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Nona felt at her wits end. Her marriage to Brad for 9 years had fallen apart. Getting away to the country was perfect for her mindset at that moment. Little did she know what was waiting for her just around the corner....she drove to the nearest gas station in Buckville to fill up her tank & grab an iced coffee. Holding up the coffee machine was a familiar face, but she thought there was no way she knew this man. She was out in the middle of nowhere, knowing no one. He realized Nona had been patiently waiting for some iced coffee, & at that moment he humbly apologized. That's when he did a double-look at Nona. He said with a gasp,"No way!!! Would your name happen to be Nona?" Nona slightly frowned, scrutinizing this man closely. She nodded & asked,"Do we know each other from somewhere?" The man laughed heartily. "It's me, Steven!!!" Nona's eyes grew wide as she & Steven hugged tightly, rocking back & forth. She said,"It's been 25 years since I last saw you!" He replied,"Yes, too long. I didn't know how to find you. Wow. This makes me very happy." Nona looked confused & asked why. Steven smiled warmly & started to caress her hand. Then he gazed into her eyes & said,"Because I've always loved you Ms Nona." They shared a soft, sweet kiss right there amongst the strangers around them & the iced coffee machines. There was so much catching up to do between these two. He was passing through on business & she was clearing her energy of the past. And so they decided to have lunch together at a nearby restaurant that afternoon, enjoying each other immensely over taco salads, iced teas, & pulled pork sliders. Steven had once been married & was now divorced for the past 10 years. He had a successful shipping & trucking business for himself. Nona was a freelance writer & an insurance agent. Once he discovered that she lived all alone & not very far from him, he cut right to the chase with her. "I'm not sure yet how you feel about what I'm ready to say to you...I believe this is destiny, that we've been given a second chance on love. To finish what was once started back in the day." Again he caressed her hand from across the table. Nona's face brightened as she gazed at his face. She felt that loving energy between them all over again. It was purely magnetic & magnificent. She said to Steven,"I'm truly in awe of running into you after all these years. I'm still healing, but I want to take this second chance with you Steve. You have always been special to me & I've never forgotten you." Steven sighed & sweetly kissed Nona's hand. He responded,"Now that I have you back into my life again, I'm never ever letting you go." "Is that a promise?" "Yes it is. I promise to love you forever & ever....even after this life is over." "Steven, do you know what you're saying to me?" "Absolutely my dear. I've never felt this way for anyone ever in my life. Not even my ex-wife." "Wow." The two of them laughed. "When are you going home?" he asked. "This Friday." Steven made some business arrangements for himself, so that on Friday he was able to take that drive home with his lovely Nona, as they embarked on this wonderful new journey together in true love. So they were more than excited for their impromptu road trip together. The two of them stopped in stores to pick up whatever items they wanted & needed for their amazing journey, such as paper towels, water, snack items, & other essentials. The energy between them was magnetic, vibrant, & fun. Other people seemed fascinated by tge two of them. They were laughing, very playful with each other, joking in the stores, & making those around them smile. And when Steven stopped in one of the aisles to passionately kiss Nona, that definitely drew the attention of many who were around them. She was indeed blushing. He looked at her & said,"This is so new for me. I've never done this with anyone in my life." She asked,"So what's different now?" "Because it's you, it just feels natural & right. You make me very happy." Nona beamed & hugged Steven tightly around his waist. She breathed in his delicious scent as she hugged him. To her he smelled like warm cinnamon & vanilla musk. He gently kissed her forehead & said,"That kiss is reserved only for those who are truly dear to me....whenever I see my daughter, I give her that same kiss. When my mother was alive, I gave her that same kiss. She taught it to me as a young boy." Nona thought that her heart was literally going to beat out of her chest at that moment. Her eyes became watery. The love filled every fiber of her being. She knew that with Steven, she was indeed at home. And so their wonderful road trip began with an extensive disco music playlist. Once Steven discovered that Nona loved disco music just as much as he did, it only made him love her spirit even more than he already did. There were other genres of good music that they listened to on this long, eleven-hour road journey, but disco was the dominant genre of their choice. They stopped after the first three hours of driving to stretch their legs, use the facilities, & take selfies together. The two of them were very romantic as well as sappy in love. Nona did not once imagine this happening in a billion years. Steven was equally floored. He had spent a lot of time alone, often wondering how Nona was doing in her life. As he drove, he would look over at her in sheer amazement. She was precious treasure to him. He wanted to marry her. He already knew in his mind, but kept the thought to himself, so as not to overwhelm her. Nona did the next stretch of driving as Steven relaxed, enjoyed their deep conversations, taking in the music, & enjoying the scenery. Three more hours into driving, they stopped again to sit down at a restaurant for dinner. He said to her from across the table,"Nona, I know we have to get familar with each other all over again after so many years....I already know though, that life with you is going to be wonderful." She totally agreed. Nona loved his energy, his calm demeanor, his friendly tone of voice, his beaming confidence as a man, & his affections toward her. She was indeed the apple of his eye. This was a new experience for her. She had never felt this caliber of love before. Their mutual love had always been there in their hearts. It just lie dormant for 25 years.

December 12, 2020 14:13

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1 comment

Chris Wagner
01:44 Dec 24, 2020

You have something good started here. I can see where it's going, and the emotional content is understandable. A couple things: Watch the punctuation. Nobody makes printed books with an ampersand & for an and in every sentence. Also try to drop a paragraph whenever you change subjects or have dialog. On the whole, though, most of the grammar and English was okay. Keep up the good work


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