Drama Sad Inspirational

Cinnamon honeycomb was her favorite scent in the entire world. So, as she walked passed a little boy and smelt that same scent she instantly stopped in her tracks. It reminded her of the first and last lover she ever had.

"Dad! Dad! There's this bookstore that I want to go to. Can we go, please?" said the boy as he jumped around.

She just smiled to herself and began walking. Then, the smell got stronger. She stopped once again as she heard a voice she knew all too well.

"Okay, we can go, but you have to promise to calm down." The man laughed

She wanted to break down and cry right, then, and there. She wanted to turn on her heels and run straight home. For some odd reason, she couldn't move an inch. It was like the scent had a spell that paralyzed her. She knew if this scent kept seizing her nose she would begin to remember her past and that was the last thing she wanted. 

The scent's spell loosed a bit. She was about to run when suddenly he bumped into her. They both fell to the ground with him on top. That's when the smell hit her and she started to go back to when she first fell in love with this scent.

The bells jingled as someone walked in. He was a tall, dark-haired, fitted, tatted up, and very handsome young man. Just your average bad boy. You have one in every school district. This one, his name was Carl Jackson. She was too busy with her nose in a book to even notice him walking over to her.

"Hello, sweetheart! How are you this fine afternoon?" He said sitting next to her.

She just ignored him.

"Wow, just straight gonna ignore me, sweetheart? That's kind of mean"

"Kandace," she finally spoke, " My name is Kandace. Stop calling me sweetheart" She was still paying attention to her book.

"Can you at least look at me? It's rude" He pouted

" What do you want?" she finally looked up at him. 

"There you go," he said happily"You're cute," he said as he moves his face closer to hers," really cute."

At that moment she smelt something that caught her attention. It was like she was in a trance. The scent was so mesmerizing. Kandace hurried and covered her nose because she felt as though her eyes would roll to the back of her head due to the beautiful scent.

"You okay? Do I stink or something?" he asked smelling himself.

"N-no you don't stink" she stuttered

"Then what's wrong?"

" What kind of cologne are you wearing?"

"Oh, this?" he replied, pulling out a small bottle, with an orange-yellow liquid inside, "I made it myself but, I don't know what I should call it."

"Cinnamon Honeycomb" Kandace mumbled

"Perfect!" he said putting the bottle back in his pocket.

"Can you do me a favor?" she asked

"Oh, now you want something from me?" he laughed "Sure, babygirl"

Hearing the nickname made her heartbeat quicken. 

"Could you hug me?"

They both froze in shock. She could not believe the words that just came from her mouth. He was just as shocked. The girl who was just ignoring him and telling him off, asking for a hug? That's ironic!

"Nevermind forget I ever said anything!" she said nervously as she got up getting ready to leave.

She suddenly felt a force pull her back. The sweet smell she came to love got stronger. She looked back to see Carl hugging her from behind.

"Sorry, I was just shocked" He laughed, "Happy now?"

She couldn't speak. She couldn't move. She couldn't even think straight. The smell was so hypnotizing.

Then, she woke up in a hospital bed. What the hell is going on with today? She thought to herself.

"Thank god, I didn't see him" she let out a sigh of relief.

"See who?" a voice said coming through the door.

She could've burst into tears right there. Kandace turned her head only to see the person she loved, oh so dearly. She quickly covered her nose as he walked closer so the scent wouldn't even get the chance to come into her nostrils and trap her again. 

"Still the same I see, " Carl said smiling, "How have you been Kandace?"

Hearing him say her name once again after all these years made the butterflies come back all over again. No, No, No! He needs to leave right now, she thought. She didn't want to speak. She couldn't say anything. What was there to say?

"Still ignoring me huh?" He laughed

"W-what are you-" she was cut off by his wife walking in and interrupting. Nicole was Kandace's old best friend. They were best friends from 5th grade up until their last year of college.

"What are you doing-" Nicole stopped as she noticed Kandace laying in the hospital bed. Kandace couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Her past life just came walking through the door. The tears slowly started to spill. Her heart ached as she remembered what happened back then.

Kandace was walking to her and her boyfriend's apartment. She walked in and saw her best friend's shoes on the ground. She assumed she was in the living room waiting for her to come home. Nicole always came over to talk and drink with Kandace. Then, she heard moaning. She stopped in her tracks and turned towards the stairwell. She slowly walked up the stairs and in front of her and her lover's room door. The moaning got louder and louder. The louder they got the more her heart ached. Kandace opened the door and saw two people she would have never thought she would have seen.

"Baby I can explain," said Carl getting up from on top of the woman. She saw her best friend covering herself up. Kandace was frozen as tears had spilled on her face. The two people who she loved more than anything. The two people who she trusted more than she even trust herself. There was nothing she could do. There was nothing she could say. Was I not enough? Do they hate me? How could they do this to me? What have I done to deserve this? Did they not love me? Why? Why? Why? That was all she could think about as she fell to the ground. How could they? How could They? How could they?

"What are you two doing here?" She asked with anger and sadness in her voice.

"You passed out when I bumped into you," replied Carl with an obvious look of shame on his face.

"Hey Kandy, How are you?" Nicole said with concern in her voice.

She couldn't do anything but laugh in their faces. How am I? HOW AM I!? she thought. 

"Get out," Kandace said laughing.

"What?" they said simultaneously 

"GET. OUT." she said angrily.

They left and she just sat on their hospital bed. She cried and cried and cried. The tears just wouldn't stop. The pain she felt long ago all came rushing back. 

She stayed in the hospital for a day and went home after that. She eventually got over it and went back to work again. After a while, she became happy again. She realized that some people just don't deserve her. She gained her confidence back and enjoyed her life. 

Carl lost the best thing he ever had in his life. She knew she would find someone else someday. She'd get married one day and have tons of children of her own. She knew it was childish but, that's the bliss of life. 

September 29, 2020 20:25

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Leya Newi
08:45 Oct 04, 2020

This was poignant. Sweet and heartbreaking, I can practically smell the Cinnamon Honeycomb cologne, and Kandace was right. It’s the sort of smell that draws you in and never lets you go. The only thing I had was to make it a bit clearer when you switch between past and present. I had to read twice to get it but itherwise it was beautifully written. You definitely have talent Justice! Keep writing!


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Paige Leppanen
03:36 Oct 04, 2020

Love the title


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