Romance Drama

As the sun peaked through her curtain she felt its warmth on her skin. Slowly opening her eyes, she rolled to plant her face into the pillows that filled her empty bed. “Mmmhmm, not yet.” she mumbled, refusing to accept the verity that morning had come once again. She snaked her hand though the blankets searching for her phone. “7:56! I’m late, again!” 

Jumping out of bed she quickly slipped into the black jeans she had dropped on the floor the night before and grabbed her lavender wool sweater from the pile of clean clothes she had put off putting away for the third day in a row. She was scheduled to meet another client looking for their dream home at 8:00 am. She did herself a favorite by moving into the townhouse that was only 4 minutes from The Barista Cafe two months back. It was her favorite little cafe to meet clients in. 

As she rushed down the street, she threw her long, fiery red hair into a high pony. Combing through her bangs, she quickly checked her self in the flower shops window. “Yep! That will do.” she spoke to herself popping in a piece of peppermint gum to cover up her morning breathe.

Approaching the cafe, she checked her phone, “Only 8:05! Record timing!” She peered around, looking for the german couple she was meeting. They were no where in sight. She let out a sigh of relief, at least they were later than her.

“Morning Angel” spoke Alex the cashier, “Your usual?” 

“Please, and throw in an extra shot. Had another late night checking out potential properties.” she answered trying to catch her breath from the jog to the cafe.

“Find anything worthy of your business?” 

“Actually, I came across this beautiful Gable-front home out on Widows St.! Oh Alex it was absolutely stunning. Dark blue with—“

“Sorry to cut your off Angel but I believe your clients just got here.” Alex interrupted her as a tall couple walked in the door. The cafe ran on regulars, anytime Angel was there and someone new walked through the door, they immediately assumed it was for her. 

“Thats them! Mind putting this on my tab and I’ll run by and pay you later?”

“Sure thing, good luck!”

“Thanks man, I’m going to need it today.” She giggled back, taking her macchiato and heading for the door.

“You must be Mr. and Mrs. Schnider"

“Oh please call us Emilia and Finn” replied the wife. “We are so very excited to look at houses but we are on a bit of a time restriction today, would it be possible for us to go ahead and go?”

“Of course, let’s head to the first home. Its actually right up the street only 5 minutes, I figured we could walk and then take my car from there? It will give us time to talk a bit more about you both!”

“Perfect, lead the way.”

Emilia opened the cafe door and held it as Emilia walked out followed by Finn. A gush of wind blew through right as Finn passed through the door enhancing the smell of his Axe aftershave. It crept passed Angels face. She immediately transported back to the summer of 2012.

It was a hot summer evening. She was only 17 and was staying at her best friends for the week. Both sets of parents had left to go camping and the girls had the 3 story mountain cabin to themselves. Stella, Angels best friend was 18 and had been secretly talking to a 20 year old. The girls were headed to meet up with him at one of his friends hunting properties. They were planning on going to the water hole and swimming underneath the stars.

“Now Matt is bringing his friend Bo so you can hang out with him while Matt and I go off by ourselves ok?” Stella yelled over the sound of We Are Young by Fun blasting into the night air through the open windows.

“Don’t you think he’s a little old for me? I mean I am only 17 Stell!

“No girl! He’s still 19 and that’s only 3 years. Anyways, you don’t have to do anything. Just keep him busy so I can have some alone time with Matt!”

“If you say so!” Angle replied as the song switched over. 

Luke Bryan’s voice came over the speaker singing “Hey girl, go on now!” The girls broke out into song as they pulled off onto the side of the back road and shut the car off. 

Stepping out Stella yelled “MATTY!” when she spotted him next to the jet black Chevy Silverado parked in front of them.

Laughing Matt picked Stella up into a hug. “This is Boston” he introduced the tall guy that was walking around the side of the truck.

“Howdy there, you can call me Bo. And who is this fine lady?” he said looking over at Angel.

“I’m Angel, it’s nice to meet you.”

“Ok ok, enough small talk, let get down the trail and into the water!” Stella interrupted.

The group laughed, locked their doors and headed down the path. 

For the next two hours they took turns jumping off the rocks, racing front end to end, and playing Marco Polo. Matt and Stella were definitely not getting further than a foot away from each other the entire night. 

With teeth shattering, Angel spoke up “Ok guys, Im getting a bit chilled. I think I’m going to walk back up to the car and grab my jacket.” 

“Take Bo with you!” quickly threw in Stella.

“Yes, let’s go together. I could use a break from this water myself.” relied Bo.

As they walked together the 7 minutes back to the car, they enjoyed small talk and quickly connected over their love of country music and watching jump scare movies.

“Oh no!” Angel spoke irritated when they reached the car. “I forgot the keys back by the water!”

“Hey don’t sweat it, I have mine. If you are comfortable with it, we can sit in my truck. I’ll turn on the heat and play my Eric Church CD. I believe I also have an old football hoodie in the backseat.”

“Honestly, that sounds a lot better than going back and watching those two make out for the next hour.” She answered laughing. 

As she climbed in the passenger seat, the smell of Axe aftershave filled her head. The rest of the evening was spent full of laughing, singing and the occasional stolen kiss.

“Angel, are you coming?”

She was quickly snapped back into reality at the call from Emilia. 

“Oh, I am so sorry. Yes, now tell me a little bit about yourselves!”

What was only 5 seconds of stolen time from her day felt like hours to Angel. Remembering the start of a summer fling with her handsome country man named Bo. All because of a quick whiff. 

September 29, 2020 13:24

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Bareera Samra
19:26 Oct 07, 2020

HI Em. This was alight read but definitely one I liked. keep it up. Do you mind checking out my story 'the unexpected truth?'


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Mustang Patty
07:13 Oct 04, 2020

Hi there, Emily, Your story was very enjoyable and worked well for the prompt. I think you have a good handle on prose and seeing a short story through to its end. I did notice some minor things with syntax, punctuation, and style. Just a few techniques I think you could use to take your writing to the next level: READ the piece OUT LOUD. You will be amazed at the errors you will find as you read. You will be able to identify missing and overused words. It is also possible to catch grammatical mistakes – such as missing or extra ...


Em H
08:54 Oct 05, 2020

Thank you so much for all your tips! I will check your website out as well.


Mustang Patty
13:38 Oct 05, 2020

You're very welcome.


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