Fiction Fantasy Romance

King Sean was a well-loved monarch just like his father and grandfather. He ruled the kingdom with a strong but gentle fist. He was often called to mediate or host council meetings among his neighbours. It was thanks to his leadership that most of his people did not lack food, land or business.

Despite all this, he was no different from the average man in his kingdom when it came to family issues. For a long time, King Sean was a widower and refused to get married. He was truly devout to the loving memory of his wife. The second reason refused to get married was because of his only daughter. She was the spitting image of her late mother and that would have irritated any of his prospective brides. 

The King was quite content with his life. The castle was seldom empty and the castle staff lived with their families in the workers quarters somewhere on the castle grounds. They were given freedom to roam certain levels of the castle as long as they did not disturb foreign guests. 

 Now the princess, had an arranged marriage from birth which she was already aware of when she was able to understand many things. She did not like the idea then and she still did not like it at present.

However, during her twenty-first year, she was abducted by dragons. Her rescuer was none other than a farm boy who resided on the edge of the Kingdom. While escorting her back to her father, the young man and the princess fell in love and had no desire to part ways.

As grateful as King Sean was, it could not compare to the great dismay on receiving the news of the young lovebird’s relationship. He disapproved their relationship and threatened to imprison the farm boy. 

This interaction did not fare well. The princess threatened to denounce her title and birth right should he do so. She also added that she would live with her aunt in the nearby country side until his fury calms down. 

A year past and the king tired of monthly reports of his daughter’s wellbeing, longed to see her for himself.

“Your majesty. Before you go frightening your daughter with your sudden visit. At least find out if you can meet her”, Advised Agnes.

Agnes used to be the queen’s head maid. But after her majesty’s death, Agnes decided to care for the princess’s needs.

She also had a habit of speaking out her mind often. But the King learnt to be quite tolerant with her attitude. After all she was quite affectionate of the royal family.

“I miss her, Agnes. I haven’t seen my precious flower in several months now”, complained the King.

“At least send her warning before that…and wait for her reply”, responded.

“Of course, of course”, agreed his Majesty.

He quickly wrote the letter, called his messenger and sent him with it.

Three days later he was pacing up and down in the garden, when Messenger returned with reply from the Princess.

He opened her letter and smiled. She agreed to see him in a week’s time.

Instead of her visiting him, he took the liberty to go visit her.

There his sister-in-law received him and prepared a banquet in his honour.

“Where is my sweet Kasandra?” he asked, noticing that he hadn’t seen his daughter yet.

“She is still getting ready but she’ll be joining us soon”, answered Aunt Agnes.

Kasandra came, dressed in a beautiful night blue dress.

“Father, I’m so glad to see you. You seem well”, greeted the princess.

“My darling daughter, my precious flower! I am so happy to see you again”, he responded as he embraced her.

After a delicious meal hosted by Aunt Agnes, the King and his daughter sat in the drawing to talk.

“My dear Kasandra, it’s been a very long year. Have you not changed your mind? Why don’t you return with me to castle?” inquired the King.

“Father, let’s talk about it tomorrow morning. We just had an excellent banquet with such pleasing company. Must we spoil the night with heavy subjects?”

“You are right. I’ll oblige you”, he said.

They spent the evening talking about other things and then went to sleep.

The next day after, a glorious breakfast, the king and his daughter sat in the garden to talk about the princess’s rebellious decision.

“Father, Cory and I are getting married”, explained the princess.

“No, you won’t”, responded her father.

“Yes, we will.”

“Where is this Cory? Is he such a coward he can’t show his face here?” demanded the King.

“You are being unreasonable father. You’re forgetting he saved my life!” She said firmly.

“So you are marrying him out of obligation?”

“I’m marrying because I love him and he loves me. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?” 

King Sean fell silent. She was so much like her mother. Not just in looks but even in her determination.

Kasandra stood her ground. Last time, she was shaken up by his reaction. This time she will have her way. 

“You have given me all the love and everything I’ve needed. But this…this is a decision my heart made”, explained Kasandra. “All I know is Cory is the man I want to share my life with.”


“Please, father. Give him a chance. All we want is your blessing.”

King Sean realized that he was fighting a losing battle. If he imprisoned or executed Cory, he would lose his daughter for good, something his late wife would have been furious with.

But he needed a plan. He was not going to make things easy for his daughter’s suitor.

“Fine… I will give you my blessing on two conditions. One: You must financially compensate your former fiancé”, he said.


“Second: Cory must prove himself worthy of your hand and earn the right to be my son-in-law.”

“Father, has he not done so? He rescued me and returned me to you?”

“I know that but I want to be sure for myself”, responded the King. “You are my only child. I have the right as a father to know what kind of man I am handing daughter to.”

Kasandra smiled. Despite him being difficult, at least she was able to bring him to her side.

“By the way ever since I arrived here I have not seen the young man.”

“Well, uncle found him a job as apprentice for a very well-known blacksmith in town. His wages are good and he comes back home every 3 to 4 days.”

“I can wait for his return”, responded King Sean thoughtfully.

A plan was forming in his head. 

By the time Cory returned, the King was ready to put his plan into action.

At first the young man was apprehensive because the last time they met the King was trying to imprison him.

Kasandra managed to calm him down and managed to tell him the good news.

“You mean, he will let us get married?” Cory asked.

He could barely believe it.

“Yes, my love”, answered the princess with excitement.

“But there is a condition you must fulfil”, interrupted the King. 

“What may that be your Majesty?” asked the youth.

“I will inform you after our supper to night.”

In the evening, a bon fire was held out in the back of the mansion. There were at least 20 to 30 people.

The king finally got up and announced his challenge to Cory. 

There was a town somewhere in the Eastern region of the Kingdom. It was one of the poorest towns and had the highest crime rate. Every Mayor it had would run away after being threated themselves.

The king Challenged daughter’s fiancé to go there and straighten it out in three. 

There was a bit of protest coming from his entourage but despite that Cory accepted the challenge. 

A week later, Cory, after saying good bye to everyone, left his new home to go and see the strange town.

A month past and Kasandra had not heard a single thing from her fiancé. 

She was back in the Castle and was pacing up and down the hallways just like a certain someone.

“Maybe he got lost along the way”, commented the King.

Kasandra gave the ‘That’s not funny’ look at her father. A few minutes later news of Cory returning reached both their ears. 

Kasandra instantly became radiant.

“Why are we still standing here? Let us go the to the throne room”, said the princess.

The memories of her child hood suddenly rushed through his mind. Does she remember how excited she would get when he would return home?

There was barely enough time to find an answer.

In a few months his daughter and her partner were going to get married.

The End.

October 22, 2021 20:52

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