to pick up Britany. She felt dooly armed with the word of God, for she had been led by the spirit of God to follow Matthew 18:15-17 for her plan. She had recently received a tax refund that took care of the attorney fees to have her custody papers drawn up. The doorbell rang, and Jane opened the door expecting to rush Brittany home. Well, the aroma of cinnamon strudel filled the house, Lydia had put Jane down for a nap a half hour earlier an in the cozy living room embers from the fire place light up the open bibles on the laps of all three women. This was the right moment to set Brittany free.

November 08, 2020 20:50

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