American African American Fiction

It was two AM and I was just awakened out of my sleep by a loud noise outside my bedroom window. I jumped out of bed and run to my closet to retrieve my shot gun, as I was unlocking my gun the noise became louder like who ever it was had entered my home. My heart began racing and I didn't know what to do. I checked my pockets for my phone and realized I didn't grab it when I run to the closet. I was so afraid as I slid down to the floor and pumped back my gage I just got a week ago for my protection. I held it in front of me ready to pull the trigger if I had to. I'm sitting here shaking, sweating waiting to see if this is the day I lose my life or take one. As the anticipation takes over me I stood up not ready to give up on my life. I came out of the closet and looked around the room for anything out of place. I didn't see any thing so I headed down stairs to see if anything was missing there and my heart stopped in my chest when I saw the tornado that went through my livingroom. The couches were flipped over, the TV was knocked off the wall the books were thrown all over the place and my paperwork was missing along with my purse and other things. I run up stairs to get my phone and keys so I could get out of the house. I figured that i could call the police from the car.

Once the police arrived I was met by a Detective Fancher and he was six feet tall two hundred pounds and hell of sexy. But he was confusing me with the way he was looking at me. He was looking at me like I did all this to myself. Iike I run through my house and tore up my own stuff. I was getting really pissed off when he told me to step out of the car and put my hands on my head.

I asked him "can you tell me what this is about"? I called you guys because someone was in my house. Look at it it's a mess and instead of you trying to do your job your arresting me and for what?

Detective Fancher

I was standing here face to face with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. But her beauty couldn't take away the fact that she was a cold blooded killer. I didn't know if she was stupid or if she thought I was. Because I didn't know anyone who would call the police with two bodies in there trunk and sit here and act like they had know clue. I mean she was doing a really good job at pretending. Snot coming out her nose eyes blood shot as she cried and screamed her innocence. But I didn't believe none of that. I knew better then that. Her DNA was all over the place. So I had Officer Morris take her to the station and sit her in a cold room to give her sometime to her self. This was going to be an open and shut case. All the evidence pointed to her. And that's all I needed to know.


OMG,OMG what is happening to me. This can't be real. This can not be my life. I'm sitting here in this room waiting for Detective Fancher to come and see me and I'm getting real pissed off because I have been in here for five hours and still he is know where to be found. This is some bull shit. I'm cold, I'm hungry, I have to pee and most of all I want to get out of this cold room.

I yell for the guards. Guard can I please go to the bathroom I really have to pee.

Naw, little bit you can hold it

I can't hold it i been in here for five dang hours i need to use the bathroom sir.

I said you gone hold it and dont ask me again. Now sit there and shut the hell up I don't get paid enough to listen to you bicker about shit you can't control.

I sucked my teeth and set back down and rubbed my hands down my face fighting back the tears that were getting ready to be released I took a deep breath and called on the the most high to give me the strength to get through this. When I was down with my one on one with the ruler of my soul I heard the door open and in walked Detective Fancher.

Detective Fancher

I watched from outside the door as she prayed just watching her to see how she was going to react to sitting in this room for five hours. And to my surprise she didn't act how I thought she would.

As I opened the door she looked up at me with tears in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. I asked

Do you want anything?


Can you tell me where you were today between the hours of 10pm to 2AM?

Yes, I was home in my bed asleep. I woke up around 2am because of a loud noise outside my window.

Do you have anyone that can confirm that?

No,sir I was home alone.

Do you know someone by the name of Mark Johnson or Damon Jones?

Yes, sir me and Mark broke up three weeks ago because he was abusive to me verbally and emotionally. It became to be to much and I called things off

And Mr.Jones

Yes, I know him as well. But only through Mark they are best friends.

They were bestfriends

What do you mean were? What exactly are you trying to imply Mr. Fancher.

I am not implying anything Ms. Thomas I am letting you know that they both are dead and there bodies where found in your trunk.

Know, know, know that can't be. Omg, omg please tell me that you got it wrong.

I'm afraid not and you are under arrest for the murders of Mark Johnson and Damon Jones.


Knnnoooooowwwwwwwww. It wasn't me. I didn't do it you have to believe me it wasn't me I would never do anything like that.

I'm hearing started to fade when Detective Fancher jumped up and started throwing crime scene photos all over the table and telling me to get my shit together because I was going to need one hell of a lawyer to get me out of this. I couldn't move I couldn't breathe I was being framed and by who I had no clue. I didn't hang with may people and I was the only child. There was know one I knew who would want to hurt me in such away. All i could do was cry out to God and ask for a miracle because i was in desperate need.

Two weeks later I was finally able to find lawyer that would represent me.

He was a tall man easy on the eyes six foot four inches around two hundred and twenty pounds. I was a little shocked that he would even want to take the case or how he even knew that I was arrested. But I was happy that he was here.

Attorney Polk

I waited two weeks before I decided to come and ask Ms.Thomas if she would like for me to represent her case and she so gladly excepted.

I sit here looking at her with these sad eyes and all I want to do is laugh.

She wouldn't even be here if she would have just gave me a shot. But know she looked at me like I was beneath her. And like that Mark guy was so much better then me.

It all started three years ago I was walking out of gym and she was walking in and I stopped her to make small talk she smiled the most beautiful small and told me her name but before I could tell her mine this big ole husky looking dude run up on my women kissed her like he didn't see me standing here and asked Babe who is this she looked at me and said nobody. I chuckled to myself and said you got that baby girl it was nice to meet you anyway. After that I went to that gym every day for months until I saw her again and that's when I started to follow her. And now here we are.

Detective Fancher

I felt good that I had my man. But something was off. And I feel it had a lot to do with this Attorney Polk. Where did he even come from. I asked my self. Because the whole time that Ms.Thomas had been here she didn't call one person. She prayed and kept saying "Gods ways or not our ways he will see me through."

I would always just look at her like she was crazy. Then in walks this Polk guy and he knows about her case from front to back and I find that to be odd. Because we were keeping things under wraps.

Two months later

I had been working overtime because something just didn't feel right. I went undercover and started following Attorney Polk around and his behavior was a little odd to me.

He would get up go to the gym leave head to work go back to the gym and sit in his car for two hours every day then he would go to the jail and sit. Not go in just sit there with a smile on his face like he was happy about something and what I was going to find out. Today was the last day of Ms.Thomas courtrail and I just didn't feel right something was off. I had got a warrant to search Mr.polks property two days ago and I waited till to day to do it. I knew he would be in court for hours.

When I walked in his home I knew that I messed up.

He had pictures of Ms.Thomas and Mr.Jones every where it looked to be two years worth of order cover work.

He had pictures of them in the gym at the movies out on dates at work in her home. He had carmers in her home in her bathroom room bedroom kitchen. I called for back up there showed up in know time.

We searched the home from top to bottom for tapes of the night Ms.Thomas was arrested and she was indeed home only. I run out the house with the evidence in hand and made it the courthouse just as the judge was letting out for a recess.

Attorney Polk

Detective Fancher just run into the courtroom with six officers behind him with what looked like tapes in his hands. I wasn't sure what that was about. So I turned to my baby and let her know that it would all be okay and she would be going home. Because I was just that good.

The Detective looked at me and asked the judge if we could meet in his chambers and how it was of the up most impotence. The judge agreed and I did as well thinking he found something new on my baby I mean Ms.Thomas

When we walked in two officers stood beside me as he asked the judge to throw the case out. The judge asked on what grounds should he do such a thing. There was a TV setup in the corner and the decteive popped the tape in and there I was looking like a deer stuck in head lights.

He had my tapes he had my damn tapes of me killing that know good man that was sleeping with my women. Before I could even react I was thrown into cuffs and took to the back for processing.

Detective Fancher

I felt like the weight of the world was lifted of my shoulders. I got my man the right one this time and I wanted to apologize to Ms.Thomas but the look she gave me said it all. I had destroyed her life her these last two months and I didn't deserve her forgiveness.


I set there as the judge told me I was free to go. I couldn't believe the things that he said. I knew that my Attorney looked as if I had seen him some where before. But to hear that I only had contact with this man one time and he completely destroyed my world had me feeling so unsafe in this world.

I felt lost and only. I started to cry when I heard the judge say this is what I would call the case of an unknown love.

The End

December 13, 2020 06:50

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Tamikea Tillman
21:11 Dec 13, 2020

Nice sis! Enjoyed it!!❤️


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Kyle Fancher
07:06 Dec 13, 2020

Where is book 2 now


Tereshia Jones
07:09 Dec 13, 2020

In the next couple of days. Thanks for the like and comment.


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