
I giggle as I watch the humans fumble around beneath me, it is the start of their day and little do they know this is going to be the worst day they could ever have, my giggles turn menacing.

April 1st, the only day I get to influence the lives of humans. I'm what's known to them as a 'pixie', a magical creature with wings that flies around and all that shit. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint them but my wings aren't cute and pretty, my wings are dark and pointy. My personality is not sweet and flowery, I love trouble. I'm evil, that's the harsh truth.

The humans are having breakfast, should I start now? Hmmmmm, no, not yet, I want to savour their innocence. You see, the souls of humans are complicated things, they are all born pure and yet some of them are influenced, influenced by my kind. Pixies have incredibly evil souls, we are able to influence human souls as well. When one of our souls influences a human's the human turns somewhat evil, we are able to manipulate them into doing whatever we want. This procedures allows us to manipulate their lives throughout the entire year and not just limit ourselves to one day, the only down side is that this procedure is incredibly dangerous, the pixie could absorb the pureness of the human soul instead of making the human evil. Oh, they are going to get ready, here's my chance.

I grin dangerously as I mix up all the content of the beauty products, this is fun. I make sure to mix up somewhat poisonous substances into their toothpaste, this will cause them cramps and discomfort for weeks if not months! I laugh giddily. I jump around their bathroom mixing everything up and misplacing everything I can get my hands on. My giddy laugh is not limited to this prank, it is at the prospect of all the ways I can harm these low-lives all day. I hide in a closet making sure to leave a peephole so I can watch their reactions.

They are sure taking their sweet time, how long does it take to get to the bathroom? I slither out of my hiding spot and start flying around the house to find them, when I do I'm in for a very nice surprise. A baby, with the purest soul I've ever seen, my face takes up an eery grin. You know the influencing process I was telling you about? We can only do it when the humans are babies, or else their souls take an aura that is way too strong for us to even look at. I want this, I'm hungry for this, manipulation for years and years to come, such a chance to wreak havoc should not be wasted.  I look at the baby, this one seems so pure and fragile it makes me want it even more.

Suddenly the baby looks into my eyes, too suddenly. The process of influencing happens when the pixie hovers above the baby and, as when humans wake up they immediately look at where their face is pointing at, when the baby opens its eyes we stare into their soul. But I'm not ready, I haven't done the initial preparation in order for it to go the way I want and not the way it should not go. I shudder, oh no, I feel it: pureness. I try to shy away from it, no use, it's getting to me. I send out a scream, silent to the human world but loud enough for my peers to hear me, to know my fate. Immediately  the windows of the house display millions of pixies peering wide-eyed into the house. I tear my eyes off the ones of the baby, I grasp my prickly chest as if trying to separate the pureness that has come over, I'm having good thoughts, I wail and gasp and cry out in pain, not physical but emotional. The pixies outside watch fascinated as I descend into the abyss of knowing I'm doomed.

My soul mutates and changes colour, the dark black I was so proud of turns slowly white and shiny, I fall to the floor as the pixies staring at me from outside gasp collectively. I know they don’t feel any pity for me, we are not capable of that. I writhe on the floor as the pure soul of the baby influences mine. Tears well in my eyes as I prepare myself to feel the weak emotions: empathy, love, sympathy. 

I’m dead inside as I stand up, the process is over. My wings are transparent now, a telltale sign that I am now stained by purity and cannot go back to the pitch black hate we all love. I look at the baby again and this time I do not only see an opportunity, I see cute and sweet. I’m scared, there are too many emotions, it’s overwhelming, the innocent hazelnut eyes look into mine as if sensing my discomfort. The baby smiles at me with its pink gums, I involuntarily smile back. It’s not even curious, it’s just comforting me, I wonder how that works. 

I suddenly remember the pixies still watching me and turn to them, I suddenly realise how bad they all look, how emotionless they eyes seem and then I remember that I have converted to good now and I am being stupid and this is wrong, then the baby gurgles and I am somehow happy I am good , then my heart thugs towards the pixies, it’s overwhelming, I scream in frustration. The baby starts to cry, β€˜great’ I think.

I escape, fly away from the confusion, from the two sides. I reach a cave, beautiful, silent and lonely. I lie down on the floor and enjoy the cool floor, at least it’s not asking me to pick a side. I sigh in relief as my mind slips into limbo, I’ll stay here forever, I’ll never leave, I don’t want to. I like the loneliness, I look towards the entrance of the cave, a strange longing develops inside me, I ignore it and go deeper into the cave, here I can be whoever I want.

I’ve been here ever since.

April 02, 2021 13:45

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Yvone Mthembu
09:55 Apr 23, 2021

I loved it, the way the bad became good and also the beautiful emotions that comes with purity,I honestly didn't want it to end Big up Ashley


Ashley πŸ’œ
12:34 Apr 26, 2021

thx! I haven't had time to write recently but I hope to find some soon :)


Yvone Mthembu
12:56 Apr 26, 2021

keep it up, you're amazing


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Yvone Mthembu
12:56 Apr 26, 2021

keep it up, you're amazing


Ashley πŸ’œ
14:15 Apr 27, 2021



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14:27 Apr 06, 2021

I am new here and I am not very confident on giving feedbacks, but I must say that I loved the story. It is nicely written. Looking forward to read more.


Ashley πŸ’œ
17:43 Apr 08, 2021

Funny, I am kind of new here too! Thank you so much for the feedback!! As long as you say what you think, everybody benefits from any feedback! Hope to see you around more :)


06:30 Apr 09, 2021

That was kind :-) Looking forward to read more from you!


Ashley πŸ’œ
10:12 Apr 09, 2021

me too!


13:54 Apr 09, 2021



Ashley πŸ’œ
15:55 Apr 12, 2021



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