Fiction Inspirational

You can never tell something's value just by one look, for sometimes what is trash for others is gold for another.

In a small hill behind the school, a little girl sits on the grassy field looking weary. She had puffy eyes, runny nose, and salty water falls within her eyes as she hold an apple close into her heart.

It was now a rejected apple, which she once thought could help her make friends. Yet the other children only laugh at was she brought, for they were too spoiled with gadgets and toys, and couldn't understand the true worth of an apple.

The apple was left unfinished as the girl was suddenly called home, but little did the girl knew, the journey of her rejected apple would start soon.

As the princess of faraway kingdom decided to make her own, so she left with an army to find another home. But her conquest was long and trecherous, and she only reached her destined land all alone.

Famished and fatigue, the princess was starting to lost all hope, until she saw the mirracle, resting above her new home. She thanked the person whoever left the unfinished gift, and feast upon the fruit. 

Delighted, she gave birth to children that helped her hide the seeds amongst the quarters they made, and crowned herself queen of the new kingdom she had came.

Roots grew within the seeds, and it became a little sprout, peeking on the world above. As day pass, it grew taller and taller, until it had no longer need of taking glimpses from below.

On an early spring, a cocoon was about to hatch, and the little butterfly was soon to take its first flight. She couldn't hold her excite, and felt the tingling sensation within her chest. And as her shell open, she took the leap with wings wide open.

She was having fun playing, but her wings grew tired from an almost endless levitation and before she knew it, she was falling to her destruction.

But before falling towards the den of ants, her life was saved. The leaf of the sprout caught her fall, before crashing near her predators cave.

Thankful, the butterfly promise one thing. That one day her kind will help it in someway. But for now she flew away, filled with gratitude and excited to tell its tale.

Months after, a spider who heared the tale came. But only to hunt the butterflies that wanted to see the sprout. But to his luck, the sky crackled and it started to cry, and the spider couldn't find a single butterfly.

But worst comes to worst, the rain became harsh and strong, and it made the spider regret on the decesion that went wrong. Yet the little sprout was no longer little, and protected the spider under its leaves until the rain settle.

The spider became grateful and started making webs, to protect the leaves that protected him and gave him shed. 

Years passed by, and the sapling turned into a young tree, but something approaches, looking quite unhappy.

It was a young boy, annoyed and disgusted, complaining about the reason why he was scolded. He was an orphan, so it was normal for him to be hungry, yet none wanted to adopt him, nor share food for his stomach that was empty. He tried to take food from restaurant garbage bin, but only shood by the owner as if it was a sin. 

But the orphanage wasn't to be blame for the scarced funds had gone thin. And it was still too long to wait for another election, to expect the most awaited politician's donation.

The young boy who had thoughts of ill towards the tree out of rage, was stopped by the sight of spider. It only made him anger from the sudden surprise, but the rustles of leaves unravelled his mind. And an idea came upon his thoughts, then he rushes to the orphanage to share what he had thought.

With the sound of the tree, he asked his mates to sang to each doors they stumbled on, and asked for a tiny bit of donation in exchange for a song.

It became a trend that brought fame and fortune to the boy and his orphanage. But he didn't forgot the tree, and spend his free singing for it until someone adopted him.

Fast forward a bit to the future, the little girl that left the apple returned, but this time, she was no longer alone. A child was beside her, clinging on her legs, looking a bit chubby in her mother's past dress.

As gift for the child, she built a him a swing made of tire and rope. And thus, her little boy played to his content, making him come back time and time again.

One day as he plays, a nest fell and caused him dismay. As a child, he was frightened he had done something wrong, so he grabbed the birds nest and tried putting it back home.

But to his luck, he fell as he descend after placing the nest, and got bruised in the knee for the trying to help. He cried and cried until his mom came, taking him home to play for another day.

In the same time, a bird saw his action and was pleased that it promised that it will help it one day if it needs.

Years passed and the tree became fruitful and strong, surrounded by butterflies and nested with birds chirping songs.

Down on its stems, a young girls rest while she plays her guitar, and sings a peaceful song familiar to the tree. But to the girl's surprise, the bruised young boy came, complementing her voice and asking her on a date.

But as she recalls her father's story, she decided to leave it to fate. Whether to reject the boy, or accept his date.

"If an apple where to fall into my hand today, then I shall accept your offer to be your date" the girl promised, then put her hand towards him.

He was in panic inside, and afraid to cheat for kicking the tree would only make things worse. But as the thread of fate agreed, something fell from the tree. And in the palm of the young girl, an apple was caught freely.

The two blush in surprised, and the two started dating. But little that the two know, it was just a plot made by the bird he rescued in the nest, and it was the birds way of thanks for that day

They carved their initials upon the tree, and thus their love story bloomed and lasted for eternity.

April 20, 2021 08:13

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