Golden Bangles

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Sad Fiction

Author's note- This may be a little grim. But this story was based on gruesome reality that did happen on the year 2003.

"I will get you the Bangles that you saw outside the store today"

"Liar", she said turning towards him.

"That's a promise. I will get them. As soon as I start earning."

She laughed. "And when's that?" she asked playfully.

"As soon as I go to Saudi", he said softly.

Smile in her face froze. Iraq?

He held her hand with both his hands. He moved his thumb in a circular motion on her hand.

"It's only matter of time. I will earn enough for us. I have to think about our marriage also", he gave her a slight nudge. "And I also have to clear the debt that father took. I am tired of seeing the debt collectors come and throw taunts at my family."

"If that's what you think is right", she said, her voice breaking.

"Will you wait for me?"

"Till I breathe my last breath", she said looking at him, with tearful eyes.



He gave a slight jump. A cold hand gripped his heart. He squeezed his eyes shut, tightly. Tear rolled down his left cheek. This was not what he had wanted. This was not what he had expected. All he had wanted was to give his parent a comfortable life .

And Sima?

Poor girl would be waiting for him. Waiting for him to take her in doli.


Another body fell.


He was happy with the work in Iraq. Laborer nonetheless, but it paid him well. It had been Three months since he had left his country to work in the desert. His hands had roughened , back scalded , but the money he earned was enough for him to pay for the debts. If he were to keep up this work, he could pay the debts in about six months.

He sighed.

He along with twelve other men, with whom he shared a room with , had dinner. They were about to sleep.

Before anything could make any sense, they heard a loud band.

The door broke. Masked men came grabbed them, dragging them out of the room.

What was happening. He tried to fight them off. Kicking , punching , as much as he could. He tried to look around him. It was pitch black. The masked men were many in number. Within minutes his hands was tied behind his back. And his face was covered with a black cloth. Someone hit him hard, behind his knee. His leg gave away. And with a thud, he fell on the ground.


He heard men whimpering around him, with every thud of body falling, these whimpers turned into wails.

RamaKrishna. RamaKrishna.

He started to chant. He didn’t know when will be his turn. All he could do was remember god. He slowly started to rock back and forth while kneeling.

 He felt a lump in his throat. He tried hard to swallow, but couldn’t.

Suddenly he felt a shard edge touch his throat.

It was time.


“ Promise me you will call as soon as you reach there”, his mother said.

“I will”, he said.

“And don’t worry about here , we will be fine. Take care of yourself. Eat in time. Sleep in time. Don’t eat out much. Come back home and then eat .”

“Mother don’t worry. You take care of father and yourself ”.


He gulped . His mother would be waiting for him. His father was depending on him, to clear their debts. His house had been mortgaged. His fields were dying in due to drought. His parents needed fund for a better irrigation. What would happen to them? Whom will mom sing her lullaby to? Who will buy father’s medicine? Who will bring back the goats and cows that have wandered in the forest nearby? Who will oil him mother’s hair, when she gets a headache? Who will fend his family from the debt collectors? Who will dye his father’s hair?

If not for whom, who will be their son, be their support in their old age .


He was only ten. The whole village was in a celebration mood. Two of their villagers had returned buck form a gulf country. They had brought big TV sets, radios and many suitcases. They even looked smart. Wearing dark shades, they walked even with a different swag. They spoke in English, broken, but english nonetheless. They told him stories of gold mine in the Gulf country. They said people over their were covered with gold. They even said their toilets were made of gold ,and studded with rubies. He had laughed at the idea, but still listened to all their stories in awe. Was whatever they told true? He wondered. Even he wanted the gold. He wanted to bring home big TV set. He looked up .An aero plane passed. Soon he will also be one of them , flying away from these huts towards the City of Riches.


Someone pulled his head back. The black cloth from his head was removed. He exhaled sharply. He opened his eyes. He was surrounded by sand. God please let there be a miracle. He didn’t dare to look around. He knew he couldn’t see his friends, in blood; dead.

The man that held his hair started to say something that he didn’t understand. The sun shone bright, hurting his eyes. He gulped , dry throat.

Hey lord ram.

His breathing slowed, chest heaving.

NONONO. Please no, he screamed internally. He wanted to cry out, but no sound came from this throat. Tears started to swarm down his eyes .

The chant stopped.

His breath stopped. A wave of coldness washed over him. A fear of darkness gripped him



He felt warm blood ooze out of his throat as he hit the ground, sand flying around him.

He blinked slowly. He gasped desperately for air . His body began writhe . Images started to flash in front of him.

His mother singing him a lullaby.

His father carrying him on his shoulder.

And Sima.

He was buying her the golden bangles that he had promised.

She was laughing , touching the bangles.

He smiled.

Voice of her laughter rang in his ears, oh the music.

December 26, 2020 08:34

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