Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a person experiencing pre-performance jitters.... view prompt



It was the day 13 year old Ivy Finn had been dreading in her entire life. She was supposed to star in her school's production of Sleeping Beauty as the leading role- Aurora. "I can't do this'' she whispered to her best friend Jess Martinez who was next to her in the dressing room of the auditorium of her school, and who was also, starring as the good fairy. '' don't worry Ivy, everything is going to be fine'' assured Jess and patted her on the head. '' I never even wanted to be a part of this whole production thing. I came here just because you dragged me here saying that I have to come out of my shell and stop being an introvert'' grumped Ivy. Jess replied '' oh stop being such a big blubbering baby, you're going to be fine. Now come on, I heard that after we grab some refreshments from the cafeteria and relax, the play is going to get started in another hour. Besides, they're serving veggie burgers for the cast along with apple juice which is your favorite drink. And don't forget about the cast party at my house after the play'' and stood at the doorway. '' Are you going to come or not?'' asked Jess raising her brows. '' I'll join you in a little while. You can go ahead if you want'' completed Ivy and managed to get her friend to leave her alone for a while. '' I need some fresh air to myself'' she sighed to herself and walked out of the dressing room clutching her script in her shaking hand. Ivy went to the soccer ground of her school and plopped herself on one of the benches there. She glanced at her watch to see how much time she had before the play. She still had 55 minutes left. ''perfect. maybe I can go over my lines another time and make sure I don't make a complete fool of myself in front of 400 people'' she thought. While she was revising her lines, she saw a small bright dash of light crash land near one of the goalposts of the soccer ground. Ivy was so surprised, she literally fell flat on her face and ran quickly to the bright dash of light. When she peeked from behind the goalpost, she gasped in surprise for it was a real live FAIRY fluttering her pretty silver wings in terror since she was stuck to a pole of the goalpost. '' hey, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I'll help you get free'' said Ivy comfortingly and lifted the goalpost. Ivy worked out a lot everyday and she was very strong for a girl. After Ivy lifted the goalpost, she was completely spell bounded by the tiny fairy's beauty and splendor. "Are you real?'' she asked the fairy breathlessly filled with awe. '' why, yes I am. Thank you so much for saving me but I feel so sad and depressed now'' replied the fairy forlornly in her high pitched melodious voice. '' oh no, why are you depressed?'' asked Ivy and the fairy replied '' well, it's because I lost my power crystal when a few ravens accidentally bumped into me and now it's missing. I don't know how to go back into my kingdom and grant wishes to people unless I have that crystal back on my wings. But the most important thing is, my magic in my wings will fade away and I will not exist anymore if I don't get back!''. Saying so, the little fairy started to cry in despair and distress. '' don't worry, I'll help you find it even though I still don't know what a power crystal means. Do you have a name, little one?'' asked Ivy gently as she placed the fairy on her knee. The fairy sniffed and replied, '' yes, I do have a name. my name is Celestia. What is your name?'' she asked and Ivy told Celestia her name. '' well, if we want to find this crystal of yours, we have to hurry since I have a play to be starring in another 45 minutes'' said Ivy. " Can you still fly?'' she asked Celestia and Celestia shook her head sadly. So, Ivy placed her on her shoulder and asked her where did she think her crystal was. The fairy closed her eyes as if in deep thought and replied after a few moments. "I think my crystal has fallen in a bird's nest on that orange tree. Will you please help me get it?'' she asked and Ivy nodded. Just then, they saw a magpie flying with something shiny in its beak and crashed with a thud on the window of Ivy's school principal and the crystal went right smack in the window in the office. ''oh no! my power crystal!'' groaned Celestia. She and Ivy both ran towards the office and climbed in through the window. '' my principal cant see me here or else he's going to expel me for sure'' said Ivy nervously. '' I feel like barfing'' said Celestina and continued, "Doesn't your principal EVER clean his office? pee-yew! its stinks like a rotten piggle pie!'' as Ivy laughed and told her that she didn't even know what a piggle pie was. Apparently, a piggle pie was sort of like a fruit that was square shaped but tasted like a pumpkin and according to her they can only be found in her fairy kingdom, Ellagra. They found the power crystal after searching for 10 minutes but alas, sadly it was broken and Celestia was so disappointed that she couldn't even cry. She just stared at it in complete disbelief and shock. The crystal was not too late to be mended and all it needed was some good old fashioned cloth to keep it together. Ivy ripped a large part of the glamorous dress she was wearing for her Sleeping Beauty skit and wrapped the crystal in it and then the crystal returned back to Celestia's wings. Celestia could fly again now and her magic has returned! she felt so elated that she decided to give Ivy a gift. When she asked Ivy what she wanted, Ivy replied, '' I wish i'm not starring in my school play''. Celestia was surprised and asked her the reason why and Ivy replied, ''its because I don't want people to think that I escaped from a circus by looking like a complete idiot if I forget some of my lines'' and whined like a 4 year old. Celestia smiled and said, ''you won't make a fool of yourself and here. I am giving you my memory stone so you will succeed in your play thing whatever that is and yes, you will need a new dress'' as she zapped Ivy with her power and BOOM! In an instant, Ivy was wearing the same dress and looked beautiful than ever and her posture and confidence came back to her. '' thank you so much for the memory stone and I will always remember you as an amazing friend.'' gushed Ivy to Celestia. Celestia invited her to come to Ellagra but on a condition that she should not tell anybody, not even her family about the existence of fairies and her kingdom. Ivy agreed and bade Celestia a tearful goodbye. Celestia vanished into thin air leaving behind her memory stone to an amazing friend who had helped her in a time of need. Ivy raced down to the auditorium where the play was being held and was thankful that she was just in time. she performed so well that the audience stood up and clapped for 5 minutes straight! she got the satisfaction that she had aced her play and had finally come out of her shell. Her best friend Jess had congratulated her for performing so well during the cast party at her house after the play ended. The entire crew of the production of the 'Sleeping Beauty' had gone over to Jess' villa and had celebrated on a job well done. The next day, when Ivy went to see her fairy friend at her kingdom, the guards tried to stop her but Celestia swooped in the nick of time and saved her from an embarrassing situation. Ivy had not seen any magic come from the memory stone and when she questioned Celestia about it, she burst into a fit of giggles and said, "I had to make you believe that because you were so unsure and insecure of yourself. you will exceed only when you have full faith and confidence in yourself and not even magic can help you gain confidence because the real confidence comes from within you, deep down from your heart'' and patted her chest. Saying so, both of them burst out laughing and had a really fun day tasting and seeing all sorts of things that didn't exist in Ivy's world. Ivy promised to visit again and went home. As she lay down on her bed, she got a feeling that what Celestia said was true: CONFIDENCE COMES FROM DEEP WITHIN THE HEART AND NO MAGIC, SPELLS OR SUPER NATURAL FORCES CAN HELP YOU IN GAINING THAT. As she thought of this, she let out a sigh and shut her eyes, drifting into a realm of nothingness and darkness...…...

July 11, 2020 11:16

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