
The Sun was high in the sky for the first day of spring. It was the first time many people came out since the beginning of the long and cold winter. Matteo breathed a sigh of relief , he had been worried to not see his friends for so long!. He had decided to go to a friend he had not seen in a while. He thought it felt good to be in the streets of Paris again. When he got to his friend's place they told each other what they'd done during that long time they'd been apart. Then Matteo proposed to go outside. They had to be careful where they walked since there was still snow from the recent snow storm. As they walked through the park, Matteo accidentally stepped in some snow. He was about to go on when he noticed there was something in the snow. He called out to his friend


"I need to tie my laces, go on before me".When his friend was a bit ahead he took out what was in the snow. It was a box. He stared at it carefully and decided he would investigate it later. Then he ran to catch up to his friend. For the rest of the time they walked through the park. The mysterious box kept all his focus and he wasn't paying much attention to what his friend was saying. Suddenly his friend stopped. Matteo looked up: they were at the park exit. Matteo was about to say bye when his friend surprised him by asking


"What's bothering you,you're not listening to what I say and you didn't even notice we have arrived". Matteo started to protest but he saw it was useless. So he sighed but pulled out the box he had found. His friend Oren asked what it was. Matteo shrugged.


"Well open it, Oren urged Matteo". Matteo reluctantly opened the box. 


  Inside of the box they got a surprise.  There was a scroll. they shared a puzzled look. Then Oren asked

"what does it say". Matteo read it aloud:

 "here's what it said. The treasure you seek hides in its finding place to rest till the clues are combined."

" What does that mean "Oren asked.

“Dunno” Matteo replied. 

The next day,  when Matteo got up he heard his parents talking about a theft.When he got into the living room he asked 

"what theft are you talking about". His parents 


 "We heard people looking for a box. The box might have been stolen, experts are yet unsure". 

This afternoon, Matteo went to tell Oren what he had learned from his parents. Oren asked

 "are you sure it was that box".


"No, Matteo replied, but it's weird that just when we find a box, people come looking after one".


"I can't disagree with that," Oren said. 


"hey but have you figured out what the riddle meant". Matteo shook his head. 


"Well, what should we do with the box? Give it to the police" insisted Oren. 


"No, Matteo replied. Then the two robbers would come after us. Let's keep it a secret". 


"Fine," said Oren. 

When Matteo came back home, his furniture was broken in pieces. His parents weren't  back yet. He wondered what they would think when they would be back.

He checked his pocket and happily realized that the robbers hadn't found what they wanted: he still had the box.

 "Though", he wondered, 

"how could they know I had the box?" . At 6:00 pm his mum came back home alone. When she saw how the house looked like she screamed and asked 

"what have you done" before fainting.Luckily when she came back to herself, Matteo told her the whole story, and she believed him.


The next day Matteo met with Oren at the park entry. He told him what had happened.


"So it is the box we found" Oren guessed. Matteo nodded. Then suddenly, in a second, a man rushed towards them and tackled Matteo to the ground Oren tried to help but was intercepted by another guy. The man on Mateo tried to reach his pocket but Matteo fought back and ripped the guy's mask. The face he saw startled him. It was his dad, Roger.

Matteo wasn't sure his Dad realized he'd been discovered. Matteo saw him take the box and ran away with his accomplice.  

When Matteo and Oren stood up, they both admitted they were still in shock. 


" They took the box, " Matteo mumbled.


"We'll get it back", Oren said. Matteo had rarely seen him so determined.


The next morning, Matteo woke up at 3:00 am and saw his dad getting ready to leave dressed in the dark. Matteo silently followed him outside, and waited a few minutes before Oren joined him. Then the 2 of them silently followed Roger.

At the entrance of the park, Roger met up with three over people. They went to where Matteo had first found the box. Surprisingly, the snow still hadn't melted. Suddenly Matteo understood the riddle:

 "this is where the treasure is  hidden" he whispered to Oren. Oren was surprised than


asked“why” .Matteo


Said”the box is the clue and this is the finding place”.

“Okay Oren said what do we do now”

Matteo whispered him back a plan which made Oren's eyes gleam. As Oren called the police Matteo joined his dad and candidly asked him 

"Dad what are you doing here? " 


"Um, I was talking to some of my friends. You, what are you doing so early in the park? "

"I couldn't sleep and I saw you were awake so decided to follow you but you walked too quickly".

Roger eyed his son suspiciously. Suddenly, ten police officers emerged from behind a bush and called

 "hands up" 

The robbers being outnumbered and not ready did as asked and put their hands up.The police drove them to their station. Then one officer asked the robbers

"what was that box for?" 

The robbers shared a look before one of them finally responded


"It was a clue to find the treasure of the most famous pirate," he said. 

The officer looked at them then asked: 

“what kind of treasure and why would you steal to get it?"

At this point,  Roger spoke up

 "we need this treasure, which contains money, as we don;t get enough with our job ". 

the policemen hesitated and finally offered:

 "what if I find you a better job and you promise you'll never rob again?".

They all agreed.


Two months later a letter and a package arrived for Matteo. The letter said that one third of the treasure would be his later. Matteo smiled, thinking how cool adventure had been.



April 02, 2020 14:30

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