LGBTQ+ Romance Sad

This was was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives after winning a match, the aura that surrounds the both of them changed.

"so what happened after that? you two didn't try to sort it out? like you know that's what you always do, so the both of you won't be awkward to each other" nicolaii kept asking the latter, but she noticed that she's just talking to the wind 'cos here's her friend staring right at the sky. nicolaii sighed, "when it happens to you enough you just learn to pick up on it." she added, "it's gonna rain lai, you should head home first" finally, a word from her best friend hartzler, "you aren't coming with me? where'll you go tho?" she's bewildered that she's going home alone, "tch, i'm going to harleigh's, the one with the bookstore.. i left my things there" hartzler explained. the latter's bestfriend understood and walked home, also for hartzler the bookstore wasn't that far and not that near, but she decided to walk.


the owner of the book shop was just there, eating. she saw hartzler came in and signaled the latter to come to the front desk, "heard the news dork" leigh greeted her with that which made hartzler roll her eyes, "i'm not telling, now where's my portfolios?" she asked, "i'm not telling you until you spill your heartbroken story" leigh was sure that she's just fooling the ambivert girl. "euw leigh, i want to go home, so now tell me where my things are" well the latter's voice was weak, she was visibly tired but she's trying to cope up, leigh patter her shoulder as she spoke "love sure is painful. trust me, i would know" that made 'zler mumble "it wasn't love if i were to force it, it's too selfish for me, i knew i was just trying to fit in leigh, love is something i am not capable of" sharing her stories or her thoughts was never an idea for hartzler but it came off naturally when it's the two of them. "cue" they sat together, by the way the bookshop is closed, exclusively for her favorite person

south park

 — 10:34 PM

"hi, sorry, traffic out there" lies. you just don't want to mess up, hartzler spoke to herself , "oh it's totally fine, you aren't that late to be honest, have a seat" isn't it the one shot one kill, hesitating since she's adjusting to their conversation. "so do you remember when i kind of accidentally mixed up the chemicals on lab? you went pale--" — "yes 'cos you made the mess and i know that you'll drag my ass once we've got reported on the office" their laugh was going to reach the safe skies. "so let me tell you about this guy i met, he's so charming and you know that you're my ideal type right? well he's just exactly like you, hartzler. and oh he's my boyfriend now" oh

"so what was i to you then, just an ideal type?" 

"oh, i thought i had this right"

she cannot process anything.. rae was staring at her and tried to snap, "hey, are you alright?" at this point she's burning, did she just do that, "you knew that i liked you, YOU KNEW THAT RAE! you told me to wait for you but where were you? you could've just told me that i never stood a chance, did you think i enjoyed all of that? this horrible need to know you're okay? to realize you can hurt me in a way no one for the past thousand years has been able to?" she snarled, making the latter shook and respond "stop it then! if caring about me is such as nuisance to you, stop it. it doesn't do much for either one of us" she stood up, when she was about to walk away hartzler wasn't done talking "I CAN'T!" she shouted

"that's what kills me rae. the fact that you can even ask that of me just shows how ignorant you are about the power you have over me" what made them stop yelling at each other was that rae's boyfriend came, summarizing that rae purposely invited her boyfriend so that she can introduce the guy to hartzler

the guy spoke, "better late than never" he tried to lighten up the mood, knowing the atmosphere wasn't bearable, "no. never is certain, if you hadn't come at all, then i know you don't care about her, but you came late and that makes it complicated. i don't know if i can rely on you to have her back. perhaps you care, but not enough" with that speech of hartzler she left the park, and message rae

rae - in bow

"I've never given much thought to other's

 hopes and dreams,

 but when you talk about yours,

 I want them all to come true,

I want you to be happy

 ✓sent 1:00 AM

"block this person?"

"You are everything I hate, don't ever come back." she whispered.


she ran. that's all that she could do, ran away from the possible consequences, the fact that her words hurt the latter and has no intention to apologize. that night, rae broke up with her boyfriend, why? 

"i had to delete that confession rae, i'm sorry. i was selfish that--" rae slapped the guy, "how could you just do that, i've known you for 2 years and you had the audacity? you RUINED ALL OF THIS" rae was furious, that's why she went blank and was confused about the 'she knew hartzler liked her for years', "great, just great. now she blocked me, not really giving me a chance.." 

"that's all?" leigh interfered, "i guess so", leigh smacked the latter's thigh making hartzler groan in pain, "alright alright well then--" the sound of the bell made the both of them go "???" 'cos leigh was sure to know that she hanged a sign that the bookshop is closed, "leigh, you go check it, i'm going upstairs to get my things" leigh nodded as hartzler stood up. the girl upstairs was humming to coldplay's fix you, as for the other she went dizzy she thought she'll pass out to know who it was on the door. 

"leigh! where did you hid my things, jisoos i'm gonna kill y-- nevermind it's here. i see it" hartzler can be heard, while the bookshop owner welcomed the guest. "yo, ruth told" her voice went low "me she can't.." and low as she sees the girl beside leigh, "hi, welcome to leigh's bookshop, miss shein, unfortunately we are closed, but i'll head out first." leigh shotted hartzler a death glare, acting like she doesn't know the newcomer, "whaat? it's a polite greeting if you asked me" "--and i'm not here for that hartzler, i'm here to apologize for the things you've been thru because of me" rae stood and went to hug hartzler, that's not what i want to hear, "they say you'll be happy when you fall in love, who said that? because I only know a love that looks at you from behind.. and it wasn't your fault so no need for the apologising thing. i'm over it"

but hartzler isn't hugging her back, her hands formed a fist, her heart is about to explode due to her rapid heartbeat.. leigh noticed that, and left the scene, but watches from upstairs, "i can't even fall asleep nor swallow anything. do you know that i'm becoming more ruined as i look at you? i feel like dying" tears formed from hartzler eyes, she's at the breaking point, rae approached her only to be stopped by the latter, making it worse for her to even hug her at this rate.

"please, i don't want to see you anymore, i get shocked to see how much I get hurt because of you. my days are a struggle, even my dreams are painful. if you break down as much as me will you know? all the pain that fills me, to the point where my heart is about to explode, by how much I want you. i'm begging you, don't come find me rae. 'cos i don't think i'll be able to let go of you" leaving rae broke down in tears, as for leigh she rushed downstairs to comfort the girl.

" and sometimes we just gotta give up. "




"If I could take it all back... I would."

✓sent 3:00 AM

By then it was too late.

November 20, 2020 13:30

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Roland Aucoin
03:10 Nov 30, 2020

Hi, Maimai -- - you have many (many) grammar errors and this takes away from the flow of your story and the reader's (my) ability to read your story with ease and flow. I recommend that you try out a free-versioned writing tool, one that I use, called 'Grammarly'. I believe that you will find it useful.


Maimai Luzano
01:03 Dec 02, 2020

oh, thank you!


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