Submitted to: Contest #49

"A sudden change"

Written in response to: "Write a story about two strangers chatting while waiting for something."


One night heart , was exceptionally I set out for my usual walk.i am sitting on the bench in the park starting aimlessly into the sky.Sduddenly I hear a warm sound behind me "why so down mister?" When I turned around it was greeted by gentle and kind smile.Heart was immediately captivated by this stranger.usually I recognized everyone in this park who are you? I asked him,,, He said I'm new here we just shifted in this area a four days ago ,and I'm coming here to bring my little brother .what about you? Why your mood is so low ? he asked me about myself I told him that I'm such a useless person I lost everything and there is no one for me ,I lost my mother one year ago she is suffering from cancer from past 2 years. And I am very attached with her I share all things with my mother she listens me and giving me a good advice we spend our time together we came here daily there are millions of memories that we have.Now I'm alone I'm gonna miss her so much I feel so hopless and from that day I daily came here sitting on a same bench where we both sit and talk for a long time .

When he listen me he told me that u know unfortunately I have a same story like u I lost my family members in the road accident a year ago ,,,, before accident we lived a happy life I spent time with my parents we use to go outside daily . Life is going so smoothly But suddenly one day when we are going to the road trip with my parents to spend our summer holidays.we all are enjoying the trip , when the car over turned on the interchange my mother and father both died on the spot me and my little brother we both are sitting behind are getting seriously injured some of the people took us to the hospital where the doctor gave us first aid and after few hours I regain to consciousness and I saw my little brother is lying on the other bed he started crying badly by seeing me in that condition luckily he had a minor injuries after a few days when we both are getting better we go home ,this day was the worst day of my life there is no one in the house my mom dad is no more with us us , I feel so hopeless and helpless. The things between me and my little brother are getting worse day by day I never argue but I can see he is getting depressed and worries although he is always trying to hide his feelings but I can see the pain. As much as i can i am always trying to keep him comfortable an happy .This trauma changed my whole life .I realized that life is so unpredictable and you never know what is coming next.Do not ever get too comfortable always be ready for the change .Time goes by so fast now we both lives a happy life with each other. We both are trying to keep ourselves happy. We go outside .we are trying to do new activities daily . But one thing that I have learned from that accident is that after every darkness there is a light and the morning is best the best proof that after every darkness there will be a new light for our path.Keep the Faith and make each day count.

You are so lucky to have a family you can share your problems with them you can do those things which makes your mom happy when she is alive .you have everything to gain and nothing to loose by trying. Being a family means you are part of something very wonderful it means you will love and beloved for the rest of the your life no matter what. I know loosing the mother is the deepest sorrow a heart can know.But her goodness, her wisdom,her caring lives on_like a legacy of love that will always with you .May that love surround you now and bring you peace.

LifE”… What’s life? Its a simple four alphabet word right? but that it is only at the apparent level, when we begin exploring it a bit further complexities.

Life is like a kite you just never know

hold on to the string and never let go,

bit by bit you fly up high,

the more you let go the higher you fly (John F Connor)

The nature of ‘Human life’ and that of a kite is so much alike. Everyone is in possession of a different one, different in colour, different in shape, size… and everyone’s way of handling it is also different.

Some of the individuals think that holding onto it tight will help controlling it, while others are of the view that it should be given freedom to go higher and higher, so that nobody could dare to compete with it. there is also another type of people who fly a kite just to through one’s hat in the ring, they only feel joy by cutting others’ kites. People often end up with cuts on their fingers, because of holding the thread too tight. Its also a fact that kite in the sky is dependant on the wind, if the wind turns into storm the kite can no longer keep its pace.

Our lives are ultimately dependant upon the Will of God. No matter how hard we try, if God doesn’t want something to happen, it’s never gonna happen.

All of us are blessed with a contrasting life having uniqueness in every single aspect. Some people have high ambitions, extraordinarily high expectations from life, they put extra efforts to reach elevations, ignoring their family and friends and even their health and well-being. When they achieve great heights, they find themselves ending up alone there. No enjoyment, no fun. All their exertions and achievements fail to make them happy.

For them, I must suggest:

“Don’t be too hard about controlling life,

Don’t be effertless too, be responsible!”

Those who aims at other’s failures more than their victory, never live their own life. Until they realize this, it’s already too late.

There are also people who remain disgruntled with their life. They continue complaining about their problems, limited resources, nagging family, demanding friends, tough job etc etc. (just like a kite flyer contend the size, paper quality, thread, color of kite), instead of being thrilled about having one, and having a chance of upgrading it.

“Accept uniqueness of life miseries, all of them have some”

Then comes those type of people who’ve master the art of kite flying. They have gone through the thick and thins and have understood the real meaning of life. They do their best and leave the rest upon God. Therefore, the little setbacks of life do not pull them down, they are able to cherish the small moments of life. Their soul aim is to surround with and spread happiness.

One thing is common among all kite flyers is that notwithstanding the size, colour, texture, or quality of their kite, they do not leave the thread themselves until its cut by other kites. They still hold on. Similarly, in our lives no matter how tough the time last, how hurtful we may feel, how miserable the present looks, how much dark the future appears. Human beings keep on struggling because we are all born with the Faith that every turmoil will be over one day. Every cloud has a silver lining. We have God in ourselves, our Hopes never die, God within us never dies.

We all are little broken but last time I checked, broken crayons still color!

I hope you understand ,,,my brother came it's time to go my dear friend I hope I will see you again.

Posted Jul 09, 2020

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36 likes 8 comments

Aqsa Amreen
12:26 Jul 17, 2020



Tehreem Hussain
14:35 Jul 17, 2020



Sadia Kausar
15:33 Jul 15, 2020

Keet it up sis♥️👍


Tehreem Hussain
18:13 Jul 15, 2020

Thank you 😘


Shehryar Hussain
06:31 Jul 15, 2020

Great story


Humaira Azeem
15:23 Jul 15, 2020

I like ur story....good job..keep it up dear 👍👍💕


Tehreem Hussain
18:13 Jul 15, 2020

Thnkew for the feedback.


Keerththan 😀
08:05 Jul 30, 2020

Nice story. But I noticed many grammatical and punctuation errors. If you proofread, I am sure you will find some. Other than that, nice story. Good job.
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"The secret of power?"


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