
The Real Life

By Laura A.

So, this is how the story begins. About a month ago, I was in a wonderful, long-term relationship. My boyfriend, Tim, and I had been dating exactly one year and one month and I assumed everything was going so well. Tim and I were talking about getting married and maybe even starting a family together, but I was very much wrong. 

We had moved into a pretty decent apartment together seven months ago, and had multiple plant babies together. Things were going well and there seemed to be no problems with how we both lived. We each had our own separate areas to de-stress and do some other work if we needed to.

The first few months of our relationship, both Tim and I were working. We were both working part time at different jobs and going to school. Then, after a while, Tim asked me if I would like to move into an apartment with him. For me, that showed that he really wanted to build a life and saw a future with me, so, I said yes.

Only a few days later, Tim graduated from college and got a part time job in his field of studies, while I was working in the fast food industry, at a small store called Molly’s Dinner. I had decided to stop attending school due to the cost and to save up money. Tim hated the idea but tolerated my choice anyway. 

At first things were going fine. We spent lots of time together and always asked each other questions about our days, work, and family. Then things started to change. Tim started to play more video games when he got home and didn't really talk to me. I didn't really think much of it, I just assumed that the honeymoon phase of living together was over and that things would soon go back to normal.  

After living in the apartment for four months, the store I worked at was closing. Now I did have about two weeks to find another job somewhere else, but I couldn’t even get an interview.  

For months I was looking for a new job! I spent most of my days literally applying to so many job openings. I probably applied to five or six jobs a day. Some, I will say, I got interviews for, but I never got the job. 

Whenever Tim got home from work, you would think he would ask me how my day was, like I did, but no. The first thing he would ask me is if I finally got a job. When I told him no, he then asked me more and more questions, like I was under investigation. When Tim was finally done, he would just tell me he was tired and would go to our room to play video games. He usually played till two or three in the morning, which didn't help save on the energy bill.

Soon, I was three months without a job. Tim was paying the bills on his own while I did everything I could do to get a job, and to help save money on the apartment. 

Then, one day, coming home from an interview, a really good interview, I saw that my stuff was packed and there was a note on top of it. The note was from Tim, and it said that I had to move out of the apartment. I was so devastated he was kicking me out. I called my mom and told her everything that was going on and asked if I could move back in with her and she said yes.

I hadn’t talked to my mom in months because of Tim. See, the first time Tim met my parents, it didn't go so well. My parents didn’t like Tim, and thought I could do so much better. I disagreed with them, which caused us to get in a really bad argument. This argument lasted till the day I left my parents’ house. All I really remember about the phone call to my mom was how sorry I was and begging her to let me come back. What shocked me the most was when she said yes. 

My mom picked me up before Tim came back to his apartment. My parents let me cry for God knows how long about this break up. I still applied for a job while living with my parents. I insisted that I pay rent to them when I got a job, but for now, all I could do was help around the house. 

It had been a few days after my break up with Tim, and I still didn't have a job. Then, I felt my phone start to buzz in my pants pocket. When I answered, it was the number to one of the Wendy’s I applied at. When I answered, The manager at the store, Debbie, told me that I got the job there and that I needed to come in that day to fill out some paperwork. When she told me this I ran to my car and headed straight to Wendy’s. It only took thirty minutes to fill it all out, but it was great to know that I had a job again and that I could finally start giving my parents rent. 

When I got home and told my parents the truth, they were so happy for me. My dad wouldn't stop saying how it was Tim's fault how I couldn't get another job, but I could care less, I was too happy. But, when I really think about it, was my dad really wrong about Tim? All Tim did was tell me what to do when we were living together and when I didn't have a job, just ignored me.

At my new job, I talked to one of the guys around my age about my ex. Fred, my co-worker, said that that was so crazy and ridiculous. Fred started telling me how people who are living together as a couple should always try and help each other out. He also told me that I should have dumped the guy the moment he started pulling that crap on me. 

When I think about Fred’s and my conversation, I think that, if I didn’t go through all those things with Tim, I wouldn't be where I’m at today. I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. I would be that same naive girl, living in fantasy land. I also think that if I hadn’t lost my job at Molly’s, I would still be in that awful relationship with Tim, and no one deserves a Tim!  

Now I know, I can live the real life without some “Man” to help me out. That, my friends, is the real life I want to be living.

The End

February 21, 2020 23:27

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