
Alexandria and I'm a god but I dont know that

I'm in a time loop and I don't know why. Im in highschool. With a sister also in high school. I start by recovering memories from my past life, specifically magic. My idea is to record tapes of magic so eventually we can defeat the enemy and bury ourselves at a beach in a container. 

I'm going to tell you the story about when Claire died she was mauled by harpies. She didn't make it to camp half blood school but I did. It's a boarding school. I was curious to what god could make time loops and that's Poseidon and Zeus as far as I know.

it turns out zeus's son herelices leads a harpie army. He wants to become the most powerful god so the only one left. The harpies just want to kill. I soon realized basically our only hope is to become a valkyrie so I decided to train myself

 First I started by commenting to get a gun extension game to teach me how to shoot and I took fencing lessons. Soon I realized i'm either trapped in the matrix or im dead I tried to decide which ones more comforting and I find myself at a loss then suddenly i see light that isn't a part of the background i'm in and i see myself looking at an person that looks exactly like me we both run and hug my twins been lost in the void her reality created by our conversations i assume and stories mom read to us and my life which my twin was somehow connected to and to my high school years. Then behind my twin I saw a person there story is  

 A sword with a never ending flame

Once upon a time there lived a knight with a sword forged with the hottest fire that is still burning. Everywhere he went they asked him how his sword was still burning but all he knew is that his father hid his sword in the barn and when he held the sword the fire would start but never stop until he wasn't holding the sword. One day he came through a town called Stone Vault where he found a druid and asked him why his sword burned when he held the sword. The druid said that the swords magic the fire starts when a person descended from the caster holds the sword. 

Then he died in battle, one of the knights of the round table. And got teleported centuries of year later he was unconscious to vallhada I quickly guided him and my twin to odin's room I went back to my room and started to write a list of hells guards The dog like in greek mythology then I decided I'll ask odin can I go on this quest During diner I ask odin said yes he said do you want the ragonok team or a small team I said the ragnarok team then I asked are you coming odin said no I going to redesign ragnarok ships and help make mini floating tanks and escape pods that can go to space for up to 2 hours Then I went up to my room and saw another set of pictures of my relative this is that story 

First car

I sit nervously waiting for my first car. I wear my ninja suit for luck. As I nervously google down my breakfast and spoil the surprise. As I see my sweet red buggie my luck pays off. As I cruise around town. Then I see my best friend cat pass by in a stunning blue car. Then I suddenly see a bat flying in circles around my car. 

Then a picture that would later be known as a mystery picture appeared of athena the other athena in the other universes turn out it takes a long time to assemble the full army  so this is the story Athens/Alantis

Once upon a time there lived a city named after athena called athens. This city was in an isolated air pocket in the ocean. In the city there lived a special being called skrite who were the librarians. They prided themselves in the knowledge they stored and organized but within these libraries there was an organization called the order of athena. Their goal was to change society for the better and maintain knowledge and write and manufacture more knowledge for example writing plays. 

A story that appeared in pictures is Another mystery photo story is caption wasp and gears story A giant wasp who could talk and a guy that could shoot gears from his hands were attacked by two lind worms an elder lind worm and a smaller lind worm that we assume was genetically edited to form a duck they intern flew away and got a machine gun and a sniper and were ready for the next attack it we assumed that the dragons couldn't follow us but we were wrong we assumed who ever edited them gave them the sense of smell of a blood hound They defeated them together then became cia analysts located in iraq we figured no one would dare come near a war zone but again we were wrong again there was a 12 feet tall racoon lucky we informed the soldiers in time because we could see far away and killed the racoon together and after that we figured there's was no more monsters and i went back home to athens back in time of course and  gear took violin and we just realized that it didn't occur to us that only in the future do those monsters exist. Some short stories I wrote are 

One day in a boat.the captain woke up he looked. He is a sroon, a small fast agile bird, a good scout, his name is crow. He's the first to respond to the caption. I wake up rolled in the mud to keep myself cool. Then clean myself off in the river and come inside to meet my friend, the ninja yes  she gave herself that name. She's training herself the art of self defense. She also likes reading. One day she went to the library and was reading me a book about a legend of a clock that could stop time for 6 minutes anywhere anytime and this is a horror story.

August 15, 2020 19:16

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