Diary of 20XX

Submitted into Contest #80 in response to: Write about a child witnessing a major historical event.... view prompt


Drama Fiction

The sky is filled with smoke- I can barely breath. there's agonizing screaming, blood pounds in my ears. If I believed that there were to be a savior that would come and save us although I know that that won't be the case. I believe that there is no one else that can stop this disaster except for me. This spaceship me and my team created to go back in time is almost ready, but does have some problems in it. We've never run a test drive so I don't know. We might have to wait a billion light years for the future to change; maybe more, maybe less. I don't know whether you'd be alive or dead by the time this future is actually fulfilled which hopefully not. I wish someone would read this message and understand that the situation is not good. The year of 20XX; nobody knows its exact year. Some people call it the era of the XX. But all I know, is that I need to relay this message to someone at least while I am alive.

This is my experience of World War 3; please listen carefully, to the ones in the past. I took many hours to translate this in your language in the past so please understand if there are some errors.

Right now, the Third World War is happening as I am writing this letter. I am probably one of the only ones on earth that remembers how to write on paper- all we do is type nowadays. Anyway, the sound of cannons has almost made me deaf. Mama always said that this day would happen...

Robots- there are so many, more than I have ever seen in my life! They're fighting with such vicious movements as they ripped apart more of their kind. Clinking and clunking. Booming and crashing. The sounds are quite loud. I was really worried that I would become deaf, but I can still hear somehow. I do not know whether it's a blessing or not. Currently we are going through a worldwide crisis. It's a disaster, and I am telling you this so that we, you and I, can avoid it in the future.

Who am I? Good question, I'll make this quick: I'm the greatest genius of all times Dr. Grimes, a scientist that involved in researching regarding time travel... but that is not the real problem! Technology has advanced at an alarming rate, and we are bound to destroy ourselves with it. Of course people may say that technology is great, and it is in someways! But in war, it can be one if the most frightening things of all time. Have you ever felt traumatized by trembling in a box, hoping that the sound of clunking metal boots would go away? Or pointed a poisonous blade at your own kind in order for you to actually survive? Or maybe have you experienced the death of your family that was killed by your own kitchen oven a robot that used to sit silently in the comfort of your own home? Of course not, but its bound to happen! I promise you! Although this is 20XX, many things have changed since your time right now. I have set the settings so that the spaceship of Project Counter Clockwise will be sent to year 2021. We do not know if any problems will occur, but I trust that Counter Clockwise will do its role well.

But enough with that! I am here to tell you something else! We humans have become like animals, ripping each other apart in greed and using what is in our disposal. I need to tell you how this happened first.

Over the course of years, our country and others around the world has piled hostility, dumping oil before the flame. When on VR television a country had announced that they were the best, the whole globe exploded, killing its neighbors and claiming its place at the top. The smell of blood and rotting corpses lingered in my nose for three days only to be replenished the next week. Many people in my country were killed brutally; I highly doubt that there are others that are alive other than me. People have dirtied their hands with blood and drenched the world in warfare; it's not going to be easy now. As long as we block the sudden rise in technology and the spark of the war, we would be fine... I think. You never know what is waiting for you. Sometimes I had to destroy people myself. But after that, I became severely frightened of myself and did not try again. Instead of killing, I would freeze them with my freezer gun- it would take about five years before it all melts. Robots that were used to store food and help wash were not things made for the customer's satisfaction, it was a robot with a hidden system called the Destruction War System. Although we scientists did not want to make such a thing, we were threatened by the government and well... we wanted to live, but we didn't know things would turn out like this. The robots were made for our comfort, but they have turned against us- or you could say that the people used our inventions against us. They have become simply put killing machines of the century. As a human being of this planet, I declare that the world is ending, right now. The ash gets in my eyes, The electronic beams the robots shoot have hit me many times, but I have been able to recover thanks to the recovery technology.

I have walked miles over miles and all I see are corpses covered in blood. All I hear are screaming, yelling, cries or despair. Buildings that collapsed jumbled underneath my feet. Homes turned into battle grounds and many places are engulfed in war. Fire blasters firing and robots evolving. Perhaps it has come to the end of the world. If I could take a picture from space right now, it would show that even the waters have been stained crimson. The land no longer stands green and the sky no longer was azure. The world is now to an end.

Ahh! It seems that someone has found me! I don't think I can hold out much longer! I must tell you this immediately!

Tell them, the people of the past that they must refrain from at least this future, I beg you!

NO! I'M NOT FINISHED YE-jkyaafkyuckwuycbaoyuoaybvoaeybvpbp



Unable to process.

System Error.


Traveling to Year 2021.

Repeat Project Counter Clockwise, traveling to Year 2021.

System Sleep Mode.

Repeating, System Sleep Mo...

This was sincerely,

Dr. Avery Grimes, 20XX

February 12, 2021 03:21

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Claire Tennant
22:12 Feb 17, 2021

There was a hint of mystery in this story You weaved the past and the present in well and the word pictures were excellent I particularly loved the sense of control by the unknown enemy the deletion of words "I'm the greatest genius of all times." then the name. Though I am not a space-age gal I loved this story Well done Suzie


Suzie Park
13:33 Mar 17, 2021

Oh my gosh, thank you so much! This is actually the first time I tried spy-fi, so I didn't know how it would turn out, but thank you for those kind words! I'm truly a beginner writer compared to the awesome people around here but I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Thank you Claire!


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Suzie Park
13:33 Mar 17, 2021

Oh my gosh, thank you so much! This is actually the first time I tried spy-fi, so I didn't know how it would turn out, but thank you for those kind words! I'm truly a beginner writer compared to the awesome people around here but I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Thank you Claire!


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Suzie Park
13:33 Mar 17, 2021

Oh my gosh, thank you so much! This is actually the first time I tried spy-fi, so I didn't know how it would turn out, but thank you for those kind words! I'm truly a beginner writer compared to the awesome people around here but I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Thank you Claire!


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