Drama Fiction Friendship

I checked my ticket again, flight 2771 east gate. I was surprised I even got a ticket, I bought one last minute with a coupon I had. An all-expenses-paid trip. I was surprised to see the package had such a low price. I was just happy to get out of the house. When I got to the gate I waited in line to board the plane. I grabbed my passport out for my bag and got it ready for the flight attendant.

The line moved quickly and I soon reached the front. I handed the flight attendant my passport and ticket. She glanced at it and handed it back to me; she motioned for me to enter the boarding bridge. I stepped into the bridge and walked along the enclosed path to the airplane. Another flight attendant greeted me when I entered the plane and she pointed me towards the economy class area. I found my seat, which was right next to the window, and stowed my bag in the overhead bin. I slid into my seat and watched as the plane filled up with people. Mostly couples, probably on their way to a romantic vacation. The two remaining seats in my row remained empty. I watched and waited for someone to sit next to me, but no one did. 

My head turned as two more people, another couple, got on the plane. The couple is young and lively. The woman hangs off the man's arm, holding him close. They both smile brightly like they are sharing a private joke. I watch as they look around the plane for an open seat. Their eyes land on my two open seats and they start to walk towards me. I grumble to myself, “Great, two love-obsessed kids.” When they get to my seat I look at them smiling. The woman looks at me and moves as if she is getting ready to sit down but her partner takes one look at me and pulls her back. His smile has dropped a little and he whispers something in the woman's ear. Her smile falters a little and her eyes dart back to me. She quickly looks away. The man pulls her back to the front where he talks to a flight attendant. After a while I see her lead them to first class.

I was the only one who had an open seat next to them. I sighed and looked out the window. I was used to being avoided. I was more likely to fall out of the airplane than for someone to willingly sit next to me.

The plane took off smoothly. The flight was good, I slept for most of it. I woke up in time to put my seat back up and get ready for the landing. We touched down safely. When I got off the plane I grabbed my suitcase and walked out onto the street where I hailed a cab, “Where are you going?” I quickly looked at my ticket for the hotel name, “The Blue Water Hotel.” The driver nodded and pulled away from the airport.

While I watched the scenery the driver kept looking back at me. I ignored him like everyone else. When we got to the hotel I paid the cab fee, the driver took one more look at me and shook his head in disbelief before he drove away. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk into the hotel. The usher greeted me and offered to help me with my bags, I dismissed him politely; after all, I only had my purse and a suitcase. I checked into the front desk and they gave me my room number and key card. I thanked her and walked to the elevators. I pushed the 3rd-floor button and the elevator ascended. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. I walked down the hall, which was one of the most crowded hotel hallways I had ever been in. I stepped up to my door and inserted the card, I heard the lock shift and the door beeped as I opened it.

The room was obviously a suite. It had a small kitchen and dining room. There was even a small living room that had a door leading into a luxurious bathroom. The bedroom was a separate room and it had a king-sized bed. I dumped my suitcase on the floor next to the bed. I pulled my swimsuit out and decided I was gonna go see the beach that was literally right outside. I removed my shirt and pants, I was just getting ready to unhook my bra when I heard the door beep.

I froze. I heard the door close behind whoever just walked in. I listened to the footsteps as they walked around my room. I swallowed my fear, “Hello?” The footsteps stopped, a male voice responded. “Is someone in there?” I quickly grabbed my shirt and threw it over my shoulders, it was long enough to give me some modesty. Pulling at the hem of my shirt I opened the door and ran face-first into a solid wall; well not a wall, but my god he could have been. Completely forgetting about my shirt my hands flew up to my face instinctively. “I am so sorry!” The man's voice is deep, swoon-worthy. A hand gently touches my shoulder, “Please forgive me I didn’t mean to!”

“No no, it’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah yeah, I’m fine.” I remove my hands from my face and slowly look up into the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. One as blue as the sky, the other a deep chocolate brown. My mouth falls open as I take in the rest of him. He is absolutely jacked! This guy has muscles in places I didn’t know you could have muscles in! He’s clearly over six feet tall. His hair is dark brown, like his eye. 

His eyes looked me over, starting with my white hair. His eyes fell down to my pale ones surrounded by white lashes, then lower. His eyebrows shot up, I looked down. My face turned bright red and my hands grabbed at the hem of my shirt and tried to pull it down. He laughed, “Well this is not how I thought this was gonna go.”

“Give me a second!” I slammed the door on him and quickly pulled on my shorts, I tucked my shirt in. I opened the door and he was still standing there giggling like a little boy.

I walked out holding my head high, trying to have as much composure as possible. He looked at me and offered his hand, “Aaron Lamar.” I ignored his hand, “Feya Kings. What are you doing here?” Aaron looked at me confused. His hand dropped to his side. “This is my room. Well, it’s our room.”

“Our room?”

“Yeah, you know the singles package.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You signed up for the singles package, all expenses paid for singles.”

“Yeah I know but why are you here?”

“It’s part of the single-no-more thing. They pair you with another single, like a blind date; but it’s a vacation.”

“I'm sorry ma’am there is nothing I can do now.” I glared down at the lady behind the hotel desk. “There has to be something, another room maybe?”

“No ma’am there is nothing. Ma’am, you paid for the singles package, all expenses paid. You could try to enjoy it.”

“Fine.” I stomped back to my room. When I walked in I saw Aaron in swim shorts, showing off his abs. I stared for a moment until I realized what was in his hands; my swimsuit. “I told you not to touch my stuff.” I reached for my suit but he pulled it out of my reach, holding it above my head. “Oh come now it was laying on the bed laid out so nicely and I wondered whose it was. Then I realized it was yours but I thought no way this swimsuit belonged to a buzz kill such as yourself.” He smirked at me. “I’m not a buzz kill, I just don’t like having to share a room with a strange man.” I jumped for the swimsuit and almost grabbed one of the straps but he pushed me back with his other hand. “Did you plan on wearing this?”

“Yes! Now give it back!” He dropped it on the floor and pushed past me to the door. I expected him to leave but he just stood there. “Put it on.” My eyes widened, “What?” He raises one eyebrow at me, “You don’t have the balls.” He was challenging me. I picked up the discarded swimsuit and turned my nose up as I walked into the bedroom.

I tugged my clothes off and put the swimsuit on. It was a showy little thing. It was bright red and didn’t cover as much as it should have, and It accentuated the little curves that I had. I wasn’t gonna let him see me embarrassed again so I marched out my head held high, “There happy?” He looked at me and I felt his eyes run over my body. He smiled, “Okay, ready to go?”

“Go where?”

“To the beach silly.” Before I could respond he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

He opened the hotel door for me, by the time we had gotten back to our room it was pitch black outside. He crossed the room to the minibar and grabbed a bear out for me and him. I made my way to the couch and laid down. He walked over and handed me my beer. I sat up, letting him sit down beside me. Once he was settled I cuddled in close. We cracked open our beers and turned the TV on. We turned the volume down and talked through the night. At one point we played charades. We talked about our dreams and our goals and I realized how much we had in common. As the night went on not once did I feel uncomfortable as he looked at me? Not once did I feel the judgment I was used to. He accepted me for me. 

When we both decided it was time to turn in for the night he offered to take the couch while I got the bed. I thanked him and went into the bedroom. I started to drift off, listening to his soft snoring coming from the other room. I smiled and whispered to myself, “Maybe this won't be that bad.”

March 05, 2021 20:54

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