Where Time Almost Stands Still
Ok, how do we start this story? We could start it with character descriptions…nah. That’s on you and your imagination. We could write a beautiful description of atmosphere and breathtaking elements…nah, not going to happen. Hmmm, then how…? Fuck it, let’s just go.
Cole Johnson’s Entries:
Day 104:
I went to court today. It was some good, some bad. I was offered 24 years. That’s good. I won’t see Sally or my children for 8,760 days. That’s bad. This is a decision I must absorb. My attorney says it’s the best I will get and advises I take it. I won’t, I did not do anything wrong!
Today is chicken on the bone day, so I’m going to be quick in my documentation of my thoughts to you, world. Phillip will be done working out soon too. This place is so hard but at least I have Sally’s calls to look forward to. World, if you have an ounce of compassion, please forgive me. I did nothing wrong.
As Cole finished his diary entry, he knew it was close to chow time and he had his chicken already sold. It was a different kind of currency behind these walls. Instead of dollars and cents, it was items like soup and peanut butter. Chicken went for 5 soups, which was considered to be very expensive. We will talk about this again.
Day 162:
I talked to Sally today. She’s so amazing. I really miss her caress. Her lustful look, that she always had when she gazed upon me. She had eyes that you could feel deep in your heart. They were inviting. I could see she was deep in thought about me and I could almost reach into them and pull her soul into mine.
We talked about our normal topics at first, bills, her work, our longing for each other. The one thing we never discussed was my crime or my potential sentence. I know what’s coming and she does as well. I told her how much I missed her, we recalled our first date, for the five hundredth time, but it was a story that made us both smile and laugh. These memories were all we had now.
Cole had to get 16 soups, 4 honey buns and 2 bags of Dorito’s together. He had run up a debt, expecting Sally to help him with commissary. This debt was caused by the paper and pen he negotiated for, which was hard to acquire in this place. He wanted to write Sally letters, as well as, his children. Although, there were other ways to earn items when you’re broke, we will not get into that unpleasantness right now.
Day 315:
I finally acquired a pen! These golf pencils are only good for writing these entries. Not really meant for the long letters I want to write for my children and Sally. Baby momma will no longer let the children take my calls, so getting this pen now was perfect timing! Question is, will the price I paid for it, come back to haunt me?
In here, debt is bad so I don’t know what will happen. I need to sell more Spice, but I have been transferred to the 600 block, which is all Pisa and folks that don’t do drugs. Ugh! It’s always something! I guess I will write my children. It has been over 60 days since we spoke. I really hope their mom reads these letters to my kiddos.
Cole had procured that pen at a great cost. Pretty much all of his commissary, so he had to reach out to others to try and get the funds so he could get more commissary. This was not on his top 10 list of favorite things to do. He would have to call his brother. His mother was just a poor waitress, so his only other option was his brother.
Cole’s mentality was changing inside those walls. Never before would he even have fathomed begging his brother. He always found a way to get things on his own, now everything was different, he was dependent on help from outside these walls and barbed wire fences.
Day 461:
I am losing all love, it feels like. All I see is hate, greed and controlled movements. The only thing I have anymore is Sally. She has been sick so much lately, that she has not been able to help much. Our phone calls are spread out now and have become less frequent, due to the financial burdens I bring.
I am contemplating letting her go. We will never make love, touch or even be allowed to see each other face to face given our great distance. She will never be able to afford that trip. Also, no letters from children, I am truly alone. People think they understand this world, but they don’t. Why do I deserve this? What did I do?
Cole was disappearing now. As the world got faster on the outside, in those walls time almost stood still. Everyday on the outside, new cars are bought, birthdays are celebrated, technologies are created, kisses are given and life is moving. In here, the most simple things cease to exist.
Day 936:
As I write to you, world, my soul is disappearing. How will I ever be able to come back into you? My beard is long and I have encountered so many things I never knew one man could do to another. The sound of a man’s last gasp of breath, then he’s gone.
World, I still don’t understand what my crime against you was. Why did I get put in here? What was my crime that was so bad, that you felt all should be taken? The only light left for me is Sally. Her monthly call is enough to keep me from slipping into the dark abyss. She is to call at 6pm. I need to shower to prepare. I know she cannot see me, but I feel she does. She is my love, my life, my soulmate.
Cole went to shower and there was a group of men that was looking to retaliate for something he had no part in, but the fact he was there, was good enough for them. It was a wrong place, wrong time type of deal.
Day 966:
World, as I write this entry, I can barely see due to the beating I took in the shower. I need your help. I missed my call with Sally. That’s all I could think about as the four men repeatedly stomped my skull.
I have been in the infirmary and when I get out, I am looking at 60 days in the hole cause I won’t say who jumped me. So, I sit here and write which is all I have anymore. World, you’re the only one who hasn’t abandoned me. Can you hear me? All I need is a small sign to know that at least you are real. You and Sally are all I have. I need you world!
The beating Cole took was severe. It fractured his skull, broke 9 ribs and put him in the infirmary for 30 days. Due to his silence, he was going to be put in isolation for 60 days. In here, someone always has to pay. However, the hole was a lighter sentence than talking. Talking would have meant his life.
Day 1027:
I’m back. My wounds are better. I’m still sore but I’m better. I will never regain the teeth that I lost. Now, every day when I look into the mirror (reflective film) taped to the wall, I get reminded of that missed phone call.
I tried all day to call Sally collect, but it was not accepted. She probably found someone else. It’s for the best. She deserves to move past me. I’m only a grim anchor in her life, dragging down her happiness. I guess it’s just us now, world. Please send me some sign so I know you’re really listening. I am so lonely now world. Help me so I do not become the hate that surrounds me all of the time.
As Cole struggled, all communication with Sally ceased now. He was all alone. He knew now, all control was gone. No word from his children, no nothing. He had only one choice now, to take the plea. He would never be able to prove his innocence. This was his life now.
Day 1643:
Well, it’s time world, I am taking the plea. 24 years, 8760 days, 210,240 minutes, 12,614,400 seconds. I know now that the world (yes, you) will never forgive me. Even you have to let go of me. Now, it’s only these walls, this disparity. The only thing I have to look forward to is being consumed into this life. I will never admit my guilt in my heart. You, world, have let me go, so I must live only here now and continue to survive. World, goodbye, this will be my last entry. I must kill the Cole Johnson of my previous life and become the Cole Johnson behind the walls.
Years passed, then one day, a greying Cole looked under his mattress to find the journal. He picked it up and began to read. He could only sit and weep as he read words that still had a sliver of hope and moments of joy. It was an emotion that Cole had not felt in a long time. Those feelings of hope, love, ambition and the possibility of a future, were all gone now. He was covered in tattoos, not because they were cool, but because they told his story behind these walls of who he was and what he had done.
As Cole held that journal and looked into that so called mirror, he didn’t recognize the man looking back at him. It was only a shell of himself. He decided to write in that journal once again.
Day 6142:
Well, world, it’s me again. I’m sure you don’t remember me. I’m the man who killed that family at that intersection on Christmas Eve many years ago. Remember me now? Why did you abandon me world? It has not been easy. I had to kill a man and I have been sentenced to death by lethal injection.
I have tried to write the one child that survived that fateful night long ago. He is older now and I guess has moved on. He will probably never forgive me. He will never be able to hug his sister, mother or father ever again. I will never be able to hold Sally again and it hurts so much. My execution has been scheduled for next Tuesday.
I guess this will be my last entry. World, please let the universe know that I am sorry and hopefully, you can find a cool section of hell for me.
If I could only see my love just one more time, hug my children one last time. I know now that’s not possible. I hope Johnny and Allison have forgiven me and had the life they deserve and are happy.
As Cole prepared to be sent into the universe, a correctional officer came into his cell to give him his last meal. He also handed him a letter. Cole stood, hoping it was a farewell from his children or maybe even Sally. As he looked at the envelope and he was terrified to open it. He had not seen or felt for so long and as he began to open it, the guard told him,
“We found this letter in your property Cole. We do not know why it was overlooked and we all thought you deserved to have it.”
The correctional officer left and as Cole opened it, he noticed it was old like him. It was from Sally. It read,
My Dearest Cole,
I know by the time you read this, I will be gone. It turned out the reason I have been so sick lately, was because of the aggressive cancer inside of me. The doctors have given me only weeks to live. I am so sorry baby. I cannot stop it. I want to tell you how much I love you. I know someday we will be together in the stars. My love, I hope this letter finds you with compassion, not fear. Everything will be ok Cole. Even in death, I will not let go of you. I will always watch over you, my Cole. Please forgive me for leaving you. I love you so much. The doctors are coming. If I am able, I will write you again as soon as possible.
Love your soulmate,
All Cole could do was fall to his knees. She was always with him. He thought he was talking to the world, but it was his Sally all along.
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I worked in a prison for five years. Your voice is indeed genuine representing those incarcerated -- their heartache, hopelessness, loneliness. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you. I started this journey among them. For me they are not convicts. They are men. I was one of them. That is why I have formed my publishing company. To help the forgotten in society. The homeless, drug addict, alcoholics, afflicted, depressed and angry souls to have a home to speak their story. I charge nothing to publish them. Hopefully my book sales continue to fuel this. For me coming out prison to find a publisher was almost impossible. I am a determined person and had a lot of people take advantage of my ignorance. Thank you for the compliments. As a CO you fully understand the forgotten ones.
You are doing a noble thing and I wish you the best with your publishing company. Writing is indeed therapeutic. I was not a CO but a prison librarian who ran an inmate creative writing group at one time.
There were and are some truly wonderful inmate writers and I think and hope writing helped them in their journey, no matter what their sentence.
Donald, this story is absolutely gripping and filled with raw, unfiltered emotion. One line that really spoke to me was: “People think they understand this world, but they don’t.” It captures the isolation and misunderstood humanity of those trapped within a system that seems devoid of compassion. The way you delved into Cole’s internal struggles, his love for Sally, and his eventual resignation to his fate made the narrative both heart-wrenching and deeply impactful.
Your writing is powerful, layered, and evocative—thank you for sharing this poignant piece. It’s a beautifully constructed story that lingers long after reading. Truly a remarkable piece of storytelling, and I’m grateful you shared it with us.
This was really exceptional. The darkening despair and loss of all hope, only to reach a virtually impossible happy ending. Well done, sir. Well done. (Golf clap.)
What a life you have lead! Wonderful to see the positive changes you have made. Makes all the difference. Your picture looks very young to have gone through so much.
Thanks for reading and liking my humble stories. 'Too-Cute Apologies' and 'Seeking Fair Lady'.
I was so captivated the whole time, I loved the switch between journal and narration. So much emotion here, and I also loved the progression that he went through into further hopelessness. Your character development was incredible.
Thank you so much! There a bit of me in it. I appreciate the response. I actually tear up every time I reread. It was a hard one to write
Nice one, Donald.
Felt so real.
Thanks man. Did your eyes water? Even just a little?
Left sad feeling.
Being honest. I always reread a few times to tweak. I cried every time. It was one of those Romeo and Juliet type settings where you knew it was coming but it hurts your heart? If that makes sense. Thanks for the kudos! Loved the Zombie story. The Ladder shit had me laughing for at least a few moments. I could see that happening. Then it got funnier and funnier. Great job!
I appreciate 🙏
Wow you’ve done a great job. Kudos to you. It’s so emotional. Thanks for writing this.
Thank you! You’re the best!
Thank you! You’re the best!
Wow you’ve done a great job. Kudos to you. It’s so emotional. Thanks for writing this.
Wow you’ve done a great job. Kudos to you. It’s so emotional. Thanks for writing this.
Thanks Evelyn
Such a gut wrenching sad story. His Sally had not given up on him. She still loved him. A lovely hope for him to think about when he dies. We all do things we regret. Killing a family by accident is the worst. No justice for anyone. A shockingly accurate portrayal of prison life.
Thanks for reading a number of mine. I'm not sure how you read three of them at the same time. I'm hoping you read three without liking and then liked them together. Anyway, thanks and I hoped you enjoyed them. All the best with your writing.
Thank you Kaitlyn. I read all three. You’re a very emotional writer I enjoyed every one! I need to post comments but I have a lot of stories I’m reading from people’s likes. I am enjoying the shit out of this Reedsey so much talent here. All your stories are very deep. Did your father leave or go to prison? Also is that really what Dead Ringer means? If so that’s spooky? Wouldn’t they check a heartbeat? Victoria talking to her father touched me. I had a similar situation in my life. Thanks again for your love of my words. Your writing is equally passionate. It made my eyes water at end of ghost in mirror! Hope to talk more. Oh that was bad ass using your name in the protagonist story cool! That’s balls!
Wow! Great stuff!
The unapologetic voice, the clear insight into life behind bars, the dehumanization and loss of hope, the inhumane and interminal wait till the end. All very powerful.
If I may make a suggestion, for what it's worth. Lose the glib opening paragraph. Go straight to the first diary entry. And yeah, I agree with Tom, edit the bold on the last two lines.
You, Donald are a force to be reckoned with. We all better sit up and take notice. You don't hold back and pull no punches. Good for you.
And thanks for liking some of my stories. Am really interested to hear what you think of them.
Thank you. This was a really hard story to write. There is a lot of me, my life, and my passion of writing. My writing career started about almost 3 years ago with apology letters to family and children. After 100 attempts (easily) I decided there were no apologies to be had. My disappointments were too deep. My alcoholism had consumed me, and my life. The langoliers had eaten my past. A cellmate had read a letter and advised me to write judges letters for inmates for commissary items. I wrote (with their thoughts) letters. My first one had a guy’s sentence reduced by six months. I became a popular inmate. So I had read a lot of books especially Steven King ( my idol) and decided to write. I wrote or outlined 26 short stories and 4 novels. Upon release my friend called me(whom is a published author) asked me what happened to me. I told him and said I wanted to write. He saw my stories and advised me he thought my stories were good. He pointed me to some publishers. No one would bite. Said they were good but not right for them. So I met one finally who did. Cost me 2600 to do it. She did a great job on cover but a terrible job editing. It was my first. This is the beginning for me. I have dropped my 25 year career as a electrical engineer to pursue this. I learned a lot in prison especially sobriety and myself. So when you say I hold back no punches…. Prison made me realize that the simple things in life hold more merit than any amount of money or fame. Personal happiness is my reward. That’s where the words come from and the passion. I have read a lot of your work. I can see that you have been educated and work hard at your stories as a lot of writers I read in here. Tom is amazing author. If I can be half of the authors you guys are I might make it. Thanks again for your praise it feels fucking good!
Thanks for sharing some of your history, We all put some of ourselves in each of our stories. ou are more honest about it. I appreciate that. Looking forward to more.
Thank you. I figured you might want to know the person and the background of the mind that speaks these horrible things. I left out something above and that is I made a promise to myself to never lie,cheat,impress,desire or deceive again. Only the truth. Writing saved me. I lived an abusive upbringing, had a wife die, things we all go through yes. Alcoholism became my medicine. It also became my demise. Now no more. I put all those evil thoughts and actions here on paper. Thank you again. It is nice to see them taken as you say. To feel this is amazing. I really like your writings. You have a really smooth cadence. You could speak of a bowl movement but your speed and injection of flow would still keep me reading. Hope to entertain you all some more with my “Wicked Thoughts!” Haha had to say it!
LOL I doubt I will ever write about a bowel movement, but thanks for the praise. :-)
Just sayin! It could happen? Possibly
You have a great to the point voice with your writing. Shades of Charles Bukowski. There is something very authentic in it.
The story itself was very powerful. The long passages of time and the degradation of spirit. This was depicted beautifully, and what was a morally ambiguous character initially became more understandable along the way. The reunion in the afterlife is a poignant finale
Really good stuff. The confident no nonsense voice is your biggest asset. I am jealous of you for that voice 😂 Thanks for sharing.
I am not sure about the bold font on that last paragraph starting "all cole could do..." Seems like it should switch back to normal there.
Thanks Tom. Can I still edit it? I just learned poignant today. My editor used that on my new published book releases January. Part 2 to Miss Lacy series “Johnny”. It’s a romantic and heartbreaker book itself. She used poignant too. I started school yesterday hoping I can get more structure and knowledge in writing.
Yeah you can edit at the top until the deadline on Friday night. People are always correcting typos until the end on here
Cool how are you today?
I'm alright. Job hunting 😂 if you are reading some older stuff, the one I had that was best received was called Prison Chip. Bit different to the prison in this story though
I think I read that. Let me look back I read a lot of yours. You’re really good at literature and your cadence is on point.
What do you do besides write
Touching one here. Why always cancer in that part of the world? Maybe process food or drink. Fine work.
Thanks. I agree it was the most emotional piece I have ever written. Literally was watering eyes writing it. Yea America home of fast foods. I had diabetes and high blood pressure. Quit all fast food, soda,and a 70% greens diet and A1C is 4.8 and blood pressure is that of a twenty year old lost 100 pounds too.
Thank you Rachel!