Crime Thriller Mystery

This story contains sensitive content

***warning contains sexual violence and substance abuse.***


“That settles it, everyone invited is officially attending. This is really happening!” Diana exclaimed to her fiancé. The destination wedding was planned and booked. Diana Rexim and Rio Gayson were all packed up and looking forward to their nuptials. Diana was looking forward to it up until 2 weeks prior to after discovering earth shattering news. Now with only a week from the big date there are a total of 60 guests including family who were all attending. Diana and Rio had received the last RSVP from Alton Combuoy the week before their travel day. Very typical for him to wait to the very last minute as if he would be the most anticipated guest. Surprisingly, he didn't have a plus one, which Diana found very unusual. In college, him and Rio were best friends and he was perceived by the campus as a 'ladies man'. Diana found it hilarious because from what she heard of him, he never had anything intelligent to say and he didn't have a way with words with the women so to speak. Just what some would say good looks and expensive taste that made him seem as though he was wealthy to attract women.


For the entire week Diana was having nightmares that literally shook her out her bed as though she was being chased into a corner with no where to find refuge. It was frightening even to Rio who had no idea how to console her, only worrying him that maybe the destination wedding could be a misstep.

"Why not a simple justice and peace commencement, Di? You're making me nervous with these dreams, it's affecting everything!" Rio complained. It wasn't that he was concerned about her dream attacks as it was he wanted to sleep. Rio was stupendously self-absorbed, partly because he was a cover band lead singer in his local area. A bravado image he wanted to portray while singing to bar-goers and young adults that were mostly interested in the guitarist and drummer than his washed out crooner abilities. Still, he was desperate using any ounce of attention to his benefit to prey on women especially wealthy vulnerable women. An air of suspicion could be placed on how he appeared on Diana's radar only six months ago at a speakeasy she attended with her sister.

"Well, if you're referring to being intimate, I thought we both agreed we'd wait. And that doesn't have anything to do with my nightmares." Diana recalled. "Just go back to sleep, I'm going to make turmeric milk and I'll shake this off."

While she prepared her decadent infusion she lumbered to her office to reflect on her recent discovery. Unlocking her safe, and reaching to grab the manila envelope, she etched it out carefully, taking a deep breath to review the root of her nightmares.


Everyone arrived promptly at Las Catalinas, Costa Rica in which the guest made their way to their personal villas of Santarena. A quaint beach town with a natural bohemian flare that Diana loved so much while providing that home away from home adventure to embark on a very new stage in her life. Everyone's flight arrived on time coming in one behind the other that it almost seemed too perfect. The wedding and reception would be held on the Celeste beachfront at sunset the following day. Diana's family was excited to be there, but a bit worried of her hesitations and what she made a discovery of. Rio was shocked when he noticed that Alton had not yet arrived as everyone else did, but Diana knew all too well somehow, how dramatic his friend was and foreseen his late arrival.

“I don't know why he has to make a damn scene for everything. You know I'm surprised you agreed to inviting him at all.” Rio huffed.

“Well, I understand what he means to you. He is your best friend after all, but luckily not your best man.” Diana said with relief.

A classic impersonator Alton was who could almost be compared to 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' excluding the talent adjective. It's been rumored among Rio's colleagues also band members that Alton was renowned to slip roofies in the drinks of those he pursued at lavish parties sponsored by his mentor he often simulated. Diana took this rumor very seriously and vowed to herself to keep a close watch upon his arrival. Everyone checked into their respectful villa which were positioned along the coast of the beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It was a sight that was beyond breath-taking and while most brides are excited about their groom and the wedding itself, Diana was looking forward to her meeting with Alton.


The ceremony was starting and the guests were being seated along the beachfront. There was a perfect breeze that would brush across the sand and the gentle waves made laugh-like sounds as they playfully overlapped each other. The guests seemed to become mesmerized at the distant horizon showcasing the sun as it began to set and the harpist started to play a rendition of 'Here Comes the Sun'. At the end of the aisle there was Rio with the officiant with one hand over the other awaiting Diana's entrance. White rose petals trailed up the aisle welcoming her as the sun turned a honey nutmeg glow shining on her as she entered, like a spotlight from the gods. Her gown was pure elegance. A Lior Charchy of the Portugal 2020 collection hand stitched with embroidery woven in a intricate and lavish tapestry in a vibrant deep blood red to symbolize the unapologetic cycles of womanhood. She carried one single red rose that was as large as a full bouquet and was chaperoned by her 2 gorgeous sisters just as the song peaked to the verse 'Little darlin, it seems like years since it's been here'. Diana was timeless and she had spell-bound all that was attended.


After vows were exchanged, the wedding party and guests eagerly headed toward the reception area while Diana and Rio spent 25 minutes with the photographer. She became aware that there was still no sign of Alton. As her and Rio entered the reception the guest began to applaud and cheer and trailing down behind them entered in Alton Combuoy binding his entrance along with Rio and Diana. The couple hadn't noticed until they caught the eyes of attendees gazing to the right of them. Diana signaled to the photographer not to presume with picture taking until Alton had made his way to his assigned seat.

“Congratulations to the happy couple.” He turned to them both with a mocking smile attempting to give Diana a white rose. Rio grabbed the rose from Alton and guided Diana to their seats. Her family took skeptical notice while the guest shrugged it off and the festivities began.


Alton was seated next to a beautiful ash berry blonde young lady with cashew color skin wearing a simple blue dress detailed with gold lining and lace. She almost immediately peaked his attention that would soon turn predatory.

“You look amazing! You know that?” He bellowed.

Her confidence was in tact so she didn't need his trivial approval but she nodded and thanked him anyway to diffuse any discomfort on his end. He was so impressed with himself he almost always assumed that most events had something to do with him, so a beautiful woman who happens to be sitting next to him who may smile at him meant he was her gift and the best thing since a piece of grandma's pecan pie. Diana closely watched as the two casually talked. Alton stood from his seat, picked up his glass and finished off his drink, unbuttoned his shirt, and removed his suit jacket to hang it on the back of the chair. He began to stretch trying to flex his muscles with embellishment hoping for a impressive response from the young woman but she missed the queue.


Diana walks over to Alton's table with her glass of wine as red as her gown as Strawberry Fields plays.

“Finally I get to meet the infamous Alton Combuoy. I do not believe that all that I have heard about you lives up to this actual moment.” Diana paused to watch Alton gleam with notoriety and esteem. She smiled and said. “Better to arrive late than not at all, how wonderful for you to have come. How was your travels?”

“It was amazing! I felt like a king flying in first class. The food was amazing, the drinks were amazing...I mean, I couldn't ask for more.” Alton gleamed with self-entitlement and the rumors were proven accurate regarding his intelligence regarding conversation or moral decency for that matter. Obviously he didn't think strolling in after the ceremony and crashing the couple's entrance to the reception was a big deal. No apology coming from him that's for sure.

Diana continued, “Do you like your room? Is it comfortable or up to your standards?”

“Oh yea, it's amazing. Let's just say I'm going to have a good time tonight.” He winked at her saying this.

“I'm a little shocked that you didn't bring a date considering your love for the ladies.” Diana pointed out.

“Well you know, they say weddings are a place to find love so I figured I do something different.” Alton lied.

“Are you looking for love now? Shocking!” Diana laughed.

“Oh yea, it's gonna be an amazing adventure to embark on something new. I think it's time, you know? And if Rio can do it, then why can't I?” He frowned examining his own question.

“Well Rio is favored. I tell him that frequently.” She smiled.

“He certainly is. You are a gorgeous woman, Diana.” Alton said in a matter-of-fact kind of tone, while crossing his arms over his chest as he began to stare in a rather seductive way.

“Thank you again for coming, Alton. Your time has come. Have an amazing night.” She smiled and rose her glass and walked to the next table to thank the other guest for coming.


An hour passed and everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time. Rio, his band members, college buddies, along with Alton were crowded in a huddle like they were celebrating a touch-down, dancing an elaborate version of 'The Griddy'. Diana laughed and calmly walked over to the deejay to request a song change that would be just as favorable for the guys to continue their cheerleading dance and so she herself could dance alongside the ladies. She nodded to one of her sisters giving her the okay for something and then she began to subtly whine her hips in a rhythmic motion that entranced both Rio and Alton. Diana made eye contact but it was not for certain of who she was looking at. The traditional dance of the whine is easily perceived of erotic seduction, while another perspective could be a call of rightful destruction.


Diana's sister looked cautiously around the table before placing a manila envelope in Alton's breast pocket of his suit jacket. “Wonderful!” She exclaimed. In a teasing tone she says, “Perfect deep pockets to hold 12 canaries.” She turned back to witness all guest now on the dance floor enthralled with the music and melodic harmonies. Wearing stylish gloves, she picked up Alton's empty low ball glass and stuffed it into her potli clutch purse then placed a note in his empty champagne glass. Unassumingly she walked back to join the festivities, and it was as if she never left.


The couples' toast drawed near and everyone was instructed to have their champagne glasses available while the hosts came around to serve efficiently. Alton walked over to his seat and grabbed his glass which had a folded note that he removed and placed on the table. The beautiful young woman that was sitting next to him, was on her way back from the restroom when the champagne had already been poured. Alton picked up her champagne trying on the role of a gentleman to bring it to her all the while under his sleeve was a glass vial filled with Rohypnol, the classic known drug used for date rape. He effortlessly emptied the entirety of its contents into her glass before she even reached the table.

After an insightful speech was made by Diana's family friend, all raised their glasses and drank. Alton started to watch the young woman's every move closely and by the minute she was becoming more talkative and flirty with him. At this moment he stood up and put his blazer on when he suddenly took notice of the folded note that was originally in the champagne glass. He opened it and it read:

Remember 12 Yellow Canaries?

Meet me in room 112 at 12:12

Simple and encrypt, but Alton knew exactly what this meant.


Diana and Rio had already retired to their honeymoon suite leaving the guest to continue their festive spirit.

“Di, I love our suite so why are we in this room?” Rio questioned.

“Unfortunately, the staff is still making preparations to the suite for us, but while we wait let's get started with a Guaro Sour, it's Costa Rica's signature drink. I can't think of a better person to have my first with, than you.” Diana teased. Rio blushed with the simple words 'my first' and agreed.

Enamored and under Diana's spell Rio grabbed the sugarcane liquor and dropped his head back taking in all it's sweetness while imagining he would take Diana the same way. With intense lust for Diana now, Rio pulled her closer to him just as his knees buckled he fell ceremoniously on the bed. He could feel his heart rate slow down and no matter how hard he tried to move, his limbs became as heavy as 200 pound weights he could not lift. Diana kneeled down and said to him.

“While you can still hear me I'll say this, I never once second-guessed your hatred for women. It's quite an interesting game you and your partner play on women and it ends tonight.” Diana stood elevated now and said. “Revelation to the man who thinks he can fool them all without consequence. Your time has come, your time has come.” She drank the Guaro Sour, placed the glass in her clutch, replacing it with the low ball glass her sister collected earlier and walked out the room undetected.


The clock stroked 12:11 and Alton eagerly began his walk to room 112 as the song 'You Already Know' played. He was so carried away with the invite he almost forgot the woman he stalked all night. He ushered her along with him and that was the last that anyone seen Alton free.


The Costa Rican authorities arrested Alton Combuoy for the murder of Rio Gayson and attempted murder and sexual assault of the young woman at the wedding he lured to the scene. Examination reports showed an alarming life-threatening amount of Rohypnol in her blood stream and a catastrophic amount Ketamine in Rio's body that lead to his death. The villages' authorities found in Alton's suit jacket disturbing lewd photos of him and Rio at what seemed to be an orgy of men at a club in Miami called 12 Canaries. Among these photos were of Alton and his well known business mentor who was a business tycoon, tying a woman down alluding an force sexual attack on her. The authorities were disgusted to find such brutality and wondered what the two criminals planned for Diana when they found a copy of her Trust Fund Estate among the photos. A trust fund worth more than $100 million.

A beautiful celebration with so many levels of deceit that pulled in trusted authorities of Santarena, who became leaders in solving an American crime of horror. Diana's emotional statement along with her 2 sisters was truthful to the fact that this was a crime of passion for the deliverance of women who may have fallen victim to these criminals previous crimes.

“I am devastated and embarrassed. But I am relieved that another woman will never be hurt again by these men. I married my purpose.” Diana Rexim wiped her tears and moved on with her fruitful life.

August 23, 2024 23:52

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