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        Into The Door

“Run faster,” I yelled.

"Am trying" Carter yelled as we were running away from 3 minotaur's.

Alright let's go back a bit Carter and I went outside to get some ice cream.

"Hey Leo, how long do you think it would take me to run from here to the bush?" Carter asked.

"I don't know, why don't you try," I said.

"Alright then 3,2,1 GO!!!” He ran as fast as he could. He was almost there … then he fell and he rolled over into the bush.

“Carter are you okay,” I yelled.

 At first there was no answer but after a second I heard him yell “Bro you have to see this hurry.” I ran to the bush to see what he was doing, then I understood what he meant. There was a door floating in the middle of the air. 

“What the what, how is this happening?”.

“I don't know I came here and saw this,” he answered “You wanna go in?” 

“We don’t even know if it leads somewhere.” I said.

“I guess we have to find out.” He opened the door and a blinding light came out of the door.

“You go in first,” I said, squinting from the light.

“What, why me, you go” he argued. 

“Ok fine,” I said as I stepped in the door.

All I saw was a wasteland, the grass was dry, it was pretty dark and the buildings were destroyed. 

“Wow!” Carter exclaimed “wait, are those weapons?”. We ran to the place he had pointed to and there we found bloody weapons all over the place. Carter picked up two axes and found a leather bag identical to the axe's shape and size so he put the bag around his waist and put the axes in the bag checking if it fits. 

“Bro these things are awesome,” 

I picked up a black Katana with blue stripes and found its sheath lying on the floor. I felt a dark aura surrounding the katana. It had a belt thing so I put it around the left side of my waist so I can sheath and unsheath it easily.

“Leo do you feel that?” 

“Feel wha-” the floor started rumbling and carter fell to the ground” then i realized what was happening three huge monsters with heads of bulls were behind us 

“What the hell is that?” Carter asked.

“It doesn’t matter just run," I pulled him and started running. We started running but the minotaurs were catching up to us. “Run faster,” I yelled.

“Am trying,”. And that's exactly what happened, ok now let's go back to the present. 

“Alright” I said gasping for air. “I can't run anymore, Carter, how about we test these weapons” he grinned and nodded since he was so tired he couldn’t talk. He took out his axes and ran towards them, I unsheathed my sword and felt a strange aura and a surge of strength into my body and I ran to the minotaurs. They looked confused but then they started roaring and running towards.

“I’ll take the one on the left, you take the one on the right,” Carter ordered.

“Roger that,” i grabbed the sword with two hands and slashed at the minotaur he blocked it with his hand and he pushed me back.I ran back to him and he swung his hand at me i ducked and slashed at his left foot he staggered a bit and I stabbed his stomach and he fell down. I saw the other minotaur about to hit Carter in the back but I couldn't stop him, “Carter watch out” I yelled and I noticed a shadow in the sky. The minotaur I was fighting got up and hit me in the back. Blood came out of my mouth. I ran up to the minotaur and somehow jumped really high and I repeatedly cut the minotaur until it fell and it was obvious it wouldn’t get up. Then I remembered Carter I ran to where he was but he was fine and there was a random person holding a spear and both minotaurs were down. I went to Carter and asked 

“Bro what happened?”

“Did you see me? I took that thing down like it was nothing.” then he saw the guy with the spear. He was a normal looking guy abou sixteen. I think he had baggy pants, a blue long sleeve shirt and scarf around his mouth and he was really red. 

“Who is this?” he asked 

“I don't know, I thought you knew him.” “Wait a second are you the one who was in the sky and stopped the third minotaur when it was about to hit Carter?” 

“Wait what?” 

“You kids have to get out of here.” he said 

He grabbed us and dragged us towards the door.

“Wait what is going on.”

“Nothing you have to leave.” 

“Ok we will but you have to beat me in a fight.” i said i saw him smile a bit 

“Fine but after that you have to leave”

“If you win.” I taunted. We went to a big open place and got ready.

“On your marks, get set, ATTACK” he closed his eyes and held his spear with his right and he disappeared he appeared behind me and thrusted his the back of his spear at me i quickly unsheathed my sword and the strength immediately came back i blocked his attack and tried to strike but he disappeared again. I felt something hit my legs and I fell after a second his spear was a centimeter away from my neck. 

“I win now, leave.” he commanded.

“Am not done yet.” I said he made the spear so close to my neck until a drop of blood came out. 

“Hey stop” Carter yelled he ran towards and took out his axe’s but after a few seconds Carter was under his foot and his axes were on the floor like my Katana.

“If your men then you’re going to leave like you said” he told us 

He removed his spear from my neck waiting for our answer

“Fine” Carter and I said. We got up and walked to the door 

“Can we come back?” every once in a while 

“Whatever, just leave.” 

“Thank you.” we got out of there as the light of the sun hit us. 

“Do you think we should go back?” I asked.

“Definitely.” he answered.

That night I had dreams of all the battles we can have there everyday. It was a pretty nice dream. 

May 08, 2020 23:53

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1 comment

Mehak Aneja
10:00 Jun 20, 2020

A good fantasy story about Carter,Leo and the third guy. Very well written. Shows that you have a creative mind. Hope you read my story too and share your opinions on it.


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