Drama Friendship Mystery

It was early fall in the late 2000s. As a new girl in town moved in from California. She had graduated from the eighth grade. She was going to the ninth grade in a few weeks. Her and her mom just moved to Georgia. Because her mom got a new and better job. She had a dad that was back home back in California. As the days went by she slowly fell into depression. Her mom seemed very excited and tried to encourage her on meeting new people. She slowly gained fear and concerns about being bullied. Which she quietly experienced that back in California. It was just three days before the first day of school. Her mom said we're going school shopping and to get school supplies. Her mom's cell phone rang it was her dad. "He asked how are things going in Georgia"? She responded: "I don't like it here". He responded: "Your mother felt like it would be a better environment for you and her. She passed the phone back to her mom. It was 6:00 a.m. Monday morning and her mom yelled: "Get up it's time to get ready for school the bus will be here soon". She didn't have nothing to say. Her mom said: "Jessica what has gotten into you?". She replied: "I really don't want to be here. I want to be back home with Dad". 30 minutes later the bus arrived in front of her house. She walked to the back and it was a girl sitting next to the seat that was empty. The girl asked what is your name? She replied: "My name is Jessica". My name is Amber. It's been 3 months since high school have started as being in the 9th grade. They were presented a lot of curricular activities. Jessica always had a passion for dancing. So she decided to try out for cheerleading. And she also decided to try out for the band. So one day after coming home from school her mom asked: So how are you liking school so far?. It's ok mom and she walked off. After she won a position as a cheerleader and she also won as a band member. She wanted to go home and tell her mom the good news. On this particular day her mom wasn't so excited like she normally would be on the other days. So Jessica decided to keep the excited good news to herself into another time. Two weeks later and she had to do more cheerleader tryouts. Because competition was coming up in a few months. Her band director was understanding of her cheerleading tryouts. She was able to tackle being a cheerleader and a band member. For a while her mom didn't even know the success her daughter was doing all in the ninth grade. Until one day her mom was driving home and saw her daughter face on a billboard. Her Mom came home in anger and said:"Jessica why didn't you tell me that you was on the cheerleader squad at your school?. Jessica replied: "Mom I tried to tell you but you looked very sad the day I made the team". I also became a band member I've been very busy in the afternoons. I have told dad about this a couple weeks ago he was very excited. I finally feel like I belong. Mom I didn't want to tell you that. I've experienced with bullying back home in California. It has been so many days that. I wanted to commit suicide so. I wrote In my diary every day expressing my feelings. I put on a smile everyday making others laugh while being bullied at the same time. But now I feel as though now that we are in Georgia. I feel like I belong so far that has not been any bullying. Since I've joined the cheerleader team and becoming a band member. It was about 2 years later. Jessica had became a junior. She had became very familiar, very comfortable, with being the head coach of her cheerleader squad. Every new freshman that came. Everyone had to learn a new routine that they had to teach themselves for every tryout. As time went by Jessica had to let go of the band. Although on the inside music was one of her passions but she also loved to cheer as a passion too of expression. A couple days before a competition Jessica got really really sick and she had to step out and step down from cheerleading. Her heart crumbled into pieces. She cried: "What am I supposed to do now".? weeks after the bad news of her getting really sick Jessica decided to focus on her studies until she graduated from high school. Early summer of the late 2000s Jessica was getting ready to graduate as a senior. Jessica has so many plans to go to college to become a professional director of a band. Three years after Jessica graduated and she was on campus she ended up with the wrong crowd of people. She met a girl name blue. Blue was into drugs and very dark things. Jessica has never been experienced with those type of things. Blue tried to convince her so many times let's try some drugs. Jessica hesitated and she asks: So if I try this drug what will it do to me?. Blue giggles: "Oh girl you're going to be fine it's just marijuana."Jessica replied: I have never done any kind of drugs in my life. So one day her mom calls her before she walks into her class. Her mom had to tell her some bad news. She asked her mom: What is going on Mom?. Jessica I got fired from my job and I have to move back to California. Two years had went by. Jessica was graduating from college. Her dad attended the graduation. Because he wasn't able to attend her high School graduation. Ten years have passed by and Jessica was on Facebook and she got an invitation that her high school was having a reunion. Although Jessica was a cheerleader all four years of high school. She also dealt with a lot of drama that she also kept to herself. There were a lot of girls in school that was jealous of Jessica because of her successes. Jessica decided that she didn't want to go to her reunion. Until one day her old crush from high school insists: Hey why not go to see old faces. Jessica went home and thought for days on what she wanted to do. Jessica friend that she met when she was in the ninth grade. Amber wanted to come they haven't seen each other in so long.so Jessica decided to go to her reunion and she was so excited to see all the old faces after 10 years.

October 02, 2020 01:16

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