Hearts A-Pfishing: A Romance as by J.D. Robbed

Submitted into Contest #213 in response to: Write about an AI or person trying to inject a ‘human touch’ into their work.... view prompt


Adventure Romance Contemporary

Dedicated to and based on a concept by Danschneider Arroyo, for every scammed author and lover everywhere...

Chapter 54

East Vrmlmelmnsk, Syburslovenia

At last, Alexis’ heart’s desire was within one GPS turn of fulfillment, and her desirous heart thumped rapidly as she crossed the landfill beyond the village bazaar.

The trans-Atlantic journey, the loss of her luggage at the charmingly quaint bicycle-powered Aeropotschk carousel, the succession of taxis and taxi robberies, the bribes to countless provincial cops, the chicken she was coerced to buy at the market, the foreigny threats that bombarded her as she roamed the cobbled streets in search of 12 Zjrchskmsk Avenue, rooster wrestling under her arm — it would all be worth it when she could look her pfisher soulmate in his unpatched eye.

“Your destination is in 300 feet, on your left,” Siri cooed. “Please be aware of organ harvesting activity ahead; I can devise an alternative route back to the Aeropotschk…”

But Alexis now was guided by her appetites rather than her apps, and she pressed ahead, gently driving away one of the local street weasels that might have been the twin of the creature she’d nibbled at a charmingly retro crate in the marketplace, after her desire-filled gut had throbbed with non-cardiac desire for something beyond the boiled airline chickpeas.

Her heart swelled with swollen feelings as she reached the last hovel at the end of the block before the rustic old cell phone/nuclear waste dump. Her delicate, alabaster fist-blossom froze before the warped plank that served as the door. This was crazy – when the private eye her BFFs at the cat café/cupcake emporium had hired for her traced the pfisher’s IP address to this tiny hamlet in a pastorally bombed-out former Soviet republic, she’d poured out her pain and fury at this Facebook scammer before understanding that rage is but the other side of that coin we call love. Between the lines of the badly constructed, clumsy warning that her system had been compromised and the ransomware demand, Alexis could sense the heart of a wounded outlaw soul. Like Beauty and her Beast, Bullock and her Jesse James…  

Steeling her desire-saturated heart, the baker/quilter-turned-author rapped on the splintered wood like a desirous heart beating out a rhythm of love. “Come. To. Me; Come. To. Me.”

The love-plank finally shifted, and a glacially blue eye peered from the shadows, like the piercing light of Cupid’s lighthouse beacon across the dark and ripply waters of doubt and pain. Alexis now knew her story wasn’t the website romance that “Lance Boyles” had pirated into an internationally acclaimed erotic vampire suspense thriller. Her story began with this rogue who indeed had stolen her desire-riddled heart.

“Lance” grunted a series of long words neither Alexis nor most of her readers would have understood even had they been in English rather than some rural Slovenian language. Only her fondant sous-chef Russian Mikhail back home was poly-Slavic, but while he had insisted on accompanying her on her journey, Mikhail himself had found bliss with the lady day-trader from the city who’d finally taken her face out of her laptop long enough to discover the true meaning of rapture and pre-molded frosting at the town bake-off and comforter fair. The ceremony was next week at the old fiction mill by the river, the Reverend Dodge officiating.

Alexis thus implored Lance to repeat his declaration into her cellphone. Her Cunning Linguist app translated.

“It is you, my Alexis, at last. You have made the future of my destiny a reality!”

He shoved the plank aside and emerged. Aside from the gnarled and possibly infected face-navel that had once served as his left eye, Lance was perfect. Hours of hacking and scamming in his dark garret had chiseled his upper arms into Greek statue kind of arms, and his jogging suit-draped legs had been shaped by constant escape from global law enforcement and Bulgarian mobsters. Lance’s was a life lived large, and Alexis felt a stirring in her loins wholly different than her reaction to the boiled garbanzos.

Alexis fell into Lance’s arms, and his eye leaked dewy tears of love moisture. Lance grunted again, his Tokarev gun dipping sensually below his pelvis.

“Can you forgive me?” Cunning Linguist recited.

“Forgive you???” Alexis gasped, catching a lungful of waste dump sulfur. “You silly, beautiful Cyclops! You have made my humble paranormal suspense novella a classic in five Eurasian markets, and Kindled the long-extinguished embers of desire in my heart furnace. And besides…”

She displayed the locket she had blinded a cabbie/former surgeon to protect. The woman had gone down hard and valiantly, and Alexis vowed to name a werewraith in her next novel after the driver, adding a few vowels for reader ease, of course. The filigreed gold clamshell was inscribed with her non-nom de plume fake writer name. Lance squinted at the florid mall engraving, then switched to his good eye.

A.I. Chatt.

Alexis’ digitalized heart swelled with love blood as the thief of that previously mentioned heart realized there was nothing for his future life mate to forgive. No more torture or remorse or fear of mercenary revenge squad retaliation. Lance’s life of underground plagiarism had nearly ended in violence numerous times – the Kindle Unlimited attack on his favorite wifi coffee shop/arms dealer; Nora Roberts’ Mossad-trained hit squad coming after his mother as she prepared his beloved borscht and cloned stolen Discover cards. The grainy photos of the meeting between a coldly vengeful and immaculately put-together Danielle Steele and Ivan the Badger in a Budapest Chik-Fil-A his bro Sergei the trafficker had Messenger’d him.

As colleague after colleague had been “Kristin Hannah’ed,” as those in the trade called it, Lance had stayed one step ahead. Now, he had been apprehended by this spunky paperback word-poet, his heart clamped in the titanium grip of Alexis’ love-cuffs. His sentence? Life, in a maximum security prison with Alexis as his love-jailer. 

Lance grunted. Cunning Linguist processed Alexis’ newfound language of love.

“So. You want to see the place?”

“Oh, yes, YES! On the soul of Stephenie Meyer, a million times YES!” Alexis exclaimed, flattening a feral cat as she hurled the plank aside. She felt like a bad Eastern European knockoff of Pinocchio (one of Lance’s top-selling works in the Russian children’s market and unedited, on the YA list). Alexis’ Intel chip glowed warm within her OEM bosom.

Tonight, she would become a real woman, if they could figure out a workable interface…

August 25, 2023 23:02

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Russell Mickler
17:31 Sep 02, 2023

Hey there, Martin! >> Syburslovenia, Cyber Slovenia? Grin Siri announcing a warning for organ harvesting is pretty dystopian :) Dude … this is sheer poetry: “when the private eye her BFFs at the cat café/cupcake emporium had hired for her traced the pfisher’s IP address to this tiny hamlet in a pastorally bombed-out former Soviet republic, she’d poured out her pain and fury at this Facebook scammer before understanding that rage is but the other side of that coin we call love. “ Wait wait, but there’s more: “Forgive you???” Alexis g...


Martin Ross
17:47 Sep 02, 2023

Thanks so much, Russian Mikhael! Das bedanya’ll! This was an expanded comment I left on one of the toxic writers group’s non-toxic posts which sarcastically proposed a love story with a writer and a scammer. I’ll prolly get Hannah’d for it!


Russell Mickler
17:56 Sep 02, 2023

Laugh - wait a sec: "Only her fondant sous-chef Russian Mikhail" Am I the fondant sous-chef? giggle ... R


Martin Ross
18:57 Sep 02, 2023

Hey, the fondant sous-chef ensures the quintuple-tier tech giant’s birthday buttercream actually LOOKS like him scaling the silicon atom, down to the Reese’s cup he rewards himself with after firing an entire R&D team or beating Musk to Mars. It was a supreme compliment. One ego/reality check question: Did “poly-Slavic” work? I kept having to say “big words” in the toxic writers group because “polysyllabic” actually made one woman mad at me.


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Tom Skye
09:43 Aug 30, 2023

This story was so jargon heavy, I felt like I was reading a story from the future. Great creative work with a sweet theme


Martin Ross
13:16 Aug 30, 2023

Thanks so much. It was so much fun to write — it was based on a post about fiction pirates and scammers. Apparently, that’s a thing now. Your kindness has my day off to a great start.😊👍


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04:28 Aug 28, 2023

What an amazingly detailed cyberpunk scene. I like how you invented a whole world even with their own cliches "“Kristin Hannah’ed,”" Its a big world, and a lot of information is coming in fast, if you are still writing adding some quiet moments for Alexis might be an idea.


Martin Ross
05:04 Aug 28, 2023

This was like a double-coated prompt — I wrote it in response to a post on a writers group page suggesting a romance between a writer and a scammer. Apparently, lot of fiction thieves out there…


05:36 Aug 28, 2023

Interesting. yeah happened to me (the scam, not the romance) a bunch of us have had our reedsy stories plagarized to amazon kdp and used in youtube videos. Youtube I felt honored to hear someone reading my story for an ESL youtube video, but drew the line on Amazon and making money, and put in IP complaints and they were taken down.


Martin Ross
05:44 Aug 28, 2023

My Dodge collections are on Amazon — wonder if I could entice the Youtube folks to read me, maybe with Joe Mantegna…🤣


05:50 Aug 28, 2023

If you're already up on Amazon, then I'd say all exposure is good exposure! Sometimes I'm thinking there's a better chance that the story of our conflicts with spammers are more likely to go viral on a podcast or the internet than just about anything else lol. Short story LitFic isn't really trending these days sadly, but I greatly enjoy writing it.


Martin Ross
13:24 Aug 28, 2023

My next collection will be mixed bag — straight and “weird” Dodge stories and a trio of immigration stories (one non-genre, one supernatural horror/humor, and one sci-fi that pissed off some folks in a FB writers group I joined). Not sure if this one has a place there, tho maybe with the series I’m starting with Schrodinger’s cat jumping through time to kill quantum physicists might provide an opportunity for parody.


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Mary Bendickson
22:41 Aug 27, 2023

Afternoon delight!


Martin Ross
23:11 Aug 27, 2023

Or early evening or morning -- the landfill and radioactive dumps create a sun-blocking haze... I meant this as an affectionate overall spoof -- you don't think I'll hurt anyone's feelings here, do you?


Mary Bendickson
01:48 Aug 28, 2023

Thought it was leading to love with a robot?


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Nina H
20:08 Sep 02, 2023

Ah, Love in the Time of AI 😂 This was fantastic Martin, and I smiled my way through Alexis’s journey! Alexis - Al exis. My mind kept separating her name like that! This was such a fun story, loved all the author shouts. 😄


Martin Ross
21:26 Sep 02, 2023

Thanks, Nina. Lotta fun to write!


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Cassie Finch
02:46 Sep 01, 2023

You're a busy man. How do you write so many of these?


Martin Ross
02:55 Sep 01, 2023

The prompts are a challenge to me. I’m slowing down a little, though — it’s getting tough finding clues for the Mike Dodge stories, and this one actually was a spoofy COMMENT on a writer’s group post about hacker/scammer fiction thieves (there’s actually such a thing). I had to add about 400 words to meet the Reedsy limit. I hope we get an inspiring prompt tomorrow.


Cassie Finch
09:56 Sep 08, 2023

Are hacker/scammer fiction thieves people who pass off hacker/scammer fiction off as their own?


Martin Ross
13:20 Sep 08, 2023

Yeah, weird, right? The fiction writers group I just said a grateful goodbye to was constantly bombarded by them, trying to get private and personal information out of writers. My story is entirely speculation that they are one-eyed Eastern Europeans.😉


Cassie Finch
09:40 Oct 03, 2023

They could be three eyed eastern Milky Wayans.


Martin Ross
10:24 Oct 03, 2023



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Unknown User
19:48 Aug 31, 2023

<removed by user>


Martin Ross
00:36 Sep 01, 2023

🤣🤣🤣. Thanks.


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Martin Ross
17:41 Sep 06, 2023

And by the way, did Miss Linguist speak the mother tongue?


Unknown User
19:35 Sep 06, 2023

<removed by user>


Martin Ross
20:30 Sep 06, 2023

Damn, wish I hadn’t got rid of that snare drum!🤣


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Aoi Yamato
03:11 Aug 30, 2023

great story. you have a good imagination.


Martin Ross
03:43 Aug 30, 2023

Thanks — it was a lot of fun to write.


Aoi Yamato
03:24 Aug 31, 2023



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Michał Przywara
20:53 Sep 05, 2023

Ha! Funny, heartwarming - and irritating with the scam bits :) But it's a clever story. The premise is "write about an AI" and we learn that Alexis, who seems so human, isn't. But then on the other hand, it takes something like a plagiarist, a thief of stories, and humanizes him. There's an important set of themes there, especially for a love story. Very fun :)


Martin Ross
22:09 Sep 05, 2023

Thanks, Michal! This actually started as a comment on a writers group post jokingly proposing a romance novel about a writer hooking up with a scammer. Lots of fun to write. ;)


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Marty B
04:30 Sep 05, 2023

No cyberpunk fiction scammer is stealing this one- to many inside jokes/ references for anyone but the true die-hard readers of the world! I dove in and came out the other side, wall-eyed but smiling ;) Thanks!


Martin Ross
05:46 Sep 05, 2023

Thanks, Marty! Couldn't come up with a mystery, so just had a load of fun with it. My wife loves romance novels, so she don't get to see this one. ;)


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