Submitted to: Contest #287

Earl Grey Everywhere

Written in response to: "Write a story with a character pouring out their emotions."

Fiction Romance

Colin, this is how I know I’m totally besotted with you: No matter which place I’m in, from the dizzying buzz of London’s streets to a sun-bathed tropical plain, I smell earl grey everywhere when I think of you.

 I just can’t deny it. It seems that anytime my mind fixes itself on your honeyed smile or your warm velvet laugh, every single drop of affection in me boils over until it whistles in my ear. Then, like clockwork, the air infuses itself with the sweet hints of bergamot rind and an aromatic haze of lapsang --- pervasive like the images of you inside me. At that point, I’m helpless. I must barrel down the stairs, head to the kitchen, retrieve a mug, and brew myself a cup of tea, just so you can coat my tongue with your bouquet. 

Of course, when I first walked into that café, I had no idea that all the rivers of my memory would be steeped in you. If I could be honest, I don’t normally wander into The Rose Tea Room. Yet, somehow, that day, the large, crimson mural blooms, the ornate lamps with wrought-iron birds, the turquoise-painted tables --- all of them beckoned me to come in, to lose myself in the heady cloud of roasted leaves, woody herbs, and dried fruit. 

However, every single gaseous molecule dissipated as soon as I saw those celadon eyes framed by long chestnut lashes. I remember how intoxicated I was, as if I’d sipped some witch’s potion, watching them flit about on the menu board posted in front of you. You droned out a single ‘Uhm’, and I was plonked into a puddle of longing. 

‘I have no idea what to get,” I heard you mutter, the faintest note of confusion in your voice.

At that moment, an invisible plume of steam built up in me, forcing its way to come out the only spout it could.

‘Yeah, I highly recommend the earl grey. It’s roasted just right, and the citrus note is perfect,’ I blurted out, each word jetting from my mouth. 

Before I could even cover my mouth in embarrassment, you broke into a smile, clotted cream teeth shining between parted strawberry jam lips, and thanked me. I wanted so badly to invite you to my table, to imbibe the matcha of your irises from up close. How could I, though, when my throat dried up like a flower in the flames?

From then on, I’ve smelled earl grey everywhere.

I smell earl grey in the black, lacquered stacks of Waterstones. I often catch you there, your chestnut waves slightly tousled by a whiff of breeze from outside. From behind a shelf, I observe you study the vast selection of tomes, grin, and scrupulously pick out novels as if they were orange pekoe . As I imagined it were my hands that your long, muscular fingers were caressing, that familiar perfume infuses itself.

The scent transports me to your arms as you sit with your feet up on the sofa. I gaze up at you as your invigorating voice evocatively sounds out every word in the pages in you hold. Cerulean mugs on the table we’ve selected together, we soak into bliss until the waters of time turns into gold. You’d then touch your lips on mine, my heart blooming like an entire garden of flowers.

I smell earl grey in the kettle-on-fire environment of the newsroom I work in. It could be just the mention of a lucky sod christened the same name as you on the teleprompter. It could be the appearance of your Devonian hometown in my news report. It could be the green klieg lights reminding me of your eyes. As soon as tiny bubbles of you form in the surface tension of my mind, that familiar perfume infuses itself.

The scent transports me to my work desk, the studio empty save for me furiously researching a lead on my laptop. Suddenly, I feel your muscular arms snake around my waist, your soft pecks on my shoulders as comforting as lavender-infused milk. I’d then turn around, and you’d present me with a multicoloured array of tulips.

As you beam at me, my vision turns as blush hued as noon chai.

I smelled earl grey in the old, bustling streets of Paris during my last holiday. My laurel-coloured pumps trod the same pavements you once paced up and down during your year at Sciences Po, and I grin. As I passed by artisanal cafés on cobblestone lanes, the aromas from each melding into an olfactory symphony, the familiar perfume infused itself. 

The scent transported me to La Bossue, a charming, light-filled joint in Montmartre that you frequented in the City of Lights. Beside me, you sipped a Darjeeling as you rubbed small circles on my palm. As you pressed your muscatel-soaked lips onto mine, warmth gushed forth in my veins.

I even smelled earl grey in the fertile rice fields of the Philippines where I was assigned to be a correspondent. As I observed palms showered with morning dew on my way to an interview, my thoughts transfigured the verdure into the jades you viewed the world with. As the rich smell of tablea cocoa permeated the atmosphere in my home for two years, the familiar perfume infused itself.

The scent transported me to a powdery, white shoreline facing the Pacific. Your soft, gossamer kisses on my bronzed skin flooded my insides with even more heat that the scorching sun above. As cinnamon oil was diffused from the pathway of lit candles leading to you kneeling on one knee, my entire being percolated in joy.

Yes, Colin, when I think of you, I’m encased in a citrusy haze of imagination, of all that I’ve dreamt of. And then, the steam must clear and there you are, with her.

I know. In those book shop haunts, it’s Susanna you read romance novels to, whose oolong eyes you drink as you peek from a page. It’s her whose desk you sneakily grace with a dozen roses, the bouquet so strong that it dances on her taste buds. It’s Susanna whose green tea perfume tickled your nose as you strolled next to her around the French capital. It’s her you offered a macaron-shaped box with a diamond ring inside. 

Susanna is the cup that will forever know your lips. My heart, meanwhile, will always be chipped.

I suppose, at least, I’ll always have the scent of earl grey everywhere. At least…

‘Yeah, I know you always get the earl grey. Can you try something else, though?’

I turn around to stare at a tall, ginger-haired man biting his lip nervously. His searching sencha eyes glisten in The Rose Tea Room’s amber lights like a freshly poured brew.

‘Yes, I guess I can. What do you recommend?’

‘Well, what about the peppermint tea. It’s extra refreshing because they picked the finest leaves. And…uh..’

‘And what?’

‘And it would be better if you shared a pot with me. I'm Callum, by the way.'

Posted Jan 28, 2025

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79 likes 89 comments

Trudy Jas
18:29 Jan 30, 2025

An ode to the Earl. (just finished a cuppa)

Fascinating how many words related to tea, you managed to incorporate. :-)


Alexis Araneta
00:49 Jan 31, 2025

Couldn't resist ! Hahahaha ! Love a good earl grey. Thanks for reading !


Helen Murat
12:45 Feb 07, 2025

Great story Alexis! I liked how well you were able to provide a clear picture of the character's feelings toward Colin. It felt relatable in many ways. I also liked how you ended it with the introduction of a new possibility in Callum, providing a sense of hope for the main character. Thank you for sharing!


Alexis Araneta
13:01 Feb 07, 2025

Hi, Helen! I'm so happy you felt all of the protagonist's longing. To hear you found it relatable means a lot. I couldn't resist adding the Callum element too. Thanks for reading.


Kate Winchester
17:17 Feb 26, 2025

I loved all the tea references! Your descriptions are amazing. I was feeling bad for the MC, but loved the new possibility at the end!


VJ Hamilton
21:10 Feb 16, 2025

A great read, Alexis! I especially like "the kettle-on-fire environment of the newsroom." Lol


Alexis Araneta
01:27 Feb 17, 2025

Hi, VJ! It's just a great way to describe the environment there. Thanks for reading !


21:18 Feb 11, 2025

Loved it! Just as earl grey is my favorite tea! Nie job. thank you for taking time to read my newest entry. Hope it was scary..


Alexis Araneta
00:23 Feb 12, 2025

Hi, LJ! Thank you so much ! And yes, earl grey is really lovely. Hahahaha !


Marty B
18:27 Feb 08, 2025

"And it would be better if you shared a pot with me." ;)

I feel I did share a cuppa with you as I read this story. Warm and inviting, 'It’s roasted just right, and the citrus note is perfect'



Alexis Araneta
23:41 Feb 08, 2025

Hi, Marty! Hahahaha ! Glad you found the imagery evocative. Thanks for reading !


13:03 Feb 08, 2025

Amazingly evocative. You bring in all the senses, Alexis.

A suggestion: you don't need "City of Lights" in your narrative. It's clichéd. You could also do without "French capitol" IMO.

An excellent piece of writing. You have skills.


Alexis Araneta
14:46 Feb 08, 2025

Thank you so much, Astrid! I'm so happy you found the piece evocative. I really wanted to play up the tea imagery. I'm happy it worked !


Tom Skye
22:31 Feb 06, 2025

I really have had an Earl Grey in a Waterstones. More than once. This story was very relatable haha

Very poetic work, Alexis :0

The yearning was strong and the use of tea vocabulary was very charming. I suspect you are secretly an artisan brewer :)

"I had no idea that all the rivers of my memory would be steeped in you." Excellent :)

Beautiful work.


Alexis Araneta
00:18 Feb 07, 2025

Hi, Tom! I think I would be super chuffed to do that. Early grey + Waterstones? How incredible ! Hahahaha !

I'm happy the yearning came through and that you liked the tea vocabulary. Couldn't resist. As for being an artisan brewer, I wish. Hahahaha !

Thanks for reading !


Susy G-B
19:54 Feb 06, 2025

Obsessed with this! My favourite line is “You droned out a single ‘Uhm’, and I was plonked into a puddle of longing.” 😂😂

Although I’m a tea drinker I don’t actually like earl grey all that much 😂 But I loved this story!


Alexis Araneta
00:20 Feb 07, 2025

Hi, Suzy! Hahahaha ! Thank you ! So happy you liked the line because I enjoyed writing it. As for not liking earl grey, that's okay. Hahahaha ! Thanks for reading !


John Jenkins
18:01 Feb 06, 2025

Wow. The authors I'm reviewing now are extremely successful! We had the same prompt, but our stories are markedly different. Perhaps I misread the prompt? You did a story about a person who was poring through her emotions, but the story was so much more "vivid" than I imagined. So much imagery. I was hooked till the end.


Alexis Araneta
00:23 Feb 07, 2025

Hi, John! I feel honoured you think this was successful. I do love my vivid imagery and literary fiction, so that's what I try to do. So happy you liked it. Thanks for reading !


John Jenkins
09:17 Feb 07, 2025

Have you ever written a novel? I wanted to write ten. I've only got three done.


Alexis Araneta
10:31 Feb 07, 2025

I may start this year. Well see.


Maisie Sutton
17:36 Feb 06, 2025

I've been behind in reading stories this week so I almost missed getting to say how wonderful this story is!!! I'm a little mad at this Colin character though, LOL. You make tea sound so divine and that second paragraph was perfection!


Alexis Araneta
00:25 Feb 07, 2025

Hi, Maisie ! So very happy you found the story wonderful. As for Colin, worry not. It's kind of implied that everything was happening in the protagonist's imagination and that the reality is that he and Susanna are together. Thanks for reading !


Indigo Simmons
14:53 Feb 06, 2025

Such a gorgeous piece you have written! I was hooked with the first line and could not put it down until I was finished. I loved how many descriptive words you used and the many tea related words you utilized as well! The ending was beautiful and such a cute way to wrap up your story!


Alexis Araneta
15:11 Feb 06, 2025

Hi, Indigo!! So very happy you liked the story and found it addictive (much like a cup of earl grey? Hahahaha!). Couldn't resist incorporating all the tea everywhere. Happy you liked the ending too. Thanks for reading!


01:00 Feb 06, 2025

Wow this story is so good! I love how descriptive and vivid it is-you captured the essence of love and longing so well!


Alexis Araneta
01:17 Feb 06, 2025

Hi! I'm super happy you liked the imagery. I realise I like to explore longing in these stories. Thanks for reading !


Camden Hoel
19:17 Feb 04, 2025

This story is so warm, love the poetic prose


Alexis Araneta
00:17 Feb 05, 2025

Hi, Camden ! Thank you so very much !


James Scott
07:47 Feb 04, 2025

Can’t beat an earl grey! Loved how the smells transported the main character through her memories. My dads name is Colin though so it was a little unsettling for me haha!


Alexis Araneta
09:12 Feb 04, 2025

Hi, James! I do love my Earl Grey with milk. I'm happy you liked the olfactive imagery. Sorry about the name Colin?! Hahahaha ! I happen to like the name, though. Thanks for reading !


Kashira Argento
14:15 Feb 03, 2025

really nice sweet story full of aromas and images. Thank you!


Alexis Araneta
14:47 Feb 03, 2025

Thank you, Kashira! Absolutely kind of you !!


Jim Parker
11:14 Feb 03, 2025

You make me want a cup of Earl Grey and I don't even drink tea. Wonderful!


Alexis Araneta
11:17 Feb 03, 2025

Hey, welcome to the Earl Grey club. Hahahaha ! Thanks for reading !


10:58 Feb 03, 2025

This story summoned up the first page of Marcel Proust's, "Remembrance of Things Past." As a potential novel, I'm thinking, where would it go? A bit of sadness, too. My late younger brother, Robert, drank Earl Grey religiously.


Alexis Araneta
11:16 Feb 03, 2025

Hi, Russell ! Good catch on Proust. Part of the inspiration for the story is the French expression '(une) madeleine de Proust '. The novel I'll work on has nothing to do with this story but still romance and French literature inspired. Love my Earl Grey too. Thanks for reading !


K.D Howard
09:32 Feb 03, 2025

This work really exhibits the workings of a sublime romance novel. It's amazing how the story uses perfume to lead the audience through the story. Like just across the universe of the main protagonist. This is just a shot but if there was an antagonist it would most likely be time itself and how it ages the characters. Thus as they say beauty fades but I say that beauty ages like wine. Great job with this story. Keep up the great work.


Alexis Araneta
09:50 Feb 03, 2025

Hi, KD! So happy you liked the story. I wanted the olfactive imagery to be punchy given it's tea-themed. For me, the 'antagonist' is simply free will --- Colin being in love with Susanna the entire time. Thanks for reading !


K.D Howard
10:04 Feb 03, 2025

Ah the tea-theme. I see... this work really stands out. Free Will as an antagonist. The Centuries old folly of humans. Thanks for sharing this with us. Keep up the great work! :)


Jim LaFleur
13:36 Feb 02, 2025

Your story really brings out the feelings of longing and hope through the vivid imagery of tea. The way you describe the sensory details is truly amazing. Great job!


Alexis Araneta
14:07 Feb 02, 2025

Thank you, Jim! I'm happy the imagery was vivid enough and you liked.


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