The Gossip Guardian

Submitted into Contest #254 in response to: Write a story in the format of a gossip column.... view prompt


Speculative Romance Fantasy

Dear Readers, 

I couldn’t help but see a shadowy figure outside the residence of a certain masked crusader. But what happens when mortal enemies become something more? 

The great golden god of this city, Atlas, was seen with the city’s top diamond thief, Shatter. I must say they looked rather cozy, practically in each other’s arms. He is known for holding this city up on his broad shoulders, and she is known for breaking it apart between her pearly whites, how could these two ever be a match? If I hadn’t seen the pictures with my own eyes (included in this very column) I wouldn’t have believed it either. Is Atlas turning to the dark side? Or is he trying on my shoes for size and trying to fix someone who obviously doesn’t want to be fixed.

Any villain worth her salt knows to stay far away from the Tower of Truth, the residence of the world’s greatest heroes, so that must be why these photos are timed at 3:36 am. The angle is a little odd, (you must excuse our photographer, he’s new). But you can still see well enough to spot the villain’s signature emblem, and the hero’s signature colors. They were skulking around the back entrance of the tower, I’m assuming to sneak by Atlas’ colleagues, who might not approve of these dalliances. I know I don’t!

The truth is we’ve all been there, knowing there’s no use but coming back to be hurt every time. The lure of a fully reformed criminal is tempting I must say, we’ve all had those fantasies of finally being able to fix someone. The lure must have been too strong for our caped crusader, maybe he is human after all! I must say I really do feel some pity for the man, I guess super strength and the incredible ability of flight doesn’t stop a man from being driven by his base desires. Really puts things into perspective, I mean if even Atlas can’t stick by his morals, what hope do the rest of us have of finding a decent man in this city?  

If you are unaware of Shatter I must say I envy you… and your ears. Her signature shrill shriek has broken about 90% of the nicest windows in the city, including the beautiful windows in this very building I’m writing in at this moment. She is responsible for the theft of over ten million dollars of jewels, gold, and cold hard cash. The alarms go off, the police are called, but she always makes it out of their grasp, just in time. But could this be her secret? A little bit of help from someone we would never suspect? It sure would be easy being a cat burglar with a bird boyfriend, ready to fly you away at the sight of trouble.

Just know I do not ask these questions lightly, it really pains me to think of Atlas as anything shy of our shining symbol. But I do have to admit I did find these photos shocking, and would love my readers to write in if they can think of a family friendly explanation! Any heroes mentioned are welcome to comment (but they never do).


The Gossip Guardian 


Dear Readers, 

Maybe love really does conquer all, or maybe all men are susceptible to becoming criminals after all. I did appreciate all of the creative reasons Atlas and Shatter were seen together that my fabulous readers came up with, but the sightings just kept coming. Enclosed you will see photos of them locking lips on a very tall rooftop (our photographer has earned his stripes with this one). 

A source close to the Tower of Truth has informed us that last week’s story has caused quite a stir in the tall building, with the hero’s colleagues, who do not look kindly upon Shatter and her eardrum destroying powers. I don’t blame them, if my friend told me he was seeing a bank robber I would make my opinion known. I mean who wants to go on a double date with someone knowing you might go home without your watch? 

But I suppose people can change, windows can be repaired, and the glass swept up. But the history of this city has shown me that heroes are much more likely to turn to the dark side than vice versa. We all remember what happened to our night-time hero, NightShade, who finally decided to take her poisonous name seriously before going into hiding. She was driven to evil by her two timing husband and I can’t say whether or not I would’ve acted differently, given the situation. But poisoning our husbands aside, committing crimes is awfully easier than stopping them.

Back to the topic at hand, our source also told us Shatter sees this as nothing more than a fling, with one foot out of the door at all times. But Atlas is serious about her, whatever his intentions might be. 


The Gossip Guardian. 


Dear Readers, 

Is there trouble in super-paradise? Our favorite super villain was seen with her dainty wrists in cuffs today. Taken in on several hundred charges of burglary and grand theft, among others. Does that mean Atlas has finally given up on reforming her? Or has he simply stopped being the getaway man? 

Our source has told us someone residing in the Tower of Truth, tired of this affair to remember, sent an anonymous tip to the police about Shatter’s true identity. Write in with your guesses of who the rat could be! Are their eyes green with envy or do they just have strong morals against thieves? And could this be the end of our top diamond thief? I must say I am a little bit sad to see her go, she gave me some great content!

Here’s the inside scoop, her name is Marisa Moreno, the estranged daughter of Portuguese billionaire, Mark Moreno. Unfortunately, what sounds like a silver spoon is absolutely the opposite. Her father never acknowledged his daughter due to her mother being an employee of the oldest profession, and kept his stacks of money in his iron grip. He believed everyone must make their own way in life, although he did inherit quite a sum from his own father to start his empire. Seems to be quite a trend with the ultra wealthy, getting in only to slam the door behind them. I can’t say I blame Miss Marisa, given this information. I mean who among us wouldn’t turn to crime? Being so close to greatness with nothing to show for it has a way of eating at a person. 

After all is said and done I’m starting to root for these crazy kids, this is starting to shape up to be the juiciest story of star crossed lovers since Romeo and Juliet! Let’s pray that Atlas swoops in to save his damsel in distress!


The Gossip Guardian

June 14, 2024 06:07

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Giovanna Ramirez
02:45 Jun 20, 2024

Dani, this story was as fast-pacing as it was captivating. In short time, you manage to not only engage your reader in this story and universe but also layer the twists and turns with a modern genre that so many are divided on (whether it's on praise or disregard). This story reminds me a bit of gossip columns that could come to life in the Daily Bugle or Daily Planet! You've done a marvelous job!


Dani Drouin
07:15 Jun 27, 2024

thank you so much! daily bugle or daily planet was exactly what I was going for


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