
Kidneys, check. 

Liver, check.

Lungs, check. 

And brain, check.

I closed the freezer and smiled at my collection. It was getting pretty impressive. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t complete, but it wasn’t too shabby.

And tonight was the night I could finally finish it.

New Year’s Eve.

People were never paying attention tonight. Jesus, it was almost scary how easy it was. The only day it could be as easy would maybe be Fourth of July, but that’s not tradition.

On New Year’s, people let their guards down. They’re huddled for hours in Times Square, waiting for that stupid ball to drop. And when it does, they burst into an obscene roar of cheers and screams. No one even notices when one of those screams isn’t coming from joy.  

Those idiots don’t know what a real celebration looks like. But tomorrow, I will. After I finish my collection tonight, I can finally celebrate my Black Mass and join my brothers and sisters. Just the thought of it made me giddy.

Okay, calm down… You aren’t there quite yet.

You still need your heart.

Preparations can be difficult for a day so special. I needed to have the right outfit, the right tools.  

I wanted to fit in with the crowd, but I also couldn’t be too memorable. Dark jeans, black sweatshirt, and a pair of those god-awful 2020 glasses. I looked like an idiot, but no one would think twice about me. 

My oatmeal was almost done cooking when my roommate, Jordan, came downstairs. 

“Morning,” she smiled. 

She was always in far too good of a mood. But she saw the best in everyone, so I kept her around. She never got suspicious.

“Any plans for today?” she asked.

“The usual,” I muttered. “Times Square tonight.”

“Sounds like fun!” She waited for me to ask about her night, but decided just to tell me when she realized I wouldn’t. “I’m going to a party tonight. My friend Ally is throwing it. There’s gonna be lots of people and food and stuff, you know, if you wanna come with me.”

“I’m good, thanks.”

“Okay, well let me know if you change your mind.” She gave me a quick wave before heading out to work. 

God, she’s annoying.

It’s fine. After tonight, I’ll never have to see her or any of her obnoxious friends ever again. 

The day dragged by. 

Usually New Year’s was over in an instant, but today was different. Today was my last day on Earth. I thought I’d be more nervous about it, but I had never been more sure about anything in my life. I just wish it would come faster.

I was packing my bag up far too early, but I didn’t care. I wanted to get out there. Rag, knife, jar. The bare essentials. That’s all I needed. 

I was in such a hurry to get out there, I nearly forgot my prayers.  

My favorite candle was nearing the end of its life. Nonetheless, I lit and match and tried to light it. My hand whipped back as I singed my fingers on the flame.  

Christ!” I exclaimed.  

Oh Shit… That’s just perfect, my last prayer to the Father and I’d said His enemy’s name before I could even begin.  

I pushed the thought out of my head and got to my knees. I whispered to Him quietly, asking for His guidance tonight while I finished my work and for His forgiveness for anything I’d done that would prevent me from entering Hell to be with Him tonight.

With a single breath, I blew out the candle.  

There were still a few more hours before the sun would fall. I decided to entertain myself with some television for the time being.

The news had been on for a long time before something finally caught my attention. A blonde woman was giving a list of tips on how to stay safe tonight. She mentioned Times Square a couple of times, which made me chuckle.  

Maybe they’re finally catching on. Doesn’t matter. I’ll be done tonight.  

It was almost time to head out. I turned the television off and waited. Time was still going by painfully slowly. I just wanted to get this over with and get to what’s next. I must have been checking the clock every couple of seconds.  

Eleven o’clock could not have come soon enough. As soon as the hour struck, I shrugged my backpack over my shoulder, put on my glitter-covered glasses, and headed out.

The streets were filled. The crowd was as loud as ever. Everyone was smiling and laughing and looking ridiculous.

I can’t wait to get away from these people.  

Times Square was packed. I wasn’t really expecting anything different, but it still impressed me every year.  

It took me a long time to find someone I wanted. She was definitely alone. She’d changed where she was standing a couple of times and no one had gone with her. She was wearing the same horrible glasses I had on, but she actually seemed to be enjoying them. Yup, she’s definitely the one.

I watched her from afar for the whole hour. She started jumping up and down when the countdown began. Everyone was starting to pair up and she was looking around eagerly. 

With a grin, I stepped beside her, making sure to stay at the edge of the crowd. “Got someone to kiss?” I asked with a smile.”

“I guess I do now,” she giggled.  

We hit the ten second mark. She looked at me with a grin. I held my knife behind my back.

“Three,” she started.

“Two,” I answered.

“One!” we said together.

I leaned forward and locked my lips with her own. The noisemakers and screams hit an all time high.  

Without a moment to waste, I gripped the blade and plunged it deep into her back. I felt her jolt before starting to go limp in my arms. I held her against myself and pulled her away from the crowd and behind the nearest building.  

I placed her on the ground, pulling my knife out of her back. Her eyes locked with mine before I pushed it into her chest, pulling it down hard.  

A group of girls were walking by. I froze, keeping as still and silent as I could, but they were too drunk to even notice that I was there. One of them looked my way.  It almost looked like… Jordan.  I stayed perfectly still. She only looked at me for a moment before catching up with her friends.

I reached into the deep gash I had created and gripped her still-beating heart, pulling it out of her chest. Blood went everywhere as I shoved it into a plastic bag and then into my backpack.  

Shit, I should have worn gloves.  

I sprinted all the way back to my apartment and didn’t stop until I was in my bedroom.

Okay, quickly, let’s go.

I threw open the freezer door, pulling out each part of my collection and assembling it on the floor. I lit a candle, placing it at the top of the display and dropping to my knees.  

“Unholy Father,” I said under my breath. “I have done your bidding. Please, let me join you.”  

And I waited. 

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Must be Jordan. I kept waiting.  

Why isn’t it working? 

“Please, let me join you,” I said again, louder.  


“Police!” I heard from outside the door. “Open up!”

I started rearranging the display quickly, trying to get it as accurate as I could and tried again.  

“Father!” I cried. “Please, let me join you!”

The door busted open. “Freeze!” someone yelled.

“Please!” I screamed. “Let me-”  

A sharp pain hit my chest and I went flying back. I hit the ground hard, looking up at the ceiling.  


January 01, 2020 02:19

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