Adventure Christian Teens & Young Adult

“Results and Roses”

By Edgar Guest

”The man who wants a garden fair, or small or very big. With flowers growing here and there, must bend his back and dig. The things are mighty few on earth that wishes can attain. Whatever we want of any worth, we’ve got to work to gain. It matters not what goal you seek its secret here reposes:

You’ve got to dig from week to week to get results or roses.

Dig. Probe.Pray. Repeat.

Dig. Probe. Pray. Repeat.

Dig. Probe. Pray. Repeat.

Dig. Probe. Pray. Repeat.

Union is strength with the best people. Generally imperfect individuals who have a common goal of peace and intention of more harmonious moments than non-harmonious moments.

Platforms used to be worn to raise us up. Raise awareness. Raise our confidence. Raise us up to feel taller than we really feel, really are, and lift our voices so we could be heard. Louder. Better able, more capable to project our message, our messes and our messy messages to others in the spirit of camaraderie of voice.

Bringing sound to the lips of the voiceless, lifting their voice, their strength. Perhaps the modern, trendy, useable term today is Influencer.

With great power comes great responsibility as well as a hint or clue that one knows about the subject they profess to speak about. Otherwise, noise and static is all that may be heard, out there. The wine becomes watered down, the chips now crumbs of hopes destined for the bottom of the bag.

It is ok to be hack—to not be so polished, stutter or stammer over and over about this or that. Lack of skill and care does not automatically mean a clumsy doofus of a guy or gal. Trust me. Have tripped over my fair share of circumstances and situations and have learned a boat load of lesson in the process.

The process CAN be the punishment. (Bs) It is more foolish than wise to hasten the moment just to hasten the moment. Haste makes waste and a whole ‘nother set of oopsies and problems and “help me figure it out” moments. It is ok to admit that we do not know everything, all things, nothing. It is better to give up the control-to-know and defer—to a smarter individual.

To hasten is to make something happen sooner or more quickly. Like induction before production. Poor medical treatment can indeed hasten a person’s death. Their life.

Hasten is also to make clear. If life were only that simple, we would all be cruising on our yachts and basking in the sun of perfect temperatures. We all feel against the clock from time to time.

Alacrity is not for the weak.

Cheerfulness has a place. A wide open space. And a ready and willing attitude of “Let’s get to the bottom of the top of this”. Speediness is a part of the process, provided the process to this point has uncovered facts and figures of momentous moments.

It is still near impossible to get blood from a turnip. Either pity or extend aplomb to those that keep on giving it a try. Sure beats apathy.Not caring. But what of the person who only sees the “S” with the the straight line through it?

IE: $

Opportunists are out there and may be fearful of breaking their back—-but not yours. Sad. And. True. Sometimes. Impasse or impassivity? Who really knows what dwells deep down in someone’s soul. Lack of remorse. Lack of feeling. Who does know?

One must be willing to take action to right a wrong. Messy or not. And those that stand around and watch apathetically are most likely the ones with the good backs, but not necessarily the best hacks. Messy is as messy does. Does not automatically mean care-less.

Apathy is a lack of feeling or emotion, interest, or concern about something. It is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation or passion. The challenge is the feeling, the skill level is found somewhere in the depths of a meaningful life.(Wk)

If there is a will, there is a way. To make it better. Life more meaningful. More beautiful. Don’t embellish the story, paint the lilly, or be twiddling one’s thumbs to pass the time. Take the time to improve the time. Positioning oneself at the beck and call of another is surely a poor use of time, may be even a waste of time.

Choose carefully. Choose wisely, how you will spend your time. Minutes of our day are precious and should never be wasted.

A penny for your thoughts. In the hands of some is solid gold stuff. In the hands of others, gossip, rumour innuendo. Strive to become a good and honest influencer, lest you become the one who cannot take action, frozen in boots, unable to come out of the shell of your own creation…waiting around with nothing to do but do. Leadenly feeling as though there is nothing more to do, nothing more to accomplish.

A tedious mix of uninspiring, soul destroying insipidity. Yuck. And. Yikes. Trials and weariness can side line us right back into our shells, corners and denials. A passage from affliction to consolation (PF). Find an irrepressible joy, something that burns in your heart.

Seek to find.


Reciprocal Trust.

Trust among individuals and peoples.

Make haste. In this situation, the best case for haste to make!

Make haste to surmount our conflicts and divisions, and open our hearts to the greatest in need (pf) Pursue paths of peace.

Tripping over a rock, tripping over ourself, stumbling over a rail, or stumbling over our words. Best to make haste to right a wrong, learn the invaluable lesson. Rediscover the joy of the journey instead of the weary apathetically influenced message.

Summon the energy needed and necessary to advance in goodness towards Goodness itself, which never disappoints. (pf)

Be encouraged. Not discouraged. Courage is the absence of fear. The gift of reciprocal trust and deep and true friendship.

Happy Easter.

Happy Passover.

Happy and Good Days. 🙂

April 10, 2023 03:47

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