
Submitted into Contest #109 in response to: Set your story during the night shift.... view prompt


Thriller Crime Drama

I walked in to begin my night shift, peaceful.

Outside, Garry, the place’s cat, was waiting for me. He started meowing happily when he saw me. Small moments like these reminded me of Bella. How she would always smile at the nice twinklings of life. 

I guess I was the only one who cared about Garry here. The others wanted him to get away, but he had already adopted the place. He knew he should stay outside, though.

My reflection on the glass door was looking at me. I looked calm, but I knew that it can dramatically and quickly change. 

I pushed the door and the bell rang. The place was completely empty, except for Leo who was standing at the cash register.

“Finally!” he cried. “Goodbye, sucker.” He said, jokingly. “Enjoy your night shift though. It should be boring and calming.” 

I sent him a tiny smile and he packed his bag quickly and left. I snuck into the kitchen to greet the cook with “hello” but he wasn’t there.

“Wait!” I called, suddenly.

“What?” Leo said, on his way out.

“Where is Luka?”

“Oh shit, sorry, I forgot to tell you”, he said, stepping inside again, holding the door. “He had to leave early, and Ted is relying on the not-very-giagantic number of people here tonight and your basic cooking skills. It’s a small coffee shop, you’ll be fine. Have fun!” He left before I could reply. 

Well, okay.

It was kind of a bummer to be on this boring night on my own, and I liked Luka. He was raussin, new in the country, and still hadn’t completely understood English. A very sweet and innocent guy.

I sighed, sitting on the chair next to the cash register. I wished I had brought a book with me. 

I decided to try my luck and went to the small cabinets to look for entertainment in the shape of some books.

Everyone had their tiny spots in the small cabinets. Mine was on the far most left, hidden.

I moved the black cloth I put on my spot (privacy, you know?) and saw something I was not expecting.

A note. 

I reached out and grabbed it.

“To Amaline” it said on the front.

I flipped it over.

“Give me meat”, it said, “-L” on the bottom.


No no no.

This can't be happening.

I knew exactly who it was from.

What do they want from me? To be back again? I left this world so many years ago. Ran away, actually.

But they have found me.

They want me to kill for them again, or destroy me.

The note fell from my hands, and I ran to the front of the coffee shop.

I was about to leave and run, but figured I should consider what I am about to do right now. I should not act out on impulses.

I started walking back and forth. The floor was creaking. What the hell should I do? I hoped I could start new. Step into a new world, innocent. But here they are.

Then it hit me and I was shocked I hadn't thought about it before. 


Larry ran away too. We planned it together.

After we ran, we conducted ourselves with different tactics. I figured I should stay in the same state, because it will never cross their mind that after I left, I did not run away as far as I could.

Larry was too terrified. He didn’t even tell me where he was right now, but I still had his phone number which he gave me for a true emergency.

Well, if this wasn’t one…

I walked fast to the cash register and took my phone. I looked for Larry in my contacts, and there he was. I hesitated and then pushed ‘call’.

It rang a few times, and I could see Larry in my mind trying to decide whether or not he should pick up. He must be scared. But at last, I could hear his warm voice saying, quietly, “Amaline”.

“Hey, Larry,” I said, drawing back the window curtains. “How are you?”

“I’ve been good,” he said.

“I’m so sorry to call you, especially because... I think you know why.”

“I hope not. What happened?”

“They have found me.” I tried so hard not to cry, but I felt my eyes tearing up.

“I’m so sorry, Amaline.”

There was a short silence.

“I just don’t know what to do.” I whispered, “You were the only one I could call.”

He hesitated, “Let me think.”

Another silence.

He talked again. “Do you remember, in our getaway, we were referred to some guy in case something like that happens. You’re still living close to the… thing, right?”

“Yes. And I do remember now, do you have his contact?”

“Let me search. I keep all things related to our past safe, away from sight. You don’t have it?”

“I think not. I think I threw it all away.” It was an impulsive moment, but I did not want anything in my life to be attached to these times.

There was another awkward silence while Larry opened what I could only assume was a safe, and searched through it.

“I think I found it”, he said. “It does not have any name, but there is an address. Can you write?”

“Wait a minute”, I looked for a pencil and a piece of paper on the table. “Yes, what is it?”

“4272 Thorn Street”

I wrote it down, folded the paper and put it in my pocket.

“Thank you so much, Larry. I promise not to bother you again.”

“It’s alright.”

I was going to hang up when he suddenly said “Are you okay, besides… you know?”

“Um, yeah.” I said, “I’m okay.”

“What about, you know, the... Bella situation…?”

I pushed my tears back and sighed. “I’m fine, Larry.”

“After everything that has happened with her, it is okay for you to call more often”, he lied.

“Goodbye, Larry.”

I hung up the phone.

Why did he have to bring her up, at this moment? He just wanted to be ‘okay’. As if he cared. Like he actually wanted to see or hear from me.

I sighed again. 

It’s time for action. I shouldn’t think of it right now. She’s not here anymore, there’s no reason to think about it. Don’t think about her. Stop.

I considered my next move. Will I wait for the morning?

No, I cannot.

F**k work.

No one was here anyway.

I stepped out the door quickly and locked it. I got into the car and drove to the address given to me. The stars were looking at me bright from the sky. It was dark.

I arrived at a nice looking house. It looked like a family home. The lights were still on, making me feel warm inside. I made my way to the door, opened the gate and stepped on the rock path. I arrived at the door and knocked three times. 

A guy in his thirties opened.

“Can I help you?” he said.

“Hey,” I said. “This address was given to me, I think you can help me.”

He understood immediately.

“Who is at the door?” A woman yelled.

“It’s a work emergency, darling, I’ll be there in a minute!” he yelled back. “Come with me.” he said to me.

We went through the garden. We got to a dark cabin, went in and then walked down the stone stairs. He took out a key and opened a room inside the cabin.

“No questions,” he said impatiently.

We got into a room that looked like a security room. There were many computers, humming away.

“Sit, please,” he said, sitting himself on a swivel chair. I sat down on a brown one.

“If you were sent to me, I suppose that you have run away too and now they are chasing you, ha?” 

I nodded.

“Well, you are in luck.” He smiled, with a bit of sadness, holding back. “I did too. But on my way out, I stole all of their security material. Therefore, I am safe. They are afraid, and cannot hurt me knowing that if they touch me I have a net of people who will publicize everything about them.” He said. “But, I can also help others that ran away, just like you. I have tons of incriminating material to send with you to them. Let’s-”

“Wait.” I stopped him. “I have to go back there?!”

“Well, yes,” he said. “They won’t believe you from afar. You also have to show them that you’re not afraid. Believe me, it worked every time I sent someone there. It’s safe. They will not hurt you so fast, not after you show them what I got.”

I felt the tears coming again.

“Wait,” I said. “So I want something special.”

He looked at me. I’m probably the first one to demand a specific record.

“They killed my sister, Bella.” I said. “I want to have the record of them taking her away. They did it infront of me, it was in the hallway. I want to have the proof that they killed her. To threaten to incriminate with this.”

He hesitated.

“Do you have the date?”

I knew it by heart and I told him.

He found it.

I saw Bella being dragged to the black room, the one I have never been allowed to go to, on the screen. The memory that has been living in my mind ever since. It was my greatest regret not trying to save her, but I assumed that because she was already in their hands she was on her way to die and I could only risk myself. I took comfort in the thought that I could not have saved her regardless.

“This is the one”, I said quietly. I wanted this to be over already.

“You are lucky you are not in the frame, you know”, he said, retrieving the tape and giving it to me. He hesitated for a minute. “Sorry for your loss.”

I released a small smile. “Thank you.”

“Well, there’s no time to waste”, he declared. “Good luck!”

“Wait, wait.” I said. “Are you sure there is no other option, one that doesn’t include me going there?”

“I’m sure,” he said. “Believe me, I’ve done it so many times for so many people now. It’s the best way.”

I nodded. “Ok.”

“Goodbye, happy to help you!” He led me outside of the room, then out of the cabin and I was back in the garden, making my way to the car.

I sat in my seat and pushed the mirror cover open. My eyeliner was still there, faded, as well as my lipstick. They mocked me. I put them on earlier in the evening, right before I made my way to the coffee shop, thinking it was going to be a regular night, maybe even going to the bar afterwards, perhaps meeting a guy. I wish these were my troubling issues now.

I covered the mirror again. Time to drive. Fast. 

I stepped on the gas pedal and the car rode to the “Factory”, as they called it.

I arrived at a red building. Their cover story involved a technology factory.

I arrived at the gate. I told the security man I’m here to see Lenny, and he almost opened the gate.

“Just in case, will you die of old age?”

I sighed, after all these years I still remembered the password. “Unless I’m trapped in a factory’s cage.”

He smiled and opened the gate.

I walked in to see the men in the entrance. It was red and white, like an ambulance.

I noticed that some of them recognized me, making faces. “Amaline!” said one of them, seeing the tape I held. “Haven’t seen you in a while!” It was Leonard. Lenny’s bitch.

I was terrified.

“I’m here to see Lenny,” I said, stuttering.

He made a fake brave face, making fun of me. “Ok,” he said, “I’m sure he will be happy to see you.”

He got up and took me by the hand through the hallway.

“What brings you back, darling?” he said. He was disgusting.

“Lenny contacted me again,” I said. “I’m here to show you all that you shouldn't mess with me. I’m done.”

He kept quiet and led me to Lenny’s room. “Good Luck!” he said, opening the door.

Lenny was already waiting. He was a big white man with a bald head and a big golden watch.

“Amaline,” he said, disgustingly. “I did not expect to see you again, not after you left with that filthy boy.”

“I got your note.” I said. “And I won’t be back in here. And I have something to show you that will tell you you should leave me alone.”

He smiled. “A note?”

“Yes. Your note.” I said. “About you wanting me to be back again and hunt your victims.” I said loudly. “Well, forget it!” I handed him the tape.

“Oh, these stupid tapes.” He took it, fed it to the tape recorder on the TV. Bella was shown being dragged to her death again.

“Well, that’s funny.” He said, smiling sickeningly. “It doesn’t really matter to me why you’re here. I’m just glad you are, because I promised myself that if one day I will see you again, there’s one thing I have to do. To show you, actually. And ironically, it’s this.” He looked at me right in the eyes, pushed a button and talked to a microphone. “Bring her in”, he said.

The door opened.

And she came in.


I panicked, in total shock.

She saw me and freezed.

“Bella,” I whispered. I tried to get closer to her but she stepped away.

“How dare you”, she said.

“I’m sorry?”

“After you abandoned me!”

My eyes pooled with tears. “Bella…”

“You see, Amaline,” Lenny started talking again, “Bella agreed to cooperate with us. We made a deal. We will make it look like we are taking her to die. If you follow her, we will let you both go. If you keep walking, we get to keep her. And guess what you did…”

“But…” I stuttered, “But she was already gone! She was in your hands! What could I do?!”

He smiled, walking around Bella, whose face was raging fire. he held her shoulder.

“Another thing that you want to say to your deserted sister before we’re kicking you out?”

“Bella…” I tried to make some kind of contact with her, but she stayed frozen.

“Okay, that’s it. Now you get to live with that.”

A bunch of men in black suits broke into the room and sprayed some kind of white powder on my face. I felt my head getting heavy and I had to lie down.

While I was on the ground, just before my eyes closed, I saw Lenny standing right on top of me, yelling. “And for the record, I did not send you anything. I don’t want you to be back here, not after you betrayed us. I’m just glad you came here so you could see what you left behind!”

While my head was spinning, my eyes finally closed.


I woke up next to the trash can by the coffee shop, Luka was tilting my head. 


I opened my eyes.

The skies were bright red. The sun looked at me from above. Next to Luka, Garry was scanning the trash can to see if he could find anything.

I tried to sit.

“Rough night?” He said with a calm voice.

“You have no idea,” I said, my heart beating fast while I was trying to remember everything.

“You don’t have to explain anything”, he said. “Let me make you a sandwich. Bacon is fine?”

I tried to smile so hard.

We went in and he walked into the kitchen while I sat on the table trying to hold my head with my hands.

“Der’mo,” he said with a russian accent. I knew very little russian but that meant 'shit'.

“Amaline, didn’t you buy meat?”

“What…?” I said quietly, trying to keep my eyes open.

“We ran out of meat.” he said, “I left you a note that says you need to go get some...”

August 29, 2021 18:58

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L Mack
00:48 Sep 09, 2021

I loved the surprise ending and the contrast bewteen the mundane coffee shop and her secret life!


14:35 Sep 09, 2021

Thank you!! :]


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