Adventure Mystery Sad

Beams of light starch across the night sky. Howling dogs and men shouting echoes through the night.

"Don't let them escape!" a man shouts, running through a grassy field, carrying a flashlight in one hand and a dog leash in the other—Hound’s barks and growls, tugging and pulling in excitement.

A storm of men dressed in all black, like shadows in the night, floods the open grassy field.

"Keep going! Don't look back," Star, a teenage girl of about 16 years, called out. She has black, kinky hair and brown skin. She is barefooted and wearing ripped jeans and a black T-shirt. Her clothes are dirty and stained with dust.

" I'm trying, but it's too far. Let's go back; maybe it won't be so bad," a much younger girl whines, her voice filled with fear and exhaustion, trying to keep up with the much older, swifter girl. She's about ten years old, with blue eyes and long, matted blond hair, her features obscured by the layer of dry mud. She wears a white T-shirt and black jeans.


No, Moon, we can't afford to stop. You know what will happen if they find us," the older girl said, her voice urgent.

The young girl stopped running. “But Star, I'm tired, and each time we've tried to escape, they catch us and punish us harder each time," Moon said.

"No little sister,this time, we're getting out of this place. You'll see this place again. Star said, her voice filled with determination, grabbing her little sister by the arm. "If you're tired, I can carry you." Her words carried a glimmer of hope, a beacon in their dark reality.

"No, I'm fine. I'm scared. What if we get caught again."

Star kneels and looks Moon in the eyes. "Be brave, my little moon. We can do this remember we're sisters. And sisters can...."

"Do anything when they work together." Moon finishes Star's sentence.

The sound of approaching men and dogs interrupts their tender moment; their lights are more visible now.

" Come, we have to keep moving into the Forest. "

The two young girls dash into the woods.

" What makes you so sure we'll make it out this time?" Moon asked.

"Because I've covered all my bases. And I read over Papa's notes a dozen times. Besides, I had a little help.

A bright light explodes from behind them. A massive fire consumes the facility from which they escaped.


The ground becomes visible in the clearing. A huge beach, accompanied by the Black Sea, surrounds them. The sound of waves crashing against the shore brings the girls much-needed hope.

They stand on the beach. Moon takes off her shoes and wiggles her feet in the sand.

" It's more beautiful than imagined."

" We have to keep moving this way."

They make their way down the beach.

A man walks through the burning building, utterly unfazed by the stunning storm of fire around him. He’s tall and wearing black leather boots, blue jeans, a black button-up shirt, a long trench coat, and a large sun hat. He takes a deep breath and looks around.

Two men wearing black uniforms restrain another man wearing the same uniform. They force him on his knees in front of the warden.

We caught him starting the fire." The man said.

“I've provided you with everything; this is how you thank me.” His voice is low, deep, and grasp.

" What you're doing here isn't right! It's inhumane!" the man shouts, trying to break off his restarts.

" No, I'm a savior. They were sheep lost without a Shepherd, and I'm here to guide them and show them how to get the most out of life. But perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps I was too soft."

"You no savior; you a madman!"

"They are the building blocks of the new world. But now these pieces must be replaced.

The guard's face turns icy cold with fear.

"Take him away and put him in the black camp. Double his load.”

"Wait, no, sir, please don't do this." The guard is dragged away against his will.

A guard walks up and reports to the warden, " Sir, we've lost sight of them. They seem to have vanished in the woods. He said.

The wonder gives a cold smile. Lost sight.... can't find vanished... No, these are words that don't fit my vocabulary. No escapes my camp and lives to talk about it.

He turns to face his subordinate. The Worden slowly approaches the you man. Towering over him, he looks him directly in the eyes. His cold expression sends chills down the guard's spine.

"What camp are they from?" He said in a low, calm voice.

The guard shivers in fear and studders.

" Green..."

"I see, and I, isn't that your camp?"

Yes ...sir. he whispered.

"I can't hear you speak up!"

“Yes, sir!"

"That's much better; see, that's why I like a man that takes full responsibility. for his actions."

“Thank you, sir.

"Don't think me yet." He turns around. "Take him away; put him in solitary for three days.”

The man drops to his knees with a shocked look on his face. A few other men drag him away.

The warden reaches into his pocket and takes out a string of stones and a glowing green orb. Like a magnet, it attaches to the end of the stone link. The stones straighten, pulling and tugging in different directions. Then, the orb points in one direction.

The warden looks up. " Of course, the beach, so they do plan on escaping." He clinches his fist.

The black smog from the fire blocks out the moon; it blends in with storm clouds drifting.

Moon and Star drift away on an old rowboat. They glance at what used to be their home: an island enfolded in black smoke and bright orange light as the fire burns.

A band made of stone around Star's ankle starts to glow a bright green.

" Star, they found us !" Moon cried.

" Not yet. They're just trying to track us, and we're too far out of range for them to find us now."

"Are you sure ?"

" I’m positive, look!" She points at her ankle, and the bracelet stops glowing.

"You're right!....so does this mean!"

"That right where free, just like Papa always said we would be."

" I can't believe it was free; we are free! Moon shouts in excellent!

" Yes, finally free!" Star shouts. Both of them reach their hands up to the sky.

"But where are we going? Moon looks around. All I see is miles and miles of water."

"No worries, well, head north. Papa always said if we're ever lost or in doubt, head north."

"But which way is North? I can't tell everything looks the same."

Star stands up, optimistic and enthusiastic. " Well, use the Stars she points to the beautiful night sky. Filled with beautiful Stars."

"They are so pretty! Just like you, big sister!"

Star smiles, sits down, and rubs Moon's head. "Yes, but none of them light up my world like you do, moon!"

Moon pulls away. I'm not a baby anymore. "I'm almost 10”..

Star smiles. " I know, but you'll always be my little bright-eyed moon!"

Moon smiles, and you'll always be my big, bright, shining Star!" She jumps onto her sister's lap, embracing her. Star slowly caresses her hair.

The moon drifts to sleep in the Star's arms, and the star begins to drift off to sleep. A drop of rain broke her sleep. She looked up at the night sky. Storm clouds slowly encroach over the beautiful night sky. Flashes of lightning emit from the sky.

"This isn't good!" Star said, adjusting herself and laying Moon on the ground of the raft. She took down the rigged sale, covering her sister with it. The waves started to pick up. The once calm sea was now thrown into chaos.

Moon Wakes up for her nap. "Star, what's going on?"

“Moon, stay calm and stay down. It's just a little storm. We have to ride it out!"

The sky opens, and a deluge of water pours down on them. The waves become relentless, the boat is thrown into chaos.

The only glimpse of light comes in small spurts of flashes of light followed by the cracking sound of thunder. The storm suddenly subsides.

"Is it over?" Moon asks.

Before Star could answer, a single flash of lightning struck Without saying a word, she grabbed hold of her sister.

"Hold on to me don't let go !" Star said to Moon

Moon nods, closing her eyes tightly and wrapping her arms around her sister. Star does the same, closing her eyes and preparing to embrace the enviable.

A massive 24-foot wave emerged before them.

It come crash down on top of them.

The sounds of waves crashing on the beach

The sound of the crashing waves slowly rouses Star from her slumber. She slowly opens her eyes. Her body is heavy and weak. She slowly sits up, sand all over her face, body, and hair.

"Where am I? What happened?"

A jolt of panic rushes over her. "Moon! She jumps to her feet in a panic. She begins to run, not knowing where or what direction she's going in. She just knows she has to find her sister.

In the distance, a blonde figure lies on the beach. A few crabs gather together and climb on top of the od-shaped lump on the beach.

Star's eyes widen. "Moon!"

She rushes over. Moon was lying on her back, unconscious. Without a second thought, she started giving Moon CPR.

Moon! Come on, moon, don't you die on me! Come on! She shouts as she does chest compressions. She intensifies her chest compressions!

A low voice mumbles, " Stop, Star, you're hurting me."

Star stops, her eyes tearing up.

Moon opens her eyes. " I was only taking a nap.

Star laughs and sniffles, whipping away her tears and nose.

" I'm just glad you’re ok !"

" Of course I am. Are you ok?"

Star smiles and stands up. " Yes, I'm fine."

She looks around. A cloud of God surrounds the beach's waters, and a rainforest covers its interior.

What is this place."

"I'm not sure, look !" Star points to a mountain in the distance. “A mountain means fresh water. Let's get moving!"

They make their way into the Forest.


Star and Moon reach the middle of the island. They tumble across a beautiful waterfall at the base of a mountain with trees bearing all types of beautiful, colorful fruit. Tuns of bushes with colorful berries. Birds sing melodies of joy and peace. Whole monkeys chatter in the trees

"It's beautiful! Moon said."

"It's more than beautiful! It's our new home!"

The two sisters run gleefully toward the waterfall. They undress and jump in for a swim. They laugh and play, splashing each other with water.

The two sisters dash excitedly towards the majestic waterfall, their laughter echoing through the serene surroundings. With a sense of freedom, they shed their clothes and plunge into the refreshing waters, their playful antics creating ripples of joy. Amidst the splashes and giggles, their bond shines brightly, painting a picture of pure sibling bliss by the cascading waters.

After they bathe they bask in the sun. Star sits up and turns to her sister. " Are you hungry?"

"Yes of course I'm !" Moon shouts jumping to her feet!

"Well take your pick we've got an endless supply." Star gestures towards all the trees and berries.


Moon sits on a rock with her feet in the water, eating a handful of berries. While Star braids her hair.

Moon sighs.

"What's wrong, little one ?" S

tar asked.

" I wish we could stay here forever," Moon said.

" And we will! I'll never let anyone or anything take you from this place. This is our home." She kisses her Moon on the forehead and continues to braid her hair.

Suddenly, the mood shifts. The bird's song stops, and the monkeys go silent. Star takes notice.

"What's wrong, Star? "

"Something's wrong you don' tot feel that?" The birds stopped singing, and what happened to the monkeys!"

Moon looks around “Your right!”

Stars ankle bracelet Stars glowing and shaking.

"No! They found us! How ....this far out, it's impossible!" Star said in a panic.

On the beach, the warden and his men descend on the island. The warden holds the link of stones. It glows a bright green. It tugs and pulls.

"They are close, I can feel it. They couldn't have gotten far.”

The warder's men disperse, searching the beach.

Moon panics" I thought you said they couldn't find us this far out! "

They shouldn't have. I don't understand how they did it, but they did! Star looks down at her ankle bracelet. She sits down to try to pull it off, but it's no use; it's too tight. She looks around and grabs a stone. She slams the stone against the bracelet, but it's no use. She desperately tires but to no avail.

The sound of men shouting and dogs barking echoes in the distance.

They found us! Moons said. "I don't wanna go back. They can't make me !"

"You're not going to go back, she stands up. You're going to stay here and grow and live free and happy. "

"What do you mean they found us? They tracked us using those scary rocks."

"I know, and now that they're here, they won't leave until they find me.

"Star, no! I know what you're thinking. Don't even think about it!” Her eyes water up.

"There's no other way besides someone having to take care of Papa."

"But why does it have to be you? You can't just leave me here all by myself!"

"You won't be alone. I'll be with you every night. Just look up at the night sky, and I'll be with you!"

Moon grabs hold of her sister, sobbing. Star holds back her tears.

"I need you to be strong and brave. Things are going to be a little difficult, but I know you'll manage. And one day, Moon, I'll come find you!"

"But how we don't even know where we are !"

"Where sisters Moon and sisters can do anything..."

"When they set their mind to it !" Moon said, finishing her sister's sentence.

"Now, there's one more thing I need for you to do for me !" She looks her sister in the eye. Be brave, my bright-eyed moon. Her eyes wallow up with tears.

"Stay shining, my bright Star," the moon says, sobbing.

Star picks up a much larger stone.

A loud pop echoed through the rainforest.

The warden stands on the beach, still waiting for his men to return. The stone starts to glow even brighter.

"I've got something."

The sound of wrestling leaves and something dragging comes from the bushes. Star emerges, holding a large branch under her left arm. Her right ankle is broken, and part of the bracelet is broken off.

" You found me! " Star says, huffing and puffing. Took you long enough.

Star, my dearest! Where have you been? I've been worried sick! You had such a bright future ahead of you, but now you Damaged goods.”

"Save it!" Star snaps. We both know you don't care!"

"True. Where is your sweet, darling little sister?"

"She died out at sea.....the storm it....she held back tears... "She didn't make it."

The warden sighs. " Well, that's a shame. Hopefully, you've learned your lesson."

"Yes, I have. I'll never try to escape again. It's just not worth it."

The warden nods in agreement. "That's right, one escapes and lives to tell the tale." He pulls the green rock away from the link of stones. The star bracelet stops glowing along with the link of rocks.

"Well, let's not waste time; head home. Stars have a lot of work to do when we get back." He turns his back and starts to walk back to his ship.

Star takes a step and falls on her face.

The Warden stops and turns around. "What now?" He glances over at Star. Surprisingly, a small glimpse of empathy looms through his cold deminer. He quickly shakes it off.

" Your damaged goods, Star... not only that, you're a bad influence on the others. I'll have to keep a close eye on you personally. From this day forth, you'll be my personal servant. I'll be watching your every move, Star, and next time, I won't be so mercifully. Do I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly, sir. Thank you for your kindness. Star said.

The warden's men help Star to her feet and carry her to the ship.

Star looks over her shoulder and sees Moon hiding in the bushes. She whispers"I love you!"

Moon whispers, " I love you too!"

The men vanish from the beach and return to their ships, dispersing into the fog and returning to the sea.

Tears run down Moon's face. She holds out a piece of Stars ankle bracelet in her hand. She drops to her knees, holding her hands close to her chest, sobbing.

Five years later...

Moon, 15, is strong and agile. She's at home on the island, gathering food and reminiscing about the day the last day her big sister.

She sits and gazes at the night sky.

Suddenly, her necklace glows and tugs in all directions. Moon rushes to the beach, her heart racing. As she reaches the forest edge and emerges onto the open beach...

The night sky is illuminated with stars that sparkle like diamonds, accompanied by the bright, radiating full moon. Moon dashes onto the beach, looking around the sea.

Star stood a few feet away, holding a strand of glowing stones tugg

ing at Moon's necklace. She dressed similarly to the warden in big black boots, blue jeans, and a black button-up shirt with an upturned collar.

" I told you I'd find you, my bright-eyed moon."

June 07, 2024 04:59

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Paul Simpkin
10:36 Jun 13, 2024

A good adventure with lots of atmosphere. The phrase “sheep lost without a shepherd” makes me think of the bible but I don’t know if you were intending any spiritual significance in that part of the story.


15:42 Jun 13, 2024

No but the Wardes in his mind thinks he's someone like Jesus. Jesus was a kind loving man in the Wardens twisted mind he thinks he's doing the same.


Paul Simpkin
04:53 Jun 14, 2024

Thank you. That is very interesting.


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