
“And for today's forecast, a huge blizzard will power over…” The voice of the weatherman on TV fades into the distance as I continue to mold my clay masterpiece into an odd, but interesting shape. The winter wind howling from the outside makes me shiver, even though I'm cozy in my warm apartment. I promised myself that I would not dare to step foot outside into that frozen hell. I stocked up on food and supplies hoping that it would be enough to ride out this blizzard. As I make my way to the cold window, my stomach lets out a growl and the discomfort of hunger overpowers me. Deciding what to eat was not an issue, so I rushed into the kitchen to make a warm cup of hot chocolate and cheesy bread. A sweet and salty combination to satisfy my needs. Once I opened the fridge, my body went into shock...I forgot to buy cheese. As I paced around my kitchen, I realized that my only option was to make a quick journey to the supermarket. But in this frozen weather, my options are limited. However, I am determined to get that cheese. I put on several layers of clothing until sweat leaks from my forehead. I throw on my jacket and take a few deep breaths. One..two..three...I slowly open the door, but a gust of blistering cold wind forces my door wide open. I can feel my toes freeze up and my nose goes red. My many layers of clothing are not giving me the warmth I need. Walking out the door was not easy. I bunch my numb hands together and make my way down the street. It was desolate and quiet. The roads were no longer filled with busy vehicles, but only white snow with my footprints on it. My fingers and toes have gone completely numb, and the snot from my nose slowly makes its way down to my dried lips. I squint my eyes once more, and I notice the fluorescent lights of the supermarket through the blizzard snow. I decide to pick up the pace. Finally, stepping into the store, I shake off the snow that has piled on me and then scout the area. No one is there. I assume that the workers are in the back somewhere doing their jobs, so I make my way towards the dairy aisle. As I walked, the feeling of an empty store felt uncanny so I thought it’d be best if I just left now. My foot bumped into a cardboard box on the ground, my eyes shifted downward to see a small baby wrapped in a blanket, sleeping peacefully. A note was attached too and it read, “Get out while you still can, it isn't safe here. Please keep my baby safe and bring my child to this location.” Who just leaves a baby in the middle of a supermarket? I thought to myself. The baby slowly opens its eyes and looks right at me.

“Uh...hi?” I tried to start a conversation, but I don't think the baby is in the mood for talking. Instead, it starts to cry.

“No, no, please don't cry…” I slowly pick up the baby and coddle it in my arms “Shhhh….” The loud cries from the baby soften, and I couldn't help but smile. After my cooing and baby talk, I decided it was time to journey to this mysterious address. The monstrous blizzard continued to power its way through the city, so I made sure to wrap the baby extra tight before heading off. Stepping out into the brutal cold once again, I hold the baby tight making sure it won't freeze to death. Walking in a blizzard is not an easy task. I am pushing my body against the cold snowy wind as it stings my face. My teeth are chattering and my feet ache from the numbness. I am in complete discomfort. I check on the baby to make sure it's doing better than me. The baby is sleeping peacefully in the wrapped blankets. I make my way into an alleyway to block the winter wind so I could create a sash carrier for the baby. My arms felt weak and sore from holding the small infant. As I wrapped the baby in the thick sash, I glanced over to see a dead frozen corpse lying against the red brick wall. I gulp to hold my breakfast down and quickly look away, but the image of the blue frozen body was stuck in my mind. I shake my head and rub my eyes then feel a small rumble underneath my feet. This baffles me because we don’t often get earthquakes in this town. I peek around the red brick building and my eyes widen in shock. A huge dark storm cloud was hurling its way through the city, and it was coming straight for me. It roared and shook the ground like a large giant stomping its way through a village. My first instinct was to run away, because who knows what will happen if I get caught in that roaring storm. With all my strength, I push my exhausted body to its limits and run as hard as I can. My senses tell me that the blizzard is right on my tail. My body already feels like giving up, but I couldn’t stop.. My breathing became painful with a sharp sensation as I inhaled and exhaled, and my ankles began to lock in place as I quickly dragged my heavy feet through the snow. It felt like I had reached my end and I couldn't continue anymore. The small baby that was wrapped in my handmade sash began its loud piercing cries. I felt like crying as well... As I was about to give up and fall onto my knees, I felt a strong grasp on my right arm and I was suddenly being dragged away. My body had already given up and I had no strength left to fight back. Seconds later I hear a door open and I was suddenly in a warm building. A shelter.

“Are you alright? The blizzard almost got you” Said a man’s voice, he looked concerned, “And the baby?”

I looked down at the baby and it was still crying. “There there...shhh...shh,” I did my best to calm down the crying, and it worked once again. A smile of relief was put on my face.

“Yes, We’re alright. Thank you,”

“If you need anything just come find me okay?” He sounded reassuring.

I nodded my head and he walked away. I take a moment to process what just happened...One moment I was in my apartment molding clay then the next I was running for my life from a deadly blizzard. I thought to myself, “If I never went out to buy a pack of stupid cheese then I would still be home safe...but then I wouldn’t have been able to save this baby’s life.” I look down to see the adorable little baby sleeping peacefully once again in my arms.

“You...You…” An old lady staggers towards me, “You brought my granddaughter…” The look of sorrow was spread across the old lady’s face, and her eyes watered up. But a smile emerged from her sadness and worry. 

“I’m guessing she could not make it...my daughter” 

After she said those words, the long depressing silence made my heart feel heavy and my stomach feels hollow. Tears fell from her eyes like a waterfall and her soft sobbing became louder. I did my best to comfort her, but it’s best to give her some space to mourn. I gently handed her the baby and walked away. As I turned around, a large window was exposed, allowing me to see the frozen wonderland. The blizzard has now passed. I squinted my eyes to have a glimpse of the damage from the storm, but an odd figure caught my eye. It looked like a statue. I looked around and noticed more and more human-like statues were just standing there. Once my brain processed what just happened, my eyes widened and my mouth was left open. They’re frozen. My mind was running everywhere and my whole body was left in a shock. I wasn’t sure how to react. All I could do was stand and stare at the frozen hell. 

July 31, 2020 05:19

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Cindy Bennett
21:56 Aug 05, 2020

I quite liked this story . I was a little disappointed it ended hahaha 🤣 you can see the many possibilities that could arise if it were a longer story .


Isabella Ramsey
06:45 Aug 09, 2020

I agree, but I was just afraid I'd go over the word limit haha.


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