The Remains of Earth

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic story triggered by climate change.... view prompt


Science Fiction Adventure

In the year of 2027 World War lll broke loose and as America was on the brink of defeat the military and their leaders gave up hope. but a sole person launched all the missiles in America's arsenal causing an all out nuclear war destroying the earth as we know it. That man’s name was Bakugou and he was my grandfather. After the war most of the survivor’s slowly died one by one from sickness and those who were left behind only mourned the deaths of loved ones lost. It's been 50 years since the war ended and most of the world has become uninhabitable for humans or life. the only livable places were small islands not hit by the explosions even then it was difficult to survive with everyone living in cramped areas. sure we could move into the uninhabited areas but there'd be no water and you would always live in fear of volcanoes erupting. The world outside of these little islands is nothing but a wasteland that only has summer due to being filled with volcanoes and toxic air. well that’s what I’ve heard at least no one really knows if it’s true since no ones left their islands since. Anyways my name is Haku. I'm 15 and I'm a bit of a rule breaker and an adventurer and this is my post-apocalyptic story. “Bang” a frying pan hit my head “OW what the hell” I arose from bed with a splitting headache “get out of bed you’ll be late for school” my mother walked out of my room. It was a normal morning. Let's just say I’m not a morning person so in order to wake me up my mom would whack me with a frying pan. “Good morning big brother” “morning haru how'd you sleep” “fine” you see I don’t like people very much but my little brother haru who was 5 years of age was my only exception because he was small and innocent and always took my side. I wish more people were like that. Suddenly a alarm went off “BRRRRRRRRRREEEEEERRRRRMMM BRRRRRRRRRREEEEEERRRRRMMM” “mom what is that” mom didn’t answer she look panicked and terrified “BOYS GET TO THE SHELTER KNOW” the shelter as soon as I heard those words I realized what was happening it’s the death call when an island reaches its carrying capacity the cleansers come and kill off everyone in the least capable island the the island that’s falling behind in order to make room for more people. “HARU COME WITH ME” “BROTHER WHAT'S GOING ON” “I’LL EXPLAIN LATER LET'S GO” I was scared but one thing I knew for sure was that I wasn’t going to let Haru die I’ll protect him no matter what. When me and haru reach the shelter I shut the metal door “haku what about mom” “she’s not coming” tears had filled Haru’s eyes my heart sank “b-b-but why” he cried even harder I wanted to tell him that she would be hiding somewhere else but I knew it would only be harder to tell him the truth later so I told him I told him that in order for us to survive mom had to stay behind. “CLANG” a sound came from outside “brother what was that” my heart sank there was no way mom could have ratted us out to save herself right. But the sounds became louder. They would break though at any second so I grabbed Haru and escaped through a secret passage I had created if this ever happened. “Haku where are we going” “somewhere safe trust me” I wasn't lying, at least it was safer than there, especially when mom didn’t even know about it. When we reached the exit I pulled a lever at the top of the passage that opened a rock door, on the other side of the door there was a cave that led out to the ocean. “Brother what's that” haru points to a small boat that connect the the earth and the sea “that my dear brother is a boa” “wow where'd you get it” “ hehe I found it was all beaten up so I fixed it up know it sails like a champ” I’ll admit I was a full of myself. “Why did you never show me before” “because it’s not allowed” this is true boats planes cars they were illegal to everyone but the government so I hid it. “All right Haru, can you help me pack” “yes pls” I used this cave as a secret base for emergencies and slowly added stuff we would need in order to survive on the ocean, like food, clothes , weapons, etc. “I’m done brother” “ok I’m almost finished as well so go on the boat” “ok” I was relieved haru seemed to be over leaving mom behind. “Ccrrrrsssssshhhhh” the rock door was opening the got here faster the expected I ran to the boat “crrrrrr crrrrrrr” “come on start” “brrrrrrrrrrrrr” “YES” the boat started we were about to set sail when someone jumped on board I didn’t know what to do so I set sail. “STOP” I was grabbed by the shoulders and pushed down but it was too late by then we were already too far to see the island. “What the hell you're just a kid” “so you just noticed” “get off of big brother” to my surprise I was released. When I turned around I was shocked it was Daichi, someone only 8 years older than me “ Daichi what are you doing here” “I came to save you two all though I didn’t think you’d have a boat  hahaha so where are you planning on going.” I knew eventually haru would ask but I was hoping we would be further along “America” Daichi looked terrified I knew that would happen after all it’s just a waste land know “ARE YOU TRYING TO DIE” Daichi grabbed me by my collar “no I’m not but I believe that we will be safer there than anywhere else” this was a long shot “HOW WOULD IT BE ANY SAFER THAN A ISLAND ON DEATH CALL” here I go “it’s been 50 years since someone step foot there, so there's a chance that the earth has recovered” that’s what I was counting on at least. “Ok so we're going to America ok ok that’s fine” it’s been three days since we left the island and Daichi still is against it “ b-brother” “yes Haru?” “is where we're going dangerous” “no it’s not” of course I didn’t know for sure but it’s worth a shot “ so genius when will we get there” “ by my calculations a month” I knew Daichi was just mocking me but since I knew the answer might as well say it right. 3 weeks later 4 days to go “Haku i’m hungry” “your always hungry Daichi” “i’m hungry to brother” “... ok i’ll go make some food” “tch” Daichi seems to have gotten over the fact were going to America mostly but he’s still really annoying.” “LAND LAND LAND AHOY” “BONK” “I know I have eyes idiot” “brother what’s that” Haru pointed at something small by the time I got a closer look i was struck dumb. “what is it Haku” Daichi said shaking him out of a speechless state “p-people” “WHAT THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE”  “it’s true” Daichi grabbed my binoculars and stayed still “y-you're right” when we landed we were greeted by around 30 people who also came from the island either hoping to survive a death call or adventures like me “WELCOME TO AMERICA.”

September 25, 2020 06:19

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