The Perfect Mess

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



June 7th

Dear Diary,

Tonight, I dove back into the dating game for the first time in years, and I have to say, it went great!

I’m not sure why I was so nervous, considering it’s so easy to talk to him. Well, I should say text.

Maybe that’s why I got so nervous when we met for our first real date tonight.

Maybe that’s why I spilled the mint ice cream all over the front of my shorts as we sat down at our table outside the Baskin-Robbins. God, that was so embarrassing!

We’d known each other for all of 10 minutes, and I go and do a stupid thing like that…

But, he just chuckled and grabbed a few napkins from the counter before returning to the blue table with the pink and white umbrella. That timid half-smile tugged at the corner of his lips. God, those perfect lips that I wanted nothing more than to taste, right then and there.

As if he didn’t already look perfect, his personality was just molded to fit mine. The conversation flowed so easily, and the laughter came so freely. I had never found it so natural to talk to someone—to just enjoy their company.

I know it’s only the first date, and it’s silly to rush into anything like this, having been burned before, but I think I’m going to marry that man someday.

September 7

Dear Diary,

I am head-over-heels in love with this man. Today, he came by the office to visit me at work, only to sweep me away for a romantic lunchtime picnic he’d prepared himself.

“Happy 3-Month Anniversary, gorgeous,” he said, flashing that adorable yet debonair smile that was a home and an adventure all at once. “Sorry to kidnap you, but I can’t finish all these breakfast tacos myself.”

I had laughed so hard at that, because he just knew that breakfast tacos were my favorite, even if it was lunchtime.

The lunch itself was delicious, and the company even more so. We talked about the Marvel movies and how much we enjoyed watching them. A light debate broke out over who was the best superhero, and throughout everything, I couldn’t get rid of the enormous grin on my face.

It’s safe to say that I’ve found my soulmate. I mean, he even said those three little words when he took me back to work.

June 7

Dear Diary,

Wow! One whole year has flown by, and it’s been wonderful. Of course, not all of it has been bliss—the arguments always sting a bit, just because we can’t bear to hurt one another.

But that’s just it: these fights are different than past relationships. When we argue, it’s just because of a slight miscommunication or unintentional mess-up. It’s not me vs. him. Neither of us is out to get the other.

 It’s us vs. the issue, and that’s the differentiator here. We’re a team, a dynamic duo.

So things are pretty serious. I wonder when we’ll take that next step…

July 16

Dear Diary,

What a fantastic birthday present! He asked me to move in with him

today, and of course I said yes. I know everyone has been telling me that it’s a bad idea to move in together before marriage, but it’s our life, not theirs. I’m just excited to have my boyfriend at home—my sexy roommate.

I can see it now. Cooking together, decorating together, and those lazy Sundays where we spend a little too much time in bed…

It’ll be magical.

Anyway, we’ll be moving to the big city and sharing an apartment soon—I can’t wait!

August 3

Dear Diary,

Phew, I am so tired. I know it gets hot and humid here in the Midwest, but why does it seem so much hotter in the city? Maybe it’s the nerves—and the downright giddiness—I’m feeling, but I am exhausted after moving all those boxes and furniture into our little one-bedroom apartment.

Oh well, at least tonight, I get to snuggle up to him in our home.

September 4

Dear Diary,

I never thought a man shaving his beard could leave so much hair in the sink. Good lord, what a mess.

And is it SO hard to change out the empty toilet paper roll?!

September 10

Dear Diary,

Okay, so he can change the toilet paper out—but he put it on the thing the wrong way. AGH!

Oh who am I kidding. If being able to love him means changing the toilet paper or putting it on the right way, I would gladly do it, every time.

December 25

Phew, another holiday has come and gone, diary. He really liked his watch and new coat, and my gifts were just as nice—a necklace, a couple new shirts and two new Marvel movies I hadn’t bought yet.

And of course, there was another sappy letter with the gifts.

He always knows exactly what to say.

This has been the best Christmas of my life.

The greatest part about it all? Just waking up and opening presents with him. I’m glad we got our family get-togethers out of the way before the actual holiday, so we could have it to ourselves.

A part of me had sincerely hoped that, when he pulled out the box with the heart-shaped black and silver pendant, it had been a ring, but hey, maybe my brain is just rushing it all.

We’ve talked about it, and we both want it, but I don’t think we’re in any hurry.

Still, even as someone who’s never been particularly good at relationships, I can’t help but get antsy at this point. I know I love him, and I want to be with him.

The hardest part is waiting, I suppose.

June 7

Dear Diary,

It’s hard to believe he and I met 2 years ago. It’s like we’ve known each other all our lives. He’s truly my home—and I love him with every fiber of my being.

I’ll probably be writing two entries for you today, since I have the day off. Here’s why. I think something’s going to happen today!

He told me to dress up nice tonight, and he’s taking me someplace special after he gets back from his pitch meeting. It’s a little ways away from the city, and he said we have to drive there before they close for the night.

I guess I should go figure out what I want to wear. I should also do my nails, just in case, right?

June 7, pt. 2

Hey again,

He really is the sweetest. He took me all the way back to that Baskin-Robbins where we met, and we had the same orders we had that first time. We reenacted the whole thing—minus the disaster of me spilling it on myself.

We, of course, joked about that, and it was a perfect evening. We also got a nice, cozy hotel room for the night since we’re a few hours from our metropolitan home.

Alas, my hand is still ringless…

I don’t need to be worried about this, do I? It’ll happen soon, won’t it?

July 10

Dear Diary,

Work was great today—I got a promotion, and a raise! He was thrilled for me, and even scooped me up in his arms and twirled me around before pulling me in close. He congratulated me over and over again, saying how much I had deserved it.

Still, even with all the good news, something is missing, and I think I know what it is.

I have a plan—but I just need to wait for the right moment to act on it.

Tomorrow, I’ll stop by the store…

August 4

Today’s the day, diary. I’m going to go through with my plan today.

There’s nothing special about today’s date, no other obligations like birthdays or anniversaries. We both just agreed to have a nice picnic in our favorite nearby park and enjoy the nice weather.

I’ll write more later about how it went. =)


With one light, final push, the last bobby pin slid into place, securing my updo in its proper position. I used the mirror to glance back into the bedroom, seeing him don my favorite blue and gray button-up, his slender fingers fastening the final button. He’d left the collar flowing free and loose around his well-tanned neck.

He had on his nicest pair of blue jeans and his polished brown leather shoes.

I smirked to myself as I furtively watched him get ready, even if he had no idea what he was actually getting ready for.

I checked my own appearance in the mirror one more time, wanting everything to be flawless. My purple dress fit and trimmed my figure, the skirt flaring out from the waist. I’d donned a pair of silver strappy sandals for the day. My blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun, with small ringlets on each side. I’d put a bit more time into the bun than I’d have liked, but I wanted everything to be perfect.

I wrung my hands together a couple of times, careful to conceal my nerves from him. I grabbed up my purse where the important velvet box awaited its special moment and strode into the bedroom.

“You ready?” I asked him.

“Just about,” he said, rolling up his sleeves. “Did you need any help packing the picnic?”

I shook my head and slung the purse onto my shoulder. “Nope, everything’s ready to go. Just waiting on you. Like usual,” I said, a small smile on my face as I teased him.

He just laughed, as did I, before heading into the kitchen to snoop in the picnic basket. I sprinted in there to beat him to it, slapping his hand away. “Nuh uh! It’s a surprise.”

He gasped as I slapped his hand, feigning mock hurt. “Woooow, I see how it is.” He chuckled and moved away to grab his keys and wallet.


At the park, we picked out a hilltop and spread out the patchwork quilt I carried in my car, setting out the various food containers I’d spent the morning preparing: roast beef sandwiches, macaroni salad, and fresh watermelon.

There was also a bottle of pink champagne—what we drank for all our special occasions, just to be different—but I wouldn’t be popping that cork until later.

“Hmm, that food looks delicious!” He said, rubbing his hands together with glee. “I’m ravenous, since someone kept me in bed so long I didn’t get any breakfast.”

I cast a glance in his direction and then stuck out my tongue. “Oh, shush and get your food.”

He laughed and did as directed, piling meat onto a slice of bread, taking a heavy helping of salad, and two slices of watermelon. “Did you bring anything to drink?”

I withdrew two bottles of water from the basket and held one out for him before digging into the food myself.


After we’d finished the meal, I packed up the bits of food we had left and stacked the dishes back in the picnic basket.

As the moment to act approached, I felt my heart race. My throat got tight, the way it always did when I felt nervous. I wiped my hands on my dress, trying to clear the sweat from them. I glanced at my purse and then back at him.

He’d laid down across the blanket, an arm propped behind his head as he watched the clouds float past. I smiled; he looked so gorgeous and relaxed. That sight immediately put me at ease.

“Hey, let’s put this in the car and then go for a walk,” I said. In just seconds, he leapt to his feet and grabbed up the basket. So far, everything was going exactly as I’d anticipated.


We didn’t have to walk very far to get to the Baskin-Robbins on the other side of the park; the green area wasn’t huge, by any means. I stopped walking for a moment, squeezing his hand as I did so.

“How about dessert?” I asked.

He glanced over at me and reciprocated the squeeze. “Mmm, I’m down.”

“Great. Can you get it? I need to run to the restroom. And then I’ll grab us a table.” I explained. He nodded.

“Ooh, get our usual one,” he said as he walked toward the ice cream shop and disappeared inside.

“Okay, let’s do this.” I said to no one, inhaling sharply and steeling myself for what I was about to do.

I hurried to our usual table with a perfect view of the city skyline on one side, the park on the other. The pink and white umbrella shaded the table, and the trees in front of the ice cream shop hid the table from view until you walked around them.

I tugged the box from my purse and juggled it in my hands, feeling the nervousness again rising in my throat.


“Hey babe, got your favorite. Thanks for getting the table. And thanks for lunch. It was absolutely scrumptious—” He said before he came into view.

He stopped dead in his tracks as he came around the group of young oak trees. “What—”

I was already down on one knee, holding open that velvet blue box. Inside was a polished, white gold ring, offering that eternal promise.

However, as he'd come to such an abrupt stop, the momentum caused one of the scoops of ice cream to come free from its sugar cone, tumbling over his hand and down his front, splattering across his thigh and exploding into a green mass on his shoe. And the ground. “Ah, damn it.”

Despite the current situation, I laughed. It was too perfect, a mess destined only for the two of us. “Way to steal my thunder, babe! Jeez.” I, however, did not move from my current position, even if the concrete was digging into the flesh of my knee.

“How was I supposed to know you were going to propose, too?!” He asked, a laugh punctuating his question.

His statement caught me off guard, and my eyes snapped onto him from where I knelt. “Wait, ‘too?’”

“Yeah, I was going to be a bit more subtle about it, but then I went and spilled your ice cream on the ground…” He frowned as his explanation trailed off.

He knelt down and reached into the melting ice cream puddle to retrieve something, and from what I could see, the object used to be shiny.

My heart leapt in my chest, but I burst out laughing. “You’ve got to be kidding…”

He chuckled as well, glancing at me as I was still on one knee. His eyes switched from me to the ring in his hand and then back to me. At that point, his eyes were fixed, unwavering, but the gaze was the softest and most tender I’d ever seen on his face. There was that half-smile again.

“Well… now what? Not sure what the standard procedure is for this.” He said, shifting slightly. Nevertheless, down on one knee in his mint-chip-stained jeans, he held up the white gold diamond ring he’d selected for me. It, too, was half-covered in ice cream.

“On 3?” He asked.

I immediately nodded.

“1.” He said.

“2.” I said, feeling jittery and all too excited.

“3!” We both practically shouted.

Our names being said at the same time sounded like a garbled mess, but when we hit the first word of the question, we’d reached absolute harmony.


August 4th, pt. 2

Dear Diary,

By the way, in case you were wondering, we both said, “Yes!”

July 11, 2020 03:41

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Monica G
15:57 Jul 18, 2020

I love everything about this story! I love the diary entry format, I love your writing and I love the ending! Well done


19:24 Jul 18, 2020

Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed it. I wanted to do something a little different than what I'm used to - never really branched into the epistolary style before. ;) Thx for reading!


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Sarah B
15:40 Jul 18, 2020

Such a wholesome story!! I loved how you broke up the story with her diary entries. It was a great way to pass a lot of time in the story. It read very well! I love how they went full circle and on the first date, she gets ice cream all over her and now he did. I also liked how she got a ring as well, taking things into her own hands! Like a boss


19:22 Jul 18, 2020

Bahaha the ice cream thing in the first date is actually based on true events - I did that when I met my man. 😂 As for the rings, sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands! ;) Thanks for reading! Appreciate it. ♥️


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