
Evening time, I was coming from hospital seeing my relative. Thinking about the day I was walking through the street. Suddenly I heard a call from behind. Hearing the sound and recognising it, I got scared. But immediately I looked back and became astonished. I was seeing her which was not possible then. But she was smiling in front of me.

It was College orientation day, I had no interest in boring speeches. So went to the last bench and sat there. Once I went there, I saw a little fatty girl was busy over phone sitting there but she noticed at me and smiled. We talked all that time and it seemed as if I found someone close to my heart in this evil college. Soon we became friends. During our conversation she found out I didn't like the college at all, it wasn't my expectation, I deserve much more better than this. She understood me and telling me to enjoy the college life without thinking about it. But still my mind didn’t want to listen.

 Our college journey began. I attended the regular class in panic when I heard about the punishment in the college, but used to see her every two or four days after. I was surprised that the girl who was giving me lecture to attend regular class on our first meeting was doing this. One day in class the two of us were talking but my eyes kept going to the girl right behind us. She was engrossed in the phone and not talking to anyone. I really wanted to talk to the girl. So I went to her and started talking but she just got an answer to my words and got engrossed in her phone again. I tried to talk her a few more times but she did the same thing to me every time. But I was so stubborn to talk to her and kept talking to her. Eventually I won for friendship with her. Yet I tell her why she was so arrogant at the time. She always smile and say nothing. The days of our three friends were going very well. Oh! I forgot to mention the name of my friends. Little fatty girl is Ananya and another is joya. After getting them my college life was going very well. The three of us used to do a lot of mischief together. I was a bit weak in terms of different things in that case they helped me a lot. One thing they weren't happy about was me that i didn't have a phone. Being from a conservative family, I was not allowed to use my phone at that time. And it hurts them more than me. It has affected me many times in my life. One day Ananya and me were supposed to meet. Among us Ananya was the one who has to do something wrong in every thing and forgetting was her first habit. We fixed the place. She told me before she left that she would be there in 15 minutes. I also got out of the house and reached the place in no time. 15 minute? Half an hour later there was no sign of her coming. Getting annoyed I returned home and called her, but she would not answer. I also asked joya if she knew something about Ananya but she knew nothing. I didn't have the number of anyone close to her to get her news. I got worried and waited to meet her in college the next day. Next day I went to college a long time ago but she hasn't came yet. Of course she doesn't come so soon. Joya also came early. We kept looking at the door to see when she would come. Finally she came and looked at us and smiled as she always does after making a mistake. Before we could say anything she started to say , sorry , sorry, sorry ,I was coming out just when I suddenly had my asthma attack. I was not in a condition to inform you. When I was recovered it was too late and I didn't want to disturb you two 

Disturb? We couldn't even sleep thinking about you and you are saying you didn't want to disturb us. You could have text us.  

Ok sorry, forgive me this time. This will never happen, she said. 

We forgave her that time. But I felt that it shouldn't be us to forgive her rather it should be us to ask her forgiveness as we didn't know the worst of asthma. And that happed again. Another day I called her but she could not speak because she was busy so she said she would call after 20 minutes. It wasn't 20 minutes, the whole day was gone but her 20 minutes weren't over yet. Another day passed but there was no call of her yet. Next day after going to college, we found out that she had another asthma attack. This time I asked her for her mother's number. 

It’s been a long time since our college life ended and the three of us have parted ways but we’ve never been apart. We used to talk and meet from time to time. In the meantime I got my phone in hand. I was happy too but I knew they would be happier than me. I called joya and talked to her but couldn't reach to Ananya as she had class at that time. I texted her to be free in the afternoon. Again she was disappeared. This time I called her mother but couldn't reach to her. One week has passed but there was no news of her. I had an exam which made me unable to find her. One day I saw one of my college friend. She came there to get her sister admitted in my university. I took her to our canteen and talked for a time. Suddenly she said, I feel so sorry for Ananya ,she died at such a young age. I was shocked hearing this. Somehow I managed myself to call joya. Why do these things happen to me, she was unreachable. I called her again and again but she didn't respond. She called me back at night. I poured out all my anger on her that she didn't tell me anything. Then I hung up. Few moments later she texted me that she didn't know anything. 

I couldn't believe my eyes that I am seeing her. At that moment she came and slapped me saying that, wow, I was killed by your imagination in a very beautiful way. I will not die so soon. How can I die without out slapping you? My phone broke so I could not contact you just for a week. So you will kill a healthy person like me. 

Then joya came and again I got another slap, if only you had heard me that day, we wouldn't have done this.

I was shocked but happy seeing them and constantly crying. They calmed me down. Suddenly i remembered and asked them, but what did the girl say? 

They both said, she knows, her god knows. 

July 30, 2020 06:54

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Hossan Tushar
15:57 Aug 03, 2020

it was really an interesting story. expect more like this story up next...keep writing.. .


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Khalilur Rahman
14:59 Jul 31, 2020

Nice story. Well tried. Keep it up.


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Hafsa Sultana
15:29 Jul 30, 2020

Cute story


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Nandan Prasad
08:33 Jul 30, 2020

Sweet story! The concept is very nice. Some grammatical errors, but otherwise, well-written. Keep writing! Also, please do check out my stories if you have the time. Thanks and good luck!


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07:17 Jul 30, 2020

Cute story.


Sanjida Sultana
08:28 Jul 30, 2020

Thank you


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