American Fiction

Zoey was Sally's older sister. They lived in a rural area on a small farm of eleven acres. They loved each other dearly, then one day Sally just up and left.

Zoey loved the farm she liked roaming with the horses. Now Sally, on the other hand, would chase the horses to watch them run and scatter. Zoe was a peaceful kind heart lovable girl. Well, Sally was a very excitable, sweet, lovable, kind of girl. Sort of opposites but both lovable. One day Zoe called sally over to the chicken coop to have a look inside. There were baby chicks. Zoey's afterthought, why did I do that. Yup, you guessed it Sally was so excited she started making all kinds of noise and running around. Soon the farmer came out and calmed Sally down. The girls ran off to play in the meadow. The girls played until Mr. Farmer called them to the house for dinner. Sally loved to eat. She ran all the way to the house as Zoey just took her time.

     That night Farmer allowed them to stay outside later than usual, so they got to chase fireflies. Sally loved this activity. Sally loved any activity that involved running. She is wiggling her body as she chased the bugs running here and there over and over. Zoey was walking around, nabbing bugs as they flew by, not really chasing them. Both were having equally fun. They were called inside for bedtime just as the dusk to dawn light was on full force. The farmer thought the girls would sleep well tonight.

        The next day was sunny and bright; the girls couldn't wait to get outside. First, they must eat. Sally gobbles down her food and waits eagerly for slowpoke Zoey to finish. Pacing in front of the door farmer allows Sally to go outside without Zoey. Bad idea Mr. Farmer Zoey thinks to herself. Soon they hear the chicken clucking and the ducks quacking wildly. As Mr. Farmer is putting on his boots, you hear the pigs snorting crazily. OH, MY thinks Zoey someone is in trouble. Farmer goes out the door, and Zoey scurries behind him. There, in the middle of an empty pig pen, sits Sally. At least they think that's who it is; she is covered in mud beyond recognition. All the pigs have run down to the meadow. Zoey sees steam coming from Mr. Farmer's ears. She runs into the house, and right behind her is Sally. NO! exclaims Zoey, don't come in! Too late Sally is in the house. She gives a little shake as mud flies off her hair onto the walls. She wanders into the den and sits in her favorite chair. Here comes Mr. Farmer boy is he mad. He sends Sally outside with a couple of swats on the behind, that only splatters more mud in the house. Sally gets cleaned up before dinner, and Mr. Farmer gets the house cleaned too. Sally eats in the kitchen as Zoey and Mr. Farmer in the freshly cleaned den.

        The next morning Zoey and Sally set out for an adventure. They walk through the meadow with its towering budding daisies, ragged robin, and sweet grass. Walking into the woods, they stopped dead still as they saw a squirrel. Oh no, here she goes, Zoey thought, but Sally stayed by Zoey's side; she didn't like the forest. She hesitated as Zoey lead on. Zoey led them deeper and deeper into the woods. Sally was terrified. Zoey was enjoying this quiet side of Sally. As they rounded a Big tall maple tree, Sally started running. Zoey ran with her. They ran all the way to the meadow. Were they ever tired, they laid down and took a nap. Sally woke up startled. She was wet. Oh, my, it was raining. She woke Zoey, and they ran to the barn to dry off. Soon they heard Mr. Farmer calling them to come in for lunch. They were covered in dirt and mud. They brushed themselves off in the hayloft as best they could have walked sort of slowly to the house in the rain. What took you so long, Mr. Farmer asked, don't you know it is raining? Look at you? You are a mess, both of you. After lunch, both girls got a warm bath. All cleaned up and wanting to go outside, Mr. Farmer refused to allow that. Zoey was allowed out later because Mr. Farmer decided that getting all dirty was Sally's idea.

        The next day while Zoey and Sally were out in the meadow again playing, they heard a big boom. Both went running towards the farmhouse. There sat Mr. McPherson's old rusty truck. It had backfired when he pulled up the driveway. Well, Sally just jumped all over the older man. Mr. Farmer tried to stop her and finally got her calmed down and sent her into the barn. Mr. Farmer told Mr. McPherson that he would get rid of Sally if he didn't know any better. Zoey overheard the farmer and went running to tell Sally in the barn. Sally was not excited about this news. Just then, Farmer called them to the house for dinner; the girls ran to the house with Sally in the lead. Once inside, they enjoyed a nice dinner in front of the fireplace. They liked it when the farmer let them eat in the den in front of the fireplace. Mr. Farmer said again, if he could, he would get rid of that Sally. There was a knock on the door, and in came Mr. McPherson. He talked to the farmer as the girls ran out to play. Mr. Farmer called Zoey in, but Salley stayed outside. Zoey made her way to the den waiting for Sally to come in. Outside, Sally was put into Mr. McPherson's truck. He said to Mr. Farmer don't you worry; I will give her a good home. Just like that, Sally was gone. Sally rode off looking back at the farm, wagging her tail and her whole body as she always did when excited. Meanwhile, inside there sat Zoey curled up in front of the fireplace, waiting and whimpering for Sally to come back. Such is a dogs life.

January 30, 2021 19:06

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