
I could hear the winds whipping violently and cars screeching across the icy roads. I put my head between my knees and tried to block everything that was happening out. The cold, the screeching cars, and the fact that I was trapped in here.

I was sitting down beside the only heater that was still blowing any air at all. When the power went out so did most of the air vents. It was freezing and I was attempting to get as much semi-warm air that I could before this air vent shut off too.

I was shivering in my thin jacket and my sweater underneath. I hadn't worn much because when I left the house I was just going to pop into the grocery store and leave in ten minutes.

The store was not very crowded, to begin with when I came in, and when it started to snow the few customers that were inside left quickly. I stayed only because I quite literally had no food at my house. The blizzard had been raging on and off for a few days and when it finally stopped for thirty minutes I took a chance to go buy groceries.

I shivered and tried again to push myself closer to the air vent, even though I was already hugging the wall like an old friend I hadn't seen in years. Suddenly I heard a crash that seemed like it was right outside the store. I jumped at the sound and rushed to the front of the store to see. Before I could get to the front I heard the florescent lights flicker and die.

"Great," I thought "Now I am alone in a grocery store with no light and nearly no heat and I left my cell phone at home"

I continued to stumble toward the front of the store through the maze of aisles. When I reached the front I saw that two power lines had collapsed in the distance. "Well, that explained the lights going out," I told myself.

Another shudder passed through my body and I cursed myself again for even chancing it to come here. "Why didn't I just wait and then I could curl up with a blanket in my warm house. Even if I came why did I have to stay even when the storm was starting up again? Just to find a box of my favorite cereal." I rolled my eyes at the thought.

I wished that I could at least call my boyfriend and tell him I was ok but I had searched the whole supermarket and the only phone was dead. I wished hopelessly that maybe he would just pull up right now with snow tires on his truck and rescue me from this cold cold place.

Even as this thought comforted me, I knew that it was not going to happen. I hadn't told him specifically where I was going and he hadn't asked. I reminded myself to always remember to bring my phone anytime I went anywhere.

At this point, I was getting ready to go back to my air vent, if it was even still working when I heard a noise. I froze whipping my head around looking for the person who was here. "No Holly come on you searched everywhere twice there is nobody here," I told myself confidently " But then what had made that noise?" I wondered again

"Hello? Is anyone their? My name is Holly and I got trapped here when the storm knocked a branch in front of the door." No answer. I sighed and convinced myself that I must be going crazy in this supermarket.

I heard another crash something that sounded like cans crashing.

Now I was getting really freaked out. I realized that I probably should have gotten freaked out like this when I discovered that I was alone in here. I jogged quickly back to my air vent where my purse was.

After I discovered that there wasn't any more heat in the vent I had to make a desperate decision. I had to get out of here. If I got out I could at least get out to my car and put the heat on until the storm died down.

The front door wasn't an option as it was blocked by a giant branch. All other doors were locked, even in the back freezer room. The only form of escape I had planned was the back window.

I had checked and in the offices, there was a window about six feet above the ground. I decided that I was not going to just freeze in this creepy grocery prison, waiting for someone to find me. I grabbed my purse and started down the Canned Goods and Noodles Aisle.

As I walked down the aisle I tripped and I knocked over a giant display of canned goods. It was then that I heard the wail of a crying child and I froze.

I had never been the mothering type. Even in my college years when everyone had been thinking about it I already knew. I just didn't want to be a mom. I didn't want to devote my life to some slobbering crying child. As selfish as that might sound I had always been very happy with my life without children.

I had my boyfriend and a lot of friends from college who lived near me. My family was very supportive of me and my parents were fine with never having grandkids.

I didn't know why but, I got very weird around children. I never knew why but I couldn't "baby talk" or make babies smile or anything. I think that I am just more comfortable with adults.

This all went through my mind as soon as I heard that cry.

I stumbled over the cans of SpagettiOs and Green Beans to see what or who was making that god awful wailing screams. Once I nag=vigated past all the cans I reached the end of the aisle and turned into the next one.

There sat a sobbing red-faced infant in the mists of more cans. " I must have knocked some over on this aisle to when I hit the shelving in aisle eight


I am very story but the deadline is almost done and I cannot see the keyboard in the dark so I have to finish mu story please comment on any ideas or help for my next one again I am so sorry if you took the time to read this and ti sis finished. I would have finished it but I was so busy packing this week I did not have time sorry once again.

August 01, 2020 02:52

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