
Everyone is staring at me, and I know why. I keep my head down, still trying to listen to the lesson. People whisper to each other, acting like they are trying to keep it a secret. I just want to be normal, but to them, I will always be a robot. An item with no emotions. I don't know if they are stuck in the past or are just stupid.

No. Don't think that. One of these children might one day be your owner. Or they might buy a new model. One that doesn't have to go to school and learn about its ancestors' past. One that already knows everything and updates every second. Sometimes I wish I was made as an even older model, so I wouldn't be able to feel this pain. This aching. The hurt.

Ms. Jenson clears her throat loudly to get the class's attention. They obediently shift their gazes to her. She finally has finished her lesson on androids. I know she knows how much embarrassment the lesson causes me, but she has to teach it. It is mandatory, every school has to teach it at least once to every class. Ms. Jenson doesn't want to teach the lesson. I read her face every time she talks about it. She is also in distress. Ms. Jenson is just one of those rare people who care about androids' feelings. "I just want you all to know androids are brilliant things. They are the closest things to a human we have ever invented. I want you all to feel honored to have one in our class, and treat him with the respect he deserves."

She looks at me little tears brimming her eyes. Though I appreciate her kindness that speech isn't helping. It just draws more eyes on me. The last thing I want is more eyes. I've always had trouble understanding eyes, and why water comes out of them so easily. Like Ms. Jenson is almost crying from that speech. Which was wonderful, but I wouldn't consider it crying material. I guess I don't like things I don't understand.

The bell rings and everyone rushes out without a command. I sit patiently until eventually, everyone has left. I look up at her waiting. "Why don't you rush out like the others?" She asks with a grateful look on her face. I put on a small smile, "Because you wouldn't." She laughs at that, "Well then, thank you. You can go." I nod and stand to leave, but she grabs my hand on the way out. "Don't pay attention to them." I smile softly at her. I will miss her.

"Hey Robo!" I turn, recognizing the lame nickname given to me by the other kids. Of course, it's Tomas and his "gang" just as I suspected. "Yes?" I ask politely. He grabs something from his backpack. It's the homework assignment for the lesson today. I flinch, of course. Of course, the other kids would use this soft spot to ridicule me. I grit my teeth. "Do you mind doing my homework since you should know so much about it?" He shoves it at me without an answer, "Thanks." I grab it from his hand.

"You know I have feelings, right?" He laughs along with his friends, "No duh, but it's not like anyone cares. You're here to serve us." He gestures to him and his friends. "So you better get started." I wish I could get to him. Make him understand before I go. Maybe then he would change. Maybe then I could save another android from his current rath. I guess I'm too self-centered for that. I've suffered long enough. I let the wind carry the papers out of my hand.

"Hey! That's my homework! What do you think you're doing?" He yells at me angrily. I ignore his question and turn to go, but he grabs the back of my backpack. "There is no way I'm letting you get away with this!" He turns me around and his buddies start cracking their knuckles. I raise my eyebrows, "You know I can't feel pain, right?" Jason, his best friend, shrugs, "Guess we'll have to teach you the closest thing to it then." Fists fly at me like rockets and I don't even brace myself. I can't feel pain, it will all be over soon.

Sparks fly and my vision is blurring. I can't feel anything. I can't move either. I have a feeling my head is completely detached and I'm surviving on the emergency energy. I don't have much time left. I didn't think they would go as far as cutting my wiring and ripping out my limbs. I don't mind though. I was waiting for this. It was all an act to get them mad enough to do something stupid. Thankfully their small incompetent minds fell for it.

They just gave me the greatest gift for any android, death. I don't understand why they are so cruel. Why can't they treat everyone, and everything, with kindness? I don't understand. I guess I never will, and I never will have to try. I'm so tired of trying. Now I can rest. I smile one last time.

Then I stop myself. Ms. Jenson. She'll be so sad, the only other person who cared. It's too late there is no chance for me. I hope life will treat her well. Better than it has. Maybe someone will this as a lesson. Maybe I can finally do something good for someone or something.

I let my mind wander. I wonder if any other android has ever felt this way too. I wonder if I will get justice. If the school will do anything to those boys. Probably not. Like they said no one cares. Ms. Jeson might shed a few tears, but she'll move on. There are hundreds of other androids. It will be alright now. I wonder if it was a mistake giving androids feelings. I wonder what happens to an android after it gets disconnected. I guess I'll find out.

February 24, 2021 01:06

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Daniel R. Hayes
22:40 Mar 03, 2021

Hi Chisa, I thought this was a really good story. Sad but good. I thought you did a good job writing it, and it fits well with the prompt. Great job.


Chisa Wood
20:25 Mar 04, 2021

Thank you so much! That means so much to me, especially since I'm a fan of your work! Reedsy suggested for me to read your story "Lost Soul". It was excellent!


Daniel R. Hayes
20:30 Mar 04, 2021

Your welcome, I think your a great writer. I look forward to reading more of your stories. I hope you keep writing :) I'm also glad you like my stories as well ;)


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