
Can you keep a secret? Well I hope you do. Susan is a spy… not any spy, the neighborhoods spy. And the best part, no one knows. Susan jumped up at the sound of her bedroom door being knocked on. “Coming” says Susan as she closes her notebook and goes to the door. Before she can open the door, Kai rushes in the room. “I could have been getting dressed in here” says Susan huffing. She starts writing in her notebook: Kai’s done it again I need to tell him to stay out of my room unless it is an emergency. Also, I have missed him dearly, glad he came to get me for school. With that she slams her notebook closed. “Sometimes I think you have something wrong with you” says Kai as he looks Susan over. “I have nothing wrong with me and you know it” says Susan who was trying to look offended, but she burst out laughing instead. Susan grabbed her bookbag and slipped her shoes on then Kai pulled her out the door down four flights of stairs across the road and into the school. Susan opened her notebook and wrote: I am sure that this school year is going to be different because Smartphone is not attached to his phone. With that she closed her notebook again. Smartphone is a rich kid who thinks of nothing but himself and Susan hates him for it. Smartphone turns towards Susan; she shudders then she turns back towards Kai. “Don’t look at me like that, cause I don’t like the guy either okay” says Kai as he puts his cap on. School drags on so slowly. Luckily, she did not get detention. Susan ran home ate her pie and had some apple juice. “I’m going out” hollers Susan running out the door to do her normal spy route. She stops by the Gummers house to watch them do their yoga, but they were doing cooking instead. This puzzled Susan because they said to each other that yoga was life the day before. “Honey pass the ginger” says Miss Gummer to Mr. Gummer. Susan takes out her notebook: Miss and Mr. Gummer are acting strange today, but I do not mind because Mom and Dad are going to pick up some pies from their house today. Susan closes her notebook and goes to her next stop. The Darrel’s were not home and everyone else kept to their schedule. At the end of her spy route she goes home puts her unwanted stuff on her bed and runs downstairs. “We need to have less stairs Mom because I hate going up and down” says Susan as she plops into a chair.” Well I’ll think about it okay” says Miss hummingbird as she pushes a chess piece.  “You win again darling” says Mr. hummingbird as he slouches in his chair. Susan opens her notebook and writes: Dad is always losing to Mom weather it is chess or work Mom always does better. Then Susan closes her notebook with a sudden slam that makes everyone jump. “Stop slamming things in there I got a cake trying to bake” says Nino who is Susan’s cook. “Sorry Mr. Nino” says Susan in a rather gloomy mood. Susan was not gloomy she was just practicing her drama for school. Miss hummingbird jumped up and ran out the door. “Where is Mom going” asks Susan though she already knew, her Mom was going to work, she liked asking anyways. “She is going to work” says Nino in a rather unhappy mood. Susan made a pouty face and went to her bedroom. Soon there was a ringing of a phone and Susan ran downstairs and grabbed the phone right out of her father’s hands. “Hi Kai, what are you doing” says Susan to start the conversation. There is no respond on the other side for a little bit. “I’m doing good Susan. Wait how did you get to the phone before your Dad” asks Kai who is making a clatter on his side of the phone line. “I pushed him aside” says Susan with great pride she starts giggling “I was wondering if you would come over to my place Susan” says Kai in a satisfied voice. “Sure, I have nothing else to do anyway” says Susan. “Got to go bye” says Susan as she puts the phone down. Later Susan and Kai were playing leapfrog when Mr. Doug arrived. “Hello Mr. Doug” says Kai in a suddenly strict mood. The reason why was because Mr. Doug was a businessman and he liked everyone around him to be business like. “Hello Mr. Doug” says Susan in a rather rude way.” Is that how you treat your elder’s young lady” says Mr. Doug in a harsh tone. “Mr. Doug, she did not mean to” says Kai the same rude way Susan did. Now Mr. Doug was mad he grabbed Kai by the wrist and was about to pop him. “I’ll call the police if you don’t let him go” says Susan as she starts to dial a number into a phone she was holding. Susan could see Kai hold his breath as Mr. Doug lets him fall to the ground. “You are the rottenest kids I have ever met” Mutters Mr. Doug under his breath as he stomps off. “You’re going to kill me one day Susan” says Kai as he wipes the grass off his pants. Susan smiles “I’m planning to kill you” She responds in a fit of giggling. “I bet you are” says Kai laughing. Susan opens her notebook: Kai is so silly that it makes me want to fall over laughing. Susan closes her notebook with a huge thump. “Would you not slam the notebook it hurts my ears” says Kai giggling. Susan frowns but still nods in a polite way. “You know that you could have been at least polite to Mr. Doug” Susan looks at Kai for a good second. “Well I s'pose I could” Susan says in a slightly shocked voice. Kai looks at her one good time before giggling again. They sit in the grass for an hour silently staring into the sky.

August 14, 2020 19:59

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Jimmy Irons
09:11 Aug 22, 2020

Interesting story. Was a tough read as it's all a single block of text


Praire Rose
20:32 Aug 25, 2020

I'm new to this so sorry.


Jimmy Irons
23:02 Aug 26, 2020

no problem, something to know for the future. They've got some nice blogs about formatting on here


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