
18th March 2020


Ellie:      you seen the news?

Kay:       no

             what’s it saying

Ellie:      school’s shutting on friday

Kay:       no way

             just our school or

Ellie:      no all schools

Kay:       wow

             that’s crazy

Ellie:      ikr

Kay:       what do you reckon will happen with exams

Ellie:      idk

             I bet mr chanandra’s pissed

Kay:       yeah lol

23rd March 2020


Kay:       omg did you watch boris

Ellie:      yeah mad innit

Kay:       what are we meant to do

Ellie:      idk

             my dad just left to go pick up Hannah from uni

Kay:       really

Ellie:      yeah she’s by herself cos all her housemates left and she just called and was like what do I do

             and she didn’t want to be here cos she was working in the library but then that shut

             and she doesn’t want to be in lockdown by herself

Kay:       yeah that’s understandable

             what are we gonna do tho fr

Ellie:      idk it’s gonna be boring asf

Kay:       it’s been weird not seeing you at school and it’s only been a day idk what I’m gonna do

Ellie:      I know

Kay:       are you gonna see Alex at all?

Ellie:      idk we’re texting but I guess we’ll see

             how’s your mum doing?

Kay:       she’s taken Lolly for a walk

             she didn’t really say anything

Ellie:      yikes

Kay:       yeah

Ellie:      she sounds worried

Kay:       yeah

Ellie:      do you think she is?

1st April 2020


Ellie:      lockdown’s over!!!!!!!!!

             april fools no it isn’t I’m going insane send help

Kay:       hahaha

             is Hannah still driving you crazy

Ellie:      jfc is she ever

             like I know uni is so great and you don’t want to be here but me neither and I’m not moaning

Kay:       well you are

             just to me

Ellie:      don’t @ me

Kay:       lol

Ellie:      can I have a pic of Lolly I’m feeling deprived cos I can’t see her

Kay:       ofc hang on

Kay sent a photo.

Ellie:      yess I love her

14th April 2020


Kay:       have you done the maths yet

Ellie:      lol of course not

             is it hard

Kay:       it’s so hard

Ellie:      noooooooo



Ellie:      yikes it’s really hard innit

Kay:       I did tell you

Ellie:      yeah but it’s really hard

Kay:       omg I know

Ellie:      lol sorry

             do you wanna facetime and do it together

Kay:       I’m busy sorry

Ellie:      ah nw

15th April 2020


Ellie:      how are you doing

Kay:       I’m okay

             how are you

Ellie:      good

             I’m alright

             how’s your mum

Kay:       she calls grandma every day

             I think she’s really stressed

Ellie:      yeah

Kay:       how are your parents

Ellie:      they’re okay

             my mum has bought about ten tons of hand san

Kay:       wow

             how’s she managed that

Ellie:      ah she ordered it a while ago it’s just arrived

Kay:       oh okay

Ellie:      alright so Hannah’s started baking bread

Ellie sent a photo.

Kay:       nice

Ellie:      my dad keeps asking her to make fig and fennel bread

Kay:       what’s a fennel

Ellie:      idk like a herb

             but we don’t have it

             or figs

             so I don’t know how she’s supposed to make the bread

Kay:       oh haha

             classic your dad

Ellie:      yeah pretty much

Kay:       I feel like everyone’s doing all this self improvement in lockdown

             the only thing I’ve improved is my pasta consumption

Ellie:      hahaha you don’t have to be doing loads though

             there are loads of things going round now like ‘you’ve got time to do everything now’ but

             idk it’s a pandemic innit who isn’t spending 5 hours a day so stressed they can’t move

Kay:       I’ve gotten so fat tho how has it only been a month

Ellie:      no don’t say that about yourself hun

Kay:       it’s true tho

Ellie:      you gotta love yourself tho

Kay:       who says

Ellie:      me

             it’s the law

Kay:       lol okay guess I have to

Ellie:      yeah you do

3rd May 2020


Kay:       happy birthday to your dad!!!!

             actually nearly forgot lol don’t tell him

Ellie:      thank you from him!

             hahaha I didn’t dw

Ellie sent a video.

Ellie:      he’s drunk all his lockdown wine now

Kay:       omg David are you okay

Ellie:      he’s worse than you at prom

Kay:       noo omg don’t bring that up with me pls

Ellie sent a video.

Ellie:      what song is this he won’t tell us but he also won’t stop singing

Kay:       oh it’s mr blue sky hahaha

             by elo

Ellie:      oh he’s mad now I don’t think he thought we’d get it

Ellie sent a video.

Ellie:      look at him pouting

Kay:       he’s so funny

Kay sent a video.

Kay:       Lolly is much less exciting than your dad

Ellie:      but she’s SO CUTE so we forgive her

             are you in bed

             bit early for you

Kay:       mum’s started going to bed at like 9

             I didn’t want to watch telly downstairs cos it makes lots of noise

Ellie:      ah okay

Kay:       so now I just sit on my laptop and watch drag race all night

Ellie:      hahaha goals

             my mum has started watching the crown and now we all have to sit and watch it

Kay:       oh is it good

Ellie:      no

Kay:       oh



Ellie:      sorry I missed your message dad made garlic bread

             we’re going to bed now so talk tomorrow

             night night

Kay:       night

8th May 2020


Ellie:      is it diamond or diamond

             hahaha autocorrect got me nw


Kay:       lol

14th May 2020


Ellie:      so can you go see your grandma now lockdown’s lifted?

Kay:       well I guess legally yeah but my mum’s beside herself

Ellie:      rly?

Kay:       I think she’s worried we’ll catch it on our walk over or something and then give it to her

Ellie:      but you’re not going inside?

             like go through the gate into the front garden and chat to her through the window?

Kay:       yeah I think she’s just stressed about it



Ellie:      omg yay!!!

Kay:       I’m so excited

             I wanna bring her something but my mum vetoed it

Ellie:      yeah

             do you have masks and stuff

Kay:       yeah we made some out of that old bedsheet material my mum kept

Ellie:      haha finally made use of it

Kay:       yeah it’s like older than me lol

             okay we’re going talk later

Ellie:      talk to you later

             have fun!!!

22nd May 2020


Kay sent a photo.

Kay:       finally had to get a lockdown haircut

Ellie:      oh no


             bless your mum

             good thing you’re not allowed out innit

Kay:       pretty much

             it’s bad isn’t it

Ellie:      nooooo

             like it’s not perf cos obvs your mum isn’t a hairdresser

             but tbf it’s defo better than my mum could do

Kay:       hello boys it’s me

             how am I meant to stop being single with this haircut

Ellie:      hahahaha

             idk maybe someone could like you for your personality or something

Kay:       sounds fake lol

Ellie:      haha

1st June 2020


Kay:       what is boris doing

Ellie:      honestly at this point who knows

Kay:       ofc you can send six year olds back to school they don’t lick people for fun

Ellie:      lol basically

Kay:       oh I also nearly forgot to tell you

             I got tinder

Ellie:      ???

             lol why

Kay:       I saw all these vids of couples meeting over tinder and doing facetime dates

Kay sent a link.

Kay:       look

             it’s cute af

             I want that

Ellie:      haha not super realistic is it

Kay:       hey don’t shame me for being a romantic

Ellie:      idk I’m just saying surely you need to meet someone irl before you can date them

Kay:       facetime dates Ellie

             you meet on facetime

             it’s basically the same

Ellie:      lol sure okay

Kay:       lol are you mad

Ellie:      why would I be mad

Kay:       I don’t know

Ellie:      can’t be then can I

Kay:       what’s the deal

Ellie:      it’s fine

Kay:       what’s fine

             you okay?

3rd June 2020


Ellie:      sorry

Kay:       it’s okay

             do you wanna talk about it

Ellie:      no


7th June 2020


Kay sent a photo.

Kay:       she’s trying to eat the ball

Ellie:      awwh

             Lolly is the most precious

9th June 2020


Ellie:      do you wanna facetime tonight?

             miss you

Kay:       I actually have a date sorry



Kay:       are you mad?

10th June 2020


Ellie:      how was your date

Kay:       it was fine

             he was a bit weird

             I don’t think we’ll meet up again

Ellie:      okay

Kay:       you alright?

Ellie:      yeah course


Kay:       did you want to facetime tonight?

13th June 2020


Kay:       I think grandma’s gonna come live with us for a bit

Ellie:      really?

Kay:       yeah mum’s too worried about her still being by herself

             I think she’s scared she’s gonna go crazy or something

             and then if anything else happens at least she’ll be with us

Ellie:      yeah

Kay:       how are you doing?

Ellie:      I’m fine

             not much happening yknow

Kay:       yeah

16th June 2020


Kay sent a photo.

Kay:       Lolly is SO EXCITED so see grandma it’s the cutest

Ellie:      awwwh

             is your grandma doing okay

             glad to be at yours I imagine

Kay:       yeah it’s nice for us to all be together

             I think my mum’s feeling a lot better

Ellie:      that’s good

             do you wanna facetime sometime?

Kay:       yes would love to

             not tonight cos grandma’s first night

Ellie:      ofc yeah

Kay:       tomorrow?

Ellie:      sounds good

17th June 2020


Ellie:      ready whenever you are!

Kay:       just having dinner

             20 mins?

Ellie:      cool nw


Kay started a call.


The call ended.

Kay:       you okay?

Ellie:      sorry not feeling great

             I might go to bed

             it was great to talk though let’s do it again soon

Kay:       yeah that would be great

             don’t be sorry

             can’t help being ill

             sleep well xx

18th June 2020


Kay:       don’t take this the wrong way

             did you get upset last night cos I talked about Alex

             I feel like the second I mentioned him all the colour drained out of your face

             has something happened? did you guys break up?


Ellie:      yeah we did

Kay:       no way I’m so sorry

Ellie:      no don’t be I broke up with him

Kay:       really?

             what happened?

Ellie:      idk I just

             it’s really complicated

Kay:       take your time it’s okay


Ellie:      I like someone else

Kay:       really?!

             …should I be excited?

Ellie:      idk

Kay:       who is it?

Ellie:      you’re such a gossip lol

Kay:       …

             you didn’t get tinder over lockdown did you?

Ellie:      haha as if

Kay:       is it someone from school then

Ellie:      omg stop!

Kay:       just asking lol

             sorry I’ll stop if you don’t want to talk about it

Ellie:      hey so apparently you can watch films and have video chat at the same time on discord

             fancy watching something?

             my parents just got disney plus to watch hamilton so we could watch anything disney

Kay:       ooh can we watch treasure planet

             I have a mighty need

Ellie:      hahaha yeah sure

             like 8 oclock?

Kay:       yes let’s do it

             need to get discord lol

Ellie:      haha same


Ellie:      my dad opened the wine again

Ellie sent a video.

Kay:       …did you have some?

Ellie:      maybe hahaha

             drunk treasure planet yeah bois

Kay:       you’re so bad!

Ellie:      it’s happening it’s too late

             you can be drunk too?

Kay:       maybe I’ll get a cider lol

Ellie:      YAY

             see you in 10


Kay:       did you end the call by accident?


Kay:       you’ve been typing for like ten minutes are you alright


Ellie missed Kay’s call.

Kay:       Ellie are you okay

             do I need to call your mum

Ellie:      I’m fine I’m sorry

Kay:       don’t be sorry it’s alright

Ellie:      I’m gonna go to bed

             I’m too drunk

Kay:       oh okay

             night night

Ellie:      night love you

26th June 2020


Kay:       hey I’m going on a walk

             wanna be 2m away in the park?

4th July 2020


Ellie:      hey

Kay:       hey

             you okay?

Ellie:      so I have something to tell you

Kay:       yeah?

Ellie:      about the person I like

Kay:       okay


Kay:       you don’t have to tell me it

             if you don’t want to

Ellie:      I do want to

Kay:       okay


Kay:       can I say something

Ellie:      yeah ofc

Kay:       if it’s stressing you out I don’t want you to tell me

             tell me when you’re ready

             I won’t press it

             I don’t mind

             I don’t need to know

             we’re still friends just as much even if you don’t tell me all your secrets

Ellie:      I do want to tell you

             it’s just difficult

Kay:       I know

             so wait until it isn’t

             it’s okay


Ellie:      I love you

Kay:       I love you too

August 07, 2020 19:07

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