I love you too

Submitted into Contest #97 in response to: Start your story with an unexpected knock on a window.... view prompt

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Romance High School Fiction

I Was lying on my bed trying to get some sleep, but I couldn't after what happened today at the cafeteria. That's when there was a sudden and unexpected knock on my window. Thinking it's a thief I grabbed the baseball bat from under the bed and put curtains aside. The bat dropped from my hand, followed by me covering my mouth with my hands. It was Axel, the person I least accepted to see ever again in my life. 

"Open the window Gia, I can't hold much longer" 

"What are you doing here," I say with surprise in my voice.

"I'll tell you, first let me in please" I can see he's trying not to fall.

I let him in. 

"Care to explain what's all this?" 

"Look GIA, I can explain whatever Gloria told you, just hear me out okay?"

I let him explain because I love him and I need an explanation.

"Okay" I say simply.

"Okay so, for starters I never touched her while dancing, she's the one who fell and tripped over me and I didn't even know if it was her who's falling in the first place."

I knew I was overthinking, see he's not the bad guy here she is except she is a girl, not a guy. I agreed with him.

"Okay, natural reflex. But how would you explain having dinner with her at your house? And later dropping her at her apartment. You want me to believe nothing happened between you two. And not to forget, all of this happened while we were dating each other."

He raked his hand over his hair and he looked incredibly sexy.

"I know, you have this feeling about me that I would cheat on you somewhere in the back of your mind and I don't blame you because that's how I was before I met you."

"Then explain this" I held out my hands in anger and annoyance.

He sighed " this Friday night was supposed to be a family dinner with Gloria's parents to discuss business, I didn't know she was coming too. Her parents got a call out of nowhere, they said it was urgent so they left. My parents asked Gloria to stay, and seeing the opportunity she did. I tried to convince my mom that she doesn't have to but my mom neither let me leave nor her and by the time she was finished talking with my mom it was eleven, so my mom asked me to drop her off at her house. I know we both hate her but I also know we would not want her or any girl to not be safe. And.." 

I know he has a bad image from his past but I was convinced that he was changing for me, I see it in his actions. Because the Axel everyone knew before would never drop her ex-girlfriend, even if God himself ordered him to do so. But I see how Gloria played me. I cut him off and said

" Stop, It's alright I can figure out the rest of the story. So basically, she tricked me and lied to me just so I would stop trusting you. I'm so sorry Axel, I should have confided in you and not her, it's just you guys have history and I got scared. I promise you this will never happen again. And it's so sweet of you to come all the way here especially at this hour. How did you reach my window anyway?"

He held my hand and with a smile he said

"By climbing up the pipe. And hey listen to me, trust is not something that comes in handy, it has to be earned and see I'm earning it day by day. You have changed me, Gia. I wanna be good for you, for us. I want to have a future with you, I want to live every second of my life with you and only you. Yes, we had history but she and I never really connected as we do and besides, it can never outweigh our future. I like you way too much to lose it all. So are we good now, because I want to kiss your lips the second I come here."

He made me blush, hard. I bit my lower lip,  breaking eye contact.

"I feel the same way about you. I don't think I have ever liked someone this much."

He cups my face with both of his hands and steps closer, our faces mere inches apart. 

" You know what happens when you blush like that and bite your lips, but you like me when I'm out of control with you, don't you?"

I looked straight into his serine deep blue eyes because I found myself guilty. After all, I do like him out of control. Although we never did more than make out, I can tell he's rough and strong.

"Yes, I like…"

With a jolt, He cuts me off and his lips are already on mine.  His lips are soft and he tastes like strawberries. our tongues touching and battling each other. Our rough kiss got rougher and rougher and his hands held my waist tightly and mine was automatically locked in his hairs. But suddenly I felt cold air on my lips and he was no longer kissing me. I opened my eyes and saw him standing far away.

"Gia, I want to tell you something"

Oh please not now, I am on fire and so is he, I can see it.

"What? now ?"

"Yeah, it's important."

How important can it be that he has to stop us from igniting?


" I'm not going to make love to you until we get married."

What! Why! Is he not attracted to me? Am I not pretty enough? He's getting nervous and I'm anxious.

He continued " it's not like I am not intrigued by your beauty, trust me I am. But after Gloria, I was always sleeping around and nothing else mattered to me I want to give you the satisfaction that  I am not with you just for sex because I never was and never will be. I am with you because I love you and I want you in my future and this will only increase your trust for me and besides you mean so much more than just sex to me."

He breaks eye contact and mutters "you're my everything"  

He shocked me. I didn't know he loved me this much and his Confession was so sudden. I was shocked and happy at the same time.

He has won me over. I Love Him. I love Axel. And this decision just proved how important I am to him, how important our relationship is to him. how badly he wants us to work and how he said that he wanted to make love and not sex. I am His and He is mine. I'm never letting him go.

I closed the distance between us.

 "Did you just say, you love me?" I say in shock

" yeah as a matter of fact I do love you, I have been feeling that way for a very long time but I was too scared to say it out loud. And I understand if you don't feel the same because I don't want to force you into loving me." He enlightened me while smiling and holding my hands.

Never breaking eye contact I say in a low voice.

"I love you too, Axel " and I kissed him softly for a second. The kiss was not rough, it was sweet and full of love. I kissed him as lovers do.

His lips curved into a very sweet smile, the one I have never seen before. All of a sudden He held me by my waist up in the air, our bodies were touching and he started spinning us, I have never seen him this happy.

I giggled " don't make me fall" and clutched him tighter by his shoulders.

"Don't worry, I'll never let you fall" After a minute or so

He put me onto the ground, still standing so close. I ask him 

"Would you like to stay with me tonight? I'll lock my door and nobody will find out."

He answered happily "I would love to watch you sleep in my arms"

We slept in each other's arms, holding each other close and tight. I was never loved like this by anybody. What more could I ever ask for?

 I have the perfect boyfriend in the world who loves me at a whole new level. I never knew that I would be lucky to ever experience a love so pure.

 And If Disney could make another fairytale movie then it would be based on ours. He's the one for me and I'm the one for him, that's what matters.

And Sleeping in his embrace, I'm Home.

June 05, 2021 05:28

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1 comment

Shweta Pandey
17:59 Jun 12, 2021

This is just amazing, i read it nd i can feel every bit of the words 💥💥💥💥💥💥


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