
We were both ghosts, the Guardian at the Historical Society and I. We were in Laurie’s office back when she was Lorraine, an Ocean Rescue Captain for Hallandale Beach. We were watching a meeting of sorts between Lorraine and a policeman. His uniform had a gold badge on it not too different from hers, which made me think he must have been a Captain or maybe the Chief of Police. There was another man in the room that was dressed in the male version of Lorraine’s uniform. Black pants, with a white dress shirt. He too had a gold badge. His hair was grey around the edges and he looked to be in his early 50's. I think he might have been the Ocean Rescue Chief. I had not noticed him right away for the policeman looked really familiar, yet I could not for the life of me know why. They were all sitting in different seats, yet facing each other. The policeman was on the couch facing the side of Lorraine’s desk with the door and the wall on his left which was the door to the main room. The same door Lorraine had just come out of with another policeman right before she died all those years ago. Or I guess it really hadn’t happened yet, for judging on the decor we are definitely in the past. That is when I suddenly notice the calendar on the wall behind Lorraine. According to the days that had been crossed out and the ones that remained it was August 6th, 1945. The day Lorraine dies. That is when I noticed that Lorraine had at some point moved her chair out and next to her desk so she was facing the policeman sitting on the couch, yet not directly in front of him. The male Ocean Rescue guy was sitting in an old armchair. Worn around the edges yet still looking very comfortable next to and a bit above and also out a ways from the policeman. I noticed a door to the balcony right behind his right shoulder if one was facing the male Ocean Rescue guard. Knowing that they couldn’t see me, I climbed to sit on the back of the sofa with my feet on the cushions. The Guardian that brought me here was floating just above the ground in-between the older Ocean Rescue guard and meself. So basically we formed an awkward circle of sorts. Though they knew not of two extra attendees. At first I couldn’t hear what they were discussing, yet I could tell by Lorraine’s expression and everyone else’s body language that whatever they were saying was serious.  

“Do you know what is happening?” (The Historical Guardian as I refer to him now) asked me.  

“Not really, just that this was the meeting that took place the day she died.” I said with a bit of nervousness. I still had nightmares about that day. 

“Yes, right before she died in fact. Ready to listen?” Without waiting for me to respond, he snapped his fingers and suddenly I could hear everything.  

“All you have to do is get Thomas to sign this confession. Once he does he will get a lighter sentence," said an officer. "Maybe ten to fifteen years for buying/selling, and we can make sure that you are protected.” 

While the 'couch cop' was saying all of this to Lorraine, I saw her look up at the Ocean Rescue Chief for guidance. It honestly seemed weird and very scary to me that she needed guidance. I started studying her expression more closely and realised that not only was she scared, she was starting to cry. I felt my heart crumble. I never knew her to be anything but strong and in control of everything no matter what. I suddenly remembered her the night before this meeting when she was smoking on the balcony of their apartment. Had she been crying that night too? Yes, I think I saw a few tears in her eyes. I wonder if that night she was thinking of this day? I now know that a heart can break more than once. I thought all this with me own tears streaming down as I saw her completely devastated and having no idea what to do. A shocking realisation brought me back. 

“Buying and selling what? Oh God, the Drugs? Was Tom selling the drugs that are now inside Lorraine’s body? Oh no! Do they know about the drugs?” I asked the Guardian all of this via telepathy, frightened that if I spoke out loud that Lorraine would hear me. I still had a hard time separating Lorraine, the mortal from Laurie, the Guardian. After all, they did share the same soul. All he did was nod his head and put his finger to his lips. Great! I have just been shushed by a ghost.  

“I will make sure that you and your adopted daughter are relocated to another wonderful beach. Not as wonderful as ours of course.” The older Ocean Rescue Chief said with a truly irritating chuckle. I noticed that the Historical Guardian couldn’t help rolling his eyes. We watched as the couch cop, as I have dubbed him, handed Lorraine a letter in an envelope just like the one I had hidden under her desk the day she died. That realisation sent chills up my spine and the hair on my arms stood up.  

“Here is the confession letter, all typed and ready for his signature," the Police Captain said. "Just have Thomas sign it and get it back to me in the morning. In the meantime I will post a couple plain clothes near here and your home. Just to make sure no one bothers you until we can get you relocated.” 

“Thanks, but that won’t be necessary.” Lorraine replied. “I can take care of myself” With that I watched her take some powder out of a small paper bag, pour in into the glass of water on her desk, and drink it down.

“Are you okay?" asked the Police Captain.

"I'm fine, just getting a headache.” Lorraine answered.

“Understandable,” replied the Ocean Rescue Captain, while putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He definitely struck me as the father figure type, at least where Lorraine was concerned . 

The officer then went on to ask, “Are you sure you can protect yourself? These guys can be ruthless when going after something or someone they want. You know way more than you should. Besides you have a young one to think of too” The officer added. I was starting to agree with him, and would have become really worried about Lorraine’s safety if I didn’t know she was about to die.  

Without so much as a warning of any kind whatsoever, I suddenly found meself back in the chair in the Historical Society where this journey had begun. The Guardian of the place was standing over me with a sly smile and said “Well, there’s another clue for you.” 

August 14, 2020 21:29

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