Contemporary Fantasy Fiction

No one noticed him upon his arrival and nobody knew his name for good reason. You see, he had arrived at our office Christmas party uninvited, but that did not stop him from entering the Hilton ballroom where holiday lights hung from every nook and cranny and elves on the shelves peered out from every possible shelf with devious smiles painted on their plastic faces.

Broderick Stoneman the CEO for our publishing company sat at the head table with the other managers from each department.  Mrs. Oliva Stoneman sat next to her husband and chatted with those seated nearby.  We had security standing at the entrance checking invitations, but he managed to slip into our celebration like the Ghost of Christmas Present.

I sat at the table with the rest of my copywriting crew discussing some of the publications seeking our expertise, but tonight was our traditional holiday party, work issues could wait.  My wife, Charmaine, was chatting with the wives of my associates she hadn’t seen since the party last year. 

It was an open bar. Many of my coworkers were already planning to take an Uber home which was a wise choice since in an hour or so many of them would not be fit to drive home.  

“So Chuck, what are your plans for Christmas?” Gene Oburshive asked me with a drink in his hand.

“Same as always.” I nodded, “Charmaine’s mother and family will come over on Christmas Eve and my family will come over on Christmas day.  There will be a lot of noise and excitement.”

“Me and Diane will be taking a cruise.” He smiled.

“Wow, that sounds like fun, Gene.” I nodded furiously.

“Yeah, we’ve been planning it for quite a while.  The kids are going to my mom and dad’s for the week.” 

“Bon voyage, to ya.” I shook his hand.

“Need a refill.” Gene skulked off to the bar leaving me by myself for a moment.

“Hey, hey, Chuck.” Chip Martz slapped me on the shoulder.

“Chip, how’s it going?” 

“Cannot complain.” He shook his head.

“Me neither.” I held up my half filled glass.  Chip worked in computer operations, but we went to San Francisco State together. 

“Hey Chuck, do you see that guy over there?” He pointed with a finger that was holding his glass in order to be somewhat discrete.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“Have you ever seen him before?” He turned his head to look at me.

“Can’t say I have.” I shrugged, “But there are a lot of people from Stoneman who I have never seen before.  We are a big company.” 

“I dunno, but I don’t like the look on his face.” Chip exhaled.

“Why don’t you go over there and have a word with him?  Find out?”

“Ahhh, I’m not the social type, you know that.” He waved his hand.  

“Hey Chuck, how are you?” Marge Runggle was already tipsy, but then that was not unusual.  She was wearing an ankle long gown that sparkled under the ample lighting. 

“Great.” I answered with extra zest. 

“Chip, how are you?” She put her arm around his shoulder to steady herself.

“Doing well.” He answered with a weak smile.

“When are you going to pop the question to Donna?” Marge winked at him.

“We are planning a late spring wedding.” He nodded proudly.

“You old dawg.” She slapped him on the shoulder nearly sending her toppling over. 

“Marge, do you know that guy over there?” 

“Nope, can’t say I’ve ever seen him.  He must be new.” She fanned herself with her open hand.

“Someone must know who he is.” Chip shrugged.

“It’s okay, Chip.” I assured him.  

“It’s just that I want to know who I am about to make a fool of myself before I do.” He chuckled.

“Oh, I’m sure he won’t mind.” I promised as I watched Marge stumble toward the bar.

Then there was a loud clanking of a utensil on glass as Broderick Stoneman stepped up to the microphone next to the head table.

“I wish to welcome everyone to our annual Stoneman Publishing Christmas Party.  Please help yourself to the open bar.  Dinner will be served shortly.  I hope you are all hungry as we will be serving prime rib and scalloped potatoes with asparagus.  I have heard the creme brulee is to die for.” 

There was a wave of laughter as he paused with a welcoming smile on his face. No one could deny his powerhouse management style building a profitable publishing company from the ground up.  No one could take that from him as he proved to have the savvy in the cutthroat publishing business.

“I wish to thank all of you for an outstanding year.  People are beginning to notice.  I have quite a talented staff and I’m proud to have you here for our Christmas party.  The hotel staff will be coming around with your entrees.  I want you all to enjoy this celebration.  So, I will go take my place next to my beloved wife while you all enjoy this delightful meal.”

“One thing I’ll say for him is he does not waste words.” I quip to Lance Scalanti who is sitting next to me.

“Yeah, that’s what I like about him.” Lance acknowledges as a waiter puts a salad in front of him.

I am not much of a salad kind of guy, but I promised Charmaine that I would eat it since my blood pressure has been running high.  Glancing at my wife of twenty years, I shovel a forkful of salad into my mouth.  When I turn my head, I see the guy Chip pointed out sitting a couple of tables away.  He is looking right at me with an expression that makes me feel uncomfortable.  He is seated at the table with the editors.  None of them seemed to be engaged in conversation with him.  He is still looking at me. After dinner, I will go and find out who he is since I have the social graces that Chip somehow lacks.

“Sweetie.” I nudged my wife.  

“Yes dear.” She covers her mouth full of salad with her hand.

“Do you see that guy over there?” I attempt to point with my chin.

“Who are you referring to?” She asks, swallowing.

“That slender guy wearing the gray suit with the aquiline nose?” I do not wish to point, because I feel him still staring at me.

“I still don’t-”

“Two tables over there.” I keep my finger pointed from the table so no one notices.

“Oh him?  Yes, I see him.  And yes, he is staring at you.” She confirms.

“I wonder why?” 

“Why don’t you go ask him?” She shrugs.

“I will after dinner.” I sigh. 

Mr. Stoneman is correct, dinner is delightful.  The prime rib is cooked to a medium rare with the scalloped potatoes very flavorful and the asparagus with a nice crunch whereas most places seem to cook them until they are limp and tasteless.  But the creme brulee was every bit as deccant as was promised. 

Once the staff began to clear off the table, there was a rush to the bar, but I decided to head over to the table where the stranger sat stirring his tea.  

“Hello, I am Charles Browonskil.” I approached him, but then he looked away as if he did not see me coming toward him.

I sat in a vacated chair across the table from him.

“I saw you.” He turned his head around to face me.  He seemed annoyed that I would dare confront him at our holiday party.

“And what of it?” I was ticked off by his rudeness.

“I don’t know you.  And I didn’t ask you to come over here.” His brusque manner perplexed me.  In all the years I had been at the company, I had never met such a discourteous person. 

“Well, I’m here.” I put my hands out from my side.

“And what is it I can do for you?” He sneers. 

“I was wondering what position you occupy.” I shrugged.

“Oh, I do not work for this company.” He smirks.

“Then why are you here?” I ask, “Only employees are invited.” 

“I can assure you I was not invited.” He chuckles.

“How did you get in?” 

“Just like you, I walked through the door over there.” He pointed.

“They were supposed to check you in at the door.” 

“And I assure you they did just that.” He squints at me as he sips on his drink.

“Without an invitation?”

“It would seem that way.” He tilted his head.  

“And why do you suppose they let someone in who was not invited?” 

“You may wish to ask them.” His eyes flutter, his off-handed gesture communicates his defiant attitude.  His “I don’t care what you have to say” gesture infuriates me, but I decide to stay put and see what he has to say. His smile was more of a leer, but he looked comical when he wiggled his eyebrows. “I am here to collect.” 

“What are you collecting?” I asked, feeling more at ease. He pulled a small black book from his jacket pocket and opened it with a flick of his wrist.

“I am here to collect these people.” He said as he put his black book in front of me. Holiday music began to play and some people began to dance to “Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer.”

“Your name is on there.” He shrugged nonchalantly as he inspected his fingernails. 

“You are going to collect me?  And then what?” I shoved the black book back to him.

“Remove you from your mundane existence.” He grinned.


“Sure.” He coughed into his hand, “Are you really having a good time at this function?” 


“Are you really?” He tilted his head as if he was doubting me.”Why are you talking to me, a complete stranger, instead of being out on the dance floor with your wife?” 

“I don’t dance.” 

“Does that mean you are socially awkward?” His grin spread across his narrow face like a serpent. “I have information on you, Chuck and it screams socially awkward.”

I ran my finger around my collar. 

“C’mon, admit it, your life is meaningless.” He nodded.

I sighed.

“What was the greatest moment of your life?” He leaned in closer to me.

“When I married Charmaine.” I answered with a nod of certainty. 

“Is it?  She’s on the dance floor while you are here with me.  Why is that?” He put his head on his knuckles with an expression that wanted to delve into certain facts and memories of my life that I kept close to my chest because revelation would be such a caustic admission. “I know for certain, Chuck, that life has been a great disappointment to you.  Why don’t you come with me to a better level where you will finally get what you deserve.” 

Staring into his eyes, I felt as if I was being hypnotized into tasting the forbidden fruit.

“I must be going…” 

“Where are you going, Chuck? I can offer you so much more.” He put his hand over mine on the table.  I pulled my hand away as if it was in contact with something very unpleasant.

“You are trying to collect me.” I used his own words to pull away from him. 

“There are other people I have on my list that are in this room.” He leaned back, folding his arms across his chest. My immediate reaction was that I needed to stay put in order to protect my coworkers from this evil man.  

“Wait.” I shook my head, “I’ll stay and you can tell me more about the next level.”

“Oh, it’s beautiful.” He chuckled, “Remember when you were a boy and your father took you on an overnight fishing trip?” 

The mountain lake he took me to was one of my favorite memories.  It was sunset, the lake was a mirror in complete stillness. My father and I sat on the log bench as the fire flickered.  A hawk glided carefree in the flaming orange sky as day departed into night.  We both sat there in awe at the picture that was being displayed in front of our eyes.

“You remember, don’t you Chuck?” He nodded. “You remember it because it had meaning.”

“My father passed away a few years later when I was in high school.” I whispered in an automated robotic voice. 

“I know.  He’s waiting in the next level where I am taking you.” He shrugged, “Are you ready?”

I bowed my head.  Charmaine was on her way back to the table after dancing with Chip fanning herself with her hands.  We didn’t seem to connect like we did a few years ago, before the kids left home.  Our house was quiet most of the time now.  The kids don’t seem to call or text us very often.  Sometimes I get lost when I start to wander.  There have been questions about retirement that I can’t answer.  Mr. Stoneman talked to me last week about what my plans were once I retired.  I’ll be honest, I never gave the matter much thought.

“Are you catching on to what I’m saying?” 

“Who are you?” I asked, feeling as if he was avoiding the question.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, now does it?”  He chuckled. 

“How are you doing?” Charmaine asked.

“I’m fine.” I nod.

“Why are you sitting over at this table?” Her mouth bent into a straight line as it often did when she was considering an issue more introspectively. 

“I was talking to an old friend of mine.” I pointed my chin in his direction.

“What friend?” She became perplexed.

And it hit me, she could not see him sitting across the table from me.  The other people at the table had gotten up to dance.  It seemed like I wasn’t even there.  He wasn’t really there.

“Chuck, you have been acting very strangely all evening.  People are beginning to talk.” Her cheeks flushed a bit as her head swiveled around the room.

I didn’t know how to respond.  If she could not see the stranger I had been talking to, how could I explain what I was doing?  

“Char, do you want to dance?” I implored her.

“I’m kind of winded.” She sat in the vacant chair next to me.  The stranger I had been talking to was checking his black book.  A wicked grin spread across his face. 

“Why don’t we just go home?” She suggested.

“I suppose.” I nodded.

“You don’t seem to be having much fun and I’m feeling rather tuckered out.” She waved her hand in front of her face.  I gathered both of our coats.  I helped her put her coat on and then slipped into my own. As we made our way to the exit, I waved at Mr. Stoneman who was dancing with his wife to “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.” 

“Leaving so soon?” He asked.

“You know how us old fogies are.” I chuckled. 

“Merry Christmas.” He waved.

“Same to you, sir.” 

“Oh Chuck, it’s snowing.” Charmaine pointed to the window in the lobby.

“So it is, my dear, so it is.” I pushed the door open and we walked into a winter wonderland of falling snow.

News Break:  In a singular accident this evening two people were killed when their car slid off the road, striking a tree.  Both victims were declared dead at the scene.

“Welcome Chuck and Charmaine, you are both invited to the next level.” He appeared in a dreamlike mist, the uninvited guest.  He turned and opened the large iron wrought gate. Both of us followed him in without the slightest hesitation. 

January 04, 2025 21:05

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Mary Bendickson
04:19 Jan 07, 2025

Collected together.😏


19:43 Jan 08, 2025

Sure why not. Saves a trip. Thanks Mary


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