
”You have been freely given, so you also freely give. Don’t be greedy with your knowledge. Share it.” These are the words that crossed her mind and guided her daily. Her name was Raquel. She was a member of the cryptozoologist society and made it her life goal to find mythological creatures that were spoken about in folklore and ominous creation tales. 

Raquel came from a small tribe located in the Southwest. She had heard tales from her grandparents about creatures that had been observed over the years. Tales and origin stories that fueled the ever-burning yearn in her soul to see and discover. One story in particular from her grandfather always stayed in her mind. It was about the Lochness Monster.

"We believe that what the world refers to as the Lochness Monster, is actually one of our most sacred spirits. It's part of the sacred serpents that hold the world in balance. If we disturb its peaceful existence, then we also will disturb the earth's harmony.” 

It was set in her mind then, that if she was to discover and set her life to witness this magnificent creature, that she must do in accordance with her grandfather's teachings and seek not to harm the creature or gain from its existence. 

Money was never much to Raquel, she was raised in a house that had a $15,000 annual income, and she never felt like she was poor at all. Her family taught her the things in life that were important, peace, family, integrity, and balance. This is all she wanted in life.

All of this she reflected on while she sat on an airplane leaving the U.S. and heading to Scotland where she would get a chance to possibly witness this miraculous creature. 

While there are modern approaches in which one can utilize to try and identify when and where the creature is, they all tend to miss the mark when trying to identify and make contact with the creature. Raquel had a different approach with regard to this. Her grandfather made a suggestion to her.

“If desiring to communicate with this creature is what you seek, then you must do so in a way the creature can respond to your request. Take our sacred cornmeal, and offer to our Father Sun and Father Moon. Make an official request to the sacred serpent, and give it four days to respond, as this is the sacred number for this world.”

As soon as she arrived in Scottland, she made her way straightway to the lake Loch Ness. She called a buggy and began her descent to the lake. A more beautiful country she hadn’t seen. The green pastures that turned into green meadows and mountains were ever caressed by a soft wind that glided over all. Seemingly dancing, it made Raquel feel welcome. As she drew closer and closer to the lake, she began to become more and more nervous.

”What if I say something wrong, what if I mispronounce the words in my prayer?” Raquel didn't grow up speaking her language but came to learn it later in life with her grandparents, and elders. You see, the sacred language of an indigenous person is like their weapons, their spiritual equipment. Saying the right words in the time of need could unlock wisdom from ancestors stored in time. But one of the most important tenets of being indigenous is you must ask to become enlightened. Modern-day doesn't really understand and conform to this notion as things are all so readily available at a moment's notice via phone, website, etc. 

With that, Raquel was still nervous. She recalled another thing her grandpa told her. 

“However much you have been given, that is what you use. However much knowledge you were able to get from your grandpa’s, grandmas, aunties uncles, and parents, that is what you lead with.”

She knew that while she might stumble with the words, her ancestors would be pleased and happy to greet her wherever she was. That is what we must remember. 

With that thought in mind, she was ready to make her offering to the “Monster.” The vehicle pulled up to the shore. It was an open spot where there was the crumbling of an ancient building, where some walls still stood intact. She walked near the shore and looked out at the vast expanse of water that laid before her. The lake was 22 miles long. No wonder no one could ever pinpoint the location of the evasive creature. 

As she approached and drew toward the lake, she paused on the beach and felt a sudden sensation. This sensation could only be described as a feeling that one gets we are not alone, and when you are in the presence of something sacred. She knew this feeling as she had it before. When there are traditional and ceremonial events occurring, there is a huge cloudlike spiritual haze that engulfs everyone around it and it creates this satisfaction in your soul. She knew that this was the right time to make her offering.

She pulled out her prayer feathers that her grandfather had prepared for her, tobacco, and cornmeal. She began to dig a hole. The prayer feathers, in making the request, must be buried in the location in which you desire for the request to occur. The tobacco is an offering calling the spirits to your location and also an offering for the spirit you are making the request to. And the cornmeal is the most sacred part. For in our tribe, we are children of corn. It provides for us, sustains us, blesses us, and is our connection with ancestors of old.

 She lit the tobacco and laid it on the ground. She then took a handful of cornmeal and began to pray.

“Hear me, I am a named Yellow Corn Maiden of the Sun Clan. I am grateful that I have been able to come here to this place. I now ask the great water spirit that you allow me to see you, and that you bless me and my family. You are our ancestors, and you have kept the world in balance for us. Please continue to bless the world, and keep things in balance. Please accept this offering.”  After finishing her prayer, she breathed on her hands and pulled her inwards towards her chest. This was an indication that her request came from the heart, and that she will accept whatever outcome is offered. 

Now she remembered what her grandfather said. The request will be made within four days of the location the request took place. She departed to her cottage for the night. She came back the first day, nothing happened. She came back again the following night, and still nothing, She began to grow antsy, doubting that her prayer in fact worked.

The third day came and went, and still nothing yet. She was deeply disappointed in herself. “Surely I said something wrong. I must’ve mixed up my words.” She doubted herself and her abilities. But, as her grandfather said, it had four days to respond. With that, she went back to where she had made her request and waited. She looked out at the still water and noticed that it was uncomfortably still. The sun shone on the lake, bringing a blinding bright shimmer. It was as if the sun was shining on diamonds! 

Then a low noise erupted from the water. It sounded much like a rusty old ship getting ready to sail out on the seas. Still, the water was calm and undisturbed. Nancy than noticed that something began emerging from the water. It looked to be like a feather, like a feather she had prayed and made her request with! It seemed to be dancing all by itself! Then slowly it began to be clear that the feather was attached to a tail. The tail was as long as two school buses!

More and more of the creature began to emerge! It was not in the shape of an ancient dinosaur, more serpent like in its posture. Its body was shiny and grey. It was more of a greyish blue color. Its head had an arraignment of what appeared to be red fathers circling its head like the sun! It was in fact a sacred serpent as opposed to a dinosaur. 

"I can't believe it. It's real." Raquel uttered. 

“Thank you sacred serpent. Thank you for letting me see you. Please do your duty and keep this world in balance. Thank you for blessing me and my family.”

It seemed as though to understand what she said, as she finished her prayer, it let out a loud deep moan, and plunged back into the water. Shook from her experience, Raquel fell to the ground and again gave thanks. She would go home to tell her grandpa what she had witnessed. 




May 16, 2020 03:34

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Noor Ahmed
01:20 May 21, 2020

LOVE it!!


Corey Herrera
18:18 May 21, 2020

Thank you Noor A!


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