
Hi! My name is S, and something unexpected has happened to me for a long time, but my memory is still so fresh as if it’s just happened yesterday.

No need to waste your time, I will start my story.

It was a story of me and my mysterious ex-boyfriend. I and my him accidentally met each other when we played a game called X. He was really charming, and the way he chatted with me was just so cute and funny that I gradually grew a crush on him.

After three months chatting through game, we decided to meet each other. My first impression when I met him was really good. He was really good-looking and his sense of humor was just like when he chatted with me online. And I was pretty sure that he felt the same way as mine since I caught him several times secretly looked at me shyly.

His expression was so adorable, and I definitely wanted him to become my boyfriend, which he agreed too.

As we strolled down on the road to the movie theater, I saw a cat bumping into his’s leg. Surprisingly, instead of running away, it began to rub into his jeans while meowing in comfort, which made me giggle. I knelt down to pat its head, and by the time I raised my head to say something to my boyfriend, I was shocked by his expression.

Until now, I still remember that look on his face, emotionless, cold-hearted, wild, and bloodlust, as if he wanted to kill the small creature which was affectionately rubbing its head into his jeans!

You know what, I could sense a cold wind down my spine and even though I could not see my face, I was so sure that my face was really pale!

I really didn’t know why he, out of a sudden, showed a face like towards such a cute cat, but that was when I rethink my rush decision about making him my boyfriend. 

Anyway, despite everything he tried to make me happy, I still remembered that look when he looked at me with a cute, handsome smile on his face.

Anytime I tried to forget that and looked at his face, I just could not delete it!

After that date, the day which I expected to turn out a wonderful day, I decided not to meet him any more. He was so surprised and asked me several times why.

I told him that we were not a match as a reason to turn him down, but he was so insisted on making me rethink my decision. 

Out of the blue, he grabbed my arms with such a strong force. I hesitantly observed his face, and you know what, I saw that look once again on me!

I couldn’t say anything. It’s feel like I was suffocated.

A few seconds later, he finally let go of me. I let out a sigh of relief and went back to my home.

I decided to delete everything that related to that man and I didn’t play that game anymore.

That event was so scary that it took me a few months to come back to my normal life.

After half of a year, I saw a news on TV, my ex-boyfriend was found dead in his home! I right away realized him not because of his face since his face was covered with a white cloth, but because of his name and a bunch of my photos on his wall that I didn’t know when they were taken!

It really freaked me out! 

The news said that he was murdered and the culprit was still unknown, nothing more.

Well, after that, some police officers went to my home to take some information from me. However, because there was nothing showing that I was related to my ex’s case so after a few days they didn’t come to my house anymore.

And I readjusted to my normal life once again.

And now, the most horrific part of my story has come!

It was a starry night and I decided to take s stroll around my neighborhood to take some fresh air.

Guess what, it was just about 6 p.m but I didn’t see anyone else around. 

Well, that’s kind of scary, so I didn’t go so far away from my home.

Strolling for about half of an hour, I felt a little bit wary that I decided to go back home.

And then I saw him, the person that I’ve never expected to meet again in my life!

You know what, he was standing in front of me just about 200 m away, and on his face, I saw a creepy smile!

My heart suddenly stopped a beat, and I just stood there as if my feet was gripped by some invisible force. I was sweating so hard that I could feel my shirt was so wet!

He slowly moved his feet, walking towards me with that smile.

There was something in me urging me to run, but my feet refused to obey.

He approached me closer and closer.

“S, my dear S, I’ve missed you so much... Do you miss me?”

I stopped breathing!

“Why do you turn your back on me? Why do you refuse to be my girlfriend? Answer me! Why? Why!”

His tight, forceful grip on my arms telling me that it was not a dream, and he was not a ghost, but a real, alive human!

Oh my goodness!

The look in his eyes looked like some predator’s eyes wanted to destroy and eat up its prey.

Thankfully, there was a couple came by and tried to rescue me. 

Thank God!

I was saved in the drop of a hat!

I should really be thankful for that.

The man who helped me had a broken arm and a bruised left cheek, but it appeared to me that he was stronger than my ex so he quickly seized him.

And the woman called the police.

After a few minutes, the police came and arrested him.

And you know what was the most shocking part after that?

I saw something dropped off from my ex’s face.

When I looked at his face again, I saw a face covered with blood and a creepy smile!

A strange face that I’ve never met before! But that smile, I knew that smile! 

The day after, I was shocked to know that that man was a relative of my true ex boyfriend. They were about same age, but his mind was a little bit different from us that he had to be in his home and was not allowed to go out. 

And he was the one who killed my true ex boyfriend as well! After killing him, he peeled his face off and put it on his face.

And I also knew that, the day I and my true ex decided to meet, he was already murdered!

Well, that’s my story.

July 30, 2020 17:35

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