
Disclaimer: I don't own anything magical. They belong to J.K Rowling.

It was a rainy day and Lily Luna Potter was bored out of her mind. She was walking around the house and found a strange necklace. She picked it up suddenly the front door opened and Lily dropped the necklace. She vanished in a cloud of gold smoke. What she saw next made her jaw drop.

She was standing outside the house that she spent so much time in. It was The Burrow." Oh, the necklace took me to the burrow, oh well grandma and grandpa will be happy to see me." She went and knocked on the door. Her grandmother opened it but she looked younger. " Who are you?" she asked.

Lily replied, " I am Lily luan Potter." Lily was pulled into the house and her grandmother called everybody in the house to the living room. She saw her parents, uncles, aunt, grandparents, marauders, and professors. That all looked younger. Just then Lily saw a calendar and saw it was 1995. Her dad's 5th year.

She decided that she should introduce herself so she said, hi I am Lily luna Potter daughter of Harry Potter and

"Ginny Weasley" Hermione and Molly Weasley shouted in unison.

Harry and Ginny were suddenly very interested in their shoes.

Since they were in dark times they asked lily to prove to them she is from the future they asked her to tell them something only they knew.

I am from the future Padfoot, Moony, and Prongslet J.r.

Harry, Sirius, and Remus all said she is from the future.

The Weasley twins however were eager to learn who the marauders really were. Harry, Sirius, and Remus will tell, won't they? She gave them a smile saying you-better-tell-them-now.

The Weasley twin's jaws dropped to the ground in shock. They couldn't believe that 2 people that they knew were people who helped them play pranks and escape teachers.

Just then with a loud bang, 4 people appeared 3 of the people looked like they were siblings with lily and the oldest looked really pissed off. " ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER, LAVENDER HERMIONE POTTER YOU SENT US BACK IN TIME oh James thanks for not getting into trouble." "you're welcome teddy, sorry teddy, what are you guys doing here" filled the air.

" Wait, do you know them?" Remus a.k.a Moony said.

" Yeah, they are my siblings and godbrother.

"Oh okay." Sirius a.k.a Padfoobv t said.

"James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lavender Hermione are my younger sister and older brothers. Teddy is. our godbrother." Lily said knowing everybody wanted to know who the new arrivals are.

"Whose teddy's parents?" Remus asked.

"Why don't you guys guess we will give up clues!" Lavender said.

Teddy changes his hair color to blue to pink to sandy blond.

"Your mum is Nymphadora Tonks," Sirius says.

" Don't call Nymphadora."

" I love the moon," Teddy says.

" I also get very grumpy on once a month."

Cough, Cough.

" What James." " Nothing."

" For people who still haven't figured who my dad is he is a werewolf."

"oh' Harry said.

Ron was the only one who didn't figure out anything about teddy's dad.

" Ron teddy/my dad is Remus Lupin/me." everybody including teddy and Remus yelled at Ron for being very thick-headed.

" Now I got it. Thanks, everyone." Ron said.

" You're welcome."

" Come on let's eat dinner everybody," Grandma Molly said.

Every single boy/man rushed to the table leaving all the girls/women to walk after them laughing at them running even faster than Hermes to the dinner table. Molly had made a salad and mashed potatoes with gravy. Apple pie with ice cream was dessert.

The boys all dug into the food. Even Remus forgot about having a son.

They all talked and had fun that night during dinner and dessert.

But one question was on everybody's mind: How were the five kids going back to their own time? All of a sudden Lavender says" Albus, Teddy how are we going to get back home?" Everybody in the room stopped doing what they were doing after hearing the question 'cause nobody knew what the answer was. Everyone dropped their forks expect Ron. " umm I don't know Lavender, why don't you finish eating your dinner."

" Okay"

After dinner, everybody headed to the sitting room to ask the next-gen kids.

Fred and George deiced to ask the other question on everybody's mind

" So who" Fred started,

" Died." George finished.

" Dumbledore by Snape, Peter by himself, Sirius by the veil," Teddy started but stopped and Albus took over saying:

"Remus and Tonks by death eaters in the final battle so teddy lives with us since dad is his godfather."

" Voldy-Moldy also died, daddy killed him, we also never meet Uncle Fred," Lavender said sadly.

Everyone was shocked. All of a sudden Molly launched herself at Fred. George and the rest of the Weasley did the same.

" You guys are going to kill me with hugs. Let go of me. Also, how do I die?"

" A wall got blasted and it fell on top of you. But on the bright side, Percy came back and before you died he told the minster that he resigned so you died with a smile on your face." James said to everyone shock.

Just then Lavender's necklace started ringing.

" It must dad and mum calling us using lav's necklace."

As soon as they answered the "call" a loud called out.


" I didn't do anything mum."


" It was Albus and Lavender who did it."


" Nothing mum lavender touched the gold dust so I tried to stop her and teddy tried to stop both of us and James decided he wouldn't get left out and came after us so its everybody's fault," Albus said.

Then all of a sudden the connection got cut and the kids had no contact with anybody they knew. Then a gold mist covered them

and the kids disappeared back to the future.

After the golden mist cleared the 5 kids found themselves back in the Potter's living room where their adventure started. Harry and Ginny Potter rushed to their 5 kids and made sure they were okay. Teddy was counted as one of their children since he lived with them since he was little.


May 28, 2020 22:19

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