Born twenty-two months, four days, fifty-seven minutes, and 3 seconds apart from each other. The girls lived twenty-two months, four days, fifty-seven minutes, and 3 seconds apart from each other, so when people asked, yes they had lived apart before.
Jane was born a Tuesday, Belle a Thursday, Belle during rain, Jane during sunshine, Jane had brown hair, Belle blonde. The fact that the two were polar opposites didn't make them any less close. They were sisters and sisters are built-in best friends.
Growing up together, Jane learned to walk first and Belle taught herself to run to keep up. They woke up early in the mornings to watch cartoons before their parents could watch the news and see what tragedy happened and why. Jane and Belle drank their juice out of matching pop-star cups and snuck ice cream at night. They turned their treehouse into a waterpark and both defended each other when the backyard flooded because the hose was left on. When Belle was being bullied, Jane set the school kids straight. When another sister came along, much younger than the pair and Belle felt left out because no one was focusing on her, Jane tried her best to make her feel included, though it was one of the most difficult things because they were older now and had grown apart. All of these things happened because they were sisters, born twenty-two months, four days, fifty-seven minutes, and 3 seconds apart from each other and sisters are built-in best friends.
So what happens when a best friend leaves? Jane was leaving Belle's side. Going to a university across the country, to pursue her adult life because Jane was an adult, but Belle was still a child because of their twenty-two months, four days, fifty-seven minutes, and 3 seconds apart. Belle found Jane's acceptance letter first.
Looking in the mail for the pair's crossword magazines, though the two will never admit they still do those, she stumbled across the letter detailing that Jane had been accepted to a prestigious university and that this is a once in a lifetime type of option. Jane screeched when she opened it, she bawled with joy as she kissed her parents and told them how thankful she was for raising her. She never thanked Belle for being her sister, or gave her a kiss on the forehead, what happened to being built-in best friends?
Jane's room emptied out, soon Belle's followed, though Belle went to a university closer than Jane. They grew up, still called each other on their birthdays and sat next to each other at Thanksgiving, but it was never the same. Belle was still the maid of honor at Jane's wedding, and Jane was at Belle's, but it was never the same. Jane was the greatest Aunt to Belle's kids and Belle was to Jane's, but it was never the same, what happened to being built-in best friends?
Their parents died together on a Friday, could they have been built-in best friends like Jane and Belle were supposed to be? Jane approached Belle, who was crying on her husband's shoulder, put her hand in her sisters, and pulled her away from her husband. Jane never let go of Belle's hand, they just walked, walked through the rain until it became sunshine and then the pair stopped. Jane thanked Belle for being her sister and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
That was all the two ever needed. The reconciliation that they both remembered their childhood in the same way. They grew old separately and passed away individually, twenty-two months, four days, fifty-seven minutes, and 3 seconds apart from each other. Perhaps the coincidence was because they were sisters and sisters are built-in best friends?
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