
Annie had a very trying day at work. All she wanted to do was to go home and curl up with a good book and a cuppa. She had a very demanding job and was in charge of about thirty employees. Although most days were relatively challenging there were always the inevitable tougher days. She got on well with most of her co workers but there were a few who were bent on making her job a little trying. One was Dorothy who was convinced she was working for the most important government agency in the country! So much so that all her work was meticulous and time consuming and she often stayed back to make sure it was perfect. This was unnecessary as no ones work matched hers for preciseness. However it was Annie’s obligation to oversea Dorothy’s work and this proved tricky with Dorothy’s anxious hovering. Annie had to constantly review her thirty employees’ work which often required her to work overtime, but this suited her as she thrived on hard work .She lived with two friends who also had high level jobs, so they all were happy to keep socializing to the minimum while at home. Her flat mate Liz was a lawyer who had a very priviledged life. She often invited Annie to her home for the weekend. She came from a long line of wealthy family and was a bit snobbish because her family often mixed in high society and royal circles. Liz didn’t need to work but enjoyed the challenge so she was able to pick and choose if and when she worked and for whom. Annie sometimes felt inferior to Liz, but was always treated very kindly by her. Her other flat mate was Alana who Annie knew from college days . Alana was the chief executive of a thriving Export business. She worked long hours so her social life was very minimal and was happy to just unwind with her flatmates during the week. The three flat mates got along very well and enjoyed living together. Annie’s bus stop was in front of the library so she decided to pop in to get a book to read when she got home. She loved perusing the shelves in the library always on the lookout for a different type of book to take home to enjoy reading.As she entered the front door there was a large table with old books which were for sale. “I’ll try something different”, she thought so began checking the books. One particular book caught her eye, it looked very old with a worn leather cover. She picked it up and opened it to the first page. In the top left corner there was a word written in ink and in cursive writing -“ Duchess”. “Thats unusual” she thought (although she frowned upon people writing in books) . After completing her purchase she waited for her bus. For once the bus wasn’t crowded and she got a seat. Happy to get home she had a relaxing long shower then made her cuppa and went to sit in her comfortable chair with her book. She was into the third chapter when she realized that the main character‘s life mimicked her mother’s life .Curiously she could not put the book down. The more she read the more familiar it became. She had to ring her mother and tell her about the book. When her mother answered the phone Annie explained the reason for her call and about the book. There was a long pause before her mother said to her “I have something to tell you which will change your life - My real name is Anastasia and you were named after me - you are Her Royal Highness Duchess Anastasia Boritalia de Contessa of Andovia .....Annie could not believe what she was hearing. She asked her mum to repeat what she said, thinking her mum was joking with her as she often did. Her mother said she would explain what she just said to her but in person. Annie arranged to go to her mothers house the next day. Annie’s mother lived in an established suburb which was Annie’s childhood home until she left to live with her flat mates. The home was about 120 years old and was heritage listed. Annie always loved her old home where she grew up with her parents and three siblings who were younger than her. Sadly her father passes away 10 years previously but her mother stayed on in the house and her siblings also left to live and work elsewhere . On the way to her mothers house the next day, Annie stopped at the patisserie to buy some cakes to take there. Her mother was happy to see her and they went into the kitchen together where Annie put on the kettle for tea while her mum got the cups and plates. They both sat at the small table and Annie served up the cakes while her mother served the tea. Annie’s mother said ‘would the Duchess like cream and sugar with your tea?’ Annie laughed and said ‘yes please but why the formality?’ Annie’s mother said ‘because that is what your title is, Duchess Anastasia of Andovia. She had a serious expression on her face and Annie knew she was not joking. However she was a little stunned by this revelation and asked her mother to please explain. Her mother told her what Annie already knew, that her grandparents were immigrants who settled here where they raised their family which consisted of Annie’s mum who was the eldest of four siblings. They came from Andovia which was a province of a former European country. Because Annie’s mother was the eldest her family would be first to carry the Royal lineage and Annie was her eldest so Annie would carry on the Royal lineage also. All this was very unbelievable to Annie but she listened to her mother’s story. Annie was told that she was indeed a Duchess as her mother and grandmother both married into Royal circles to ensure their royal dynasty would continue. Annie’s mother explained that she would have told Annie all about this when Annie reached the age of 25 but now because of this book that Annie had stumbled upon, the truth had to be revealed to her.

April 25, 2021 08:31

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