
 Look at her; her gorgeous golden skin, her radiant flowing hair, her dark chocolate eyes and her perfect heart shaped lips, that's the girl I want. She looks so perfect that it is implausible that such an angelic and impeccable girl exists in this cruel world; for once I had seen light, and it took my breath away, I better not miss this opportunity, because I have fallen in love with this feeling. So, should I go talk to her? No, that's silly, why would a girl like her want to talk to me? I have always been the bookworm of the class, kids made fun of me because of my intelligence and because of my parents, and for a really long time I had to struggle with it. My mom is a manicurist and she works in our living room, sure she doesn't have a lot of clients but she likes her job, on the contrary my dad hates his job, he's a janitor, but since he cleans for a private and very expensive school they pay him well, the bad thing comes every night, my dad drunk and my poor mother has to deal with it.

  That's why I haven't seen so much sunshine in my world, until I saw her, I mean just look at her, that clingy white dress looks stunning with her body shape, and that smile, boy that smile, I wish I could have the honor to go to school and know that that smile is only for me. Should I go talk to her? No, in the end, how could a girl that beautiful could go out with a boy like me? It's impossible. Also, I have no experience talking to girls, there was this one girl that I really liked, so on last year's spring dance, I gave her this beautiful daffodils that pure coincidence combined with her dress, unfortunately her good looks blinded me how cruel she was to me, she grabbed the daffodils and threw them at me in front of everyone there, everyone laugh and I felt very ashamed, that's why I was even considering coming tonight to this year's spring dance, but oh man did I made the right decision.

  That beautiful girl, I can't take my eyes off of her, just look at her. There she goes helping an elderly walk to the door, what disciplines she has, that's the girl I need. I've been watching her all night and she has been nothing but kind to all. Well, should I go talk to her? No way, no matter how kind she is she wouldn't be mine, maybe as a friend, but I don't want her as my friend. I know I'm too young to fall in love but I know she is the perfect girl for me, my soulmate, I can feel it. It's just, I'm scared of rejection again, especially this time now that I have fallen in love at first sight. Although I understand that she wouldn't even consider me for her to be mine, I am a very nerdy kid, my social skills are weak, my best friend is my stuffed crocodile and physically I look like a preschooler when I'm in seventh grade. I wish I was different, I wish I was perfect, but like that won’t happen, I wish I can accept myself for who I am.

  I just listened to someone calling her, and she responded by the name Bluebell. If that is really her name, what a unique, wonderful name she has, just like the flower, enchanting as her. Oh Bluebell, I won't sleep tonight because of you. Look at her dancing, singing and having fun out there, she makes me want to join in. Should I go talk to her? No, I can't, I don't have that confidence just yet. I want to be that prince charming every girl wants and I know I can't be that for her. Unfortunately, I don't have that ideal family, I don't have enough money to give her nice expensive gifts, when she knows I'm a victim of bullying she would probably think I'm weak and I had never kissed a girl before, so I don't have experience to know what to do. It's better not to try, so in the end I don't disappoint her. She deserves better, and she will have better as long as that person isn't me. I will just sit here for the rest of the night admiring the majestic view, seeing her have fun, looking absolutely gorgeous, and hoping one day she will find true love somewhere.

  Oh no, I think she is walking towards me, what should I do? Should I go talk to her? Oh, it's ok, she just walked right past me, I think I started to sweat. That really shows that I'm not ready at all. And oh boy, she smells so sweet, calm, lovely, just like spring.That aroma drives me crazy, and I love that it came from her, no girl has ever smelled that amazing. And there she goes again passing near me, I can't stop smiling, she makes me feel so happy, and I have a yearn to have her. You know what? I'm going for it.

   After all this thinking, I should be proud of who I am. I am a very intelligent person, top of my class and if I pursue working hard, I'll have an excellent future ahead of me. I'm also really sweet, I take care of my mom whenever I see her upset and I try to bond more with my dad but it never works, sure I don't have a perfect family but I try to make it better and still, I love them. The next time some kid in my class makes fun of me I'll stand up for myself, I need to show that I can't be pushed around, or else I'll miss a lot of opportunities in my life by being afraid and that can't happen. Maybe I don't have the experience or know nothing about being with someone but I'm willing to try, and also, I consider myself very gentle, caring and if you get to know me, well very loveable person. I know if I have Bluebell in my life, forever, I will always try to make her happy and feel loved, also I can learn a thing or two. So let me go outside and if I'm not mistaken I think in fact I saw some Bluebells in the school entrance, it would be a lovely gesture to come up to her with flowers, flowers that have her exact name. Ok so I have everything prepared, I'm gonna tell her that she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen ,so, let's hope her response is better than anything I could ever imagine and it would be the start of something new, Now, am I sure I should go talk to her? Absolutely. This is the best spring dance ever, wish me luck. 

April 02, 2020 01:22

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