Mystery Suspense Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Maria was a firm believer in destiny, she applied it to everything in life, if something went right, it was destined for her and if something was bad in her life, it wasn't in her destiny.

When it came to dating, more than shared interests or looks, she left it to her destiny to decide who was the right one for her, she was willing to give almost anyone who she even slightly felt was destined for her a chance, thats why she didn't bother to look much at her dates profile and agreed to go out with anyone who was available.

Today she was going out on a date with Bill, something about Bill just told her he was the one for her, she could feel it so strongly that it made her more anxious, she had worn her lucky dress today, she didn't want luck interfering with her fate today!

She checked the address twice to make sure she was at the right place, she found Bill waiting for her at the restaurant, he had worn white too!,

she felt it was destiny telling her he was the right one!

But when Bill ordered a dish consisting of potatoes, she felt maybe Bill was not the one for her, because she hated potatoes and considered them unlucky, her mother forced her to eat potatoes and she almost always choked on them!

To her surprise the dish turned out to be really tasty, and she started having second thoughts on Bill, was this destiny's way of telling her to move on from her fear of potatoes?

Bill talked about his interests, even though he was a banker by profession, he hated finance and banking, he was in it for the money but he could never feel interested in it, it was just a job that paid him well. Maria could connect with him on that, she too felt her job as a fashion editor did not interest her but it paid well and she had been in the job for more than 5 years, so maybe the job was destined for her, destiny doesn't see your interests, does it?

Bill told her he liked to cook, and even though he didn't feel his cooking was good enough yet to match that of a trained chef, he felt he was getting better at it, she told him that if he was destined to be a cook as good as a trained chef, he would become that one day or maybe he could surpass a chef too, destiny is a strange thing she said.

He agreed on that one, he was a believer in destiny too, he felt people couldn't escape their destiny no matter how much they tried and it was foolish to fight with your destiny, whether it's good or bad, people should learn to accept it, there was no point in wasting your time fighting a loosing battle.

She felt the same too but asked him if someone's destiny was really cruel, like an untimely death or a very painful death was written in their destiny, if their life had just started to feel worth living and they were shattered to find out that they were dying from a disease and had only a short time to live, should one give up in such a case and let destiny take charge or fight to the end?

Bill thought hard and he told her that it was a very painful situation but even in that case, one couldn't fight destiny, even if it was cruel, a person couldn't possibly do anything about it, but it wasn't all bleak either, because you never know what advancements may come and the person might end up getting better and living a healthy life, destiny might be cruel but it can be merciful too, so a person should never loose trust on their destiny.

She agreed with him, she had never thought much about the merciful aspect of destiny before, it could be cruel but at the same time it can end up saving a person from something that was dangerous for them too, thats why she put her whole trust in destiny, if a dress didn't fit her or an expensive dress spoiled after she wore it once, she didn't feel bad over it, she just knew it was not in her destiny to wear the dress.

She became a firm believer in destiny when her pet dog, Minky, died in an accident, she blamed herself for his death, if only she had been more careful, if only she would have stopped the car somehow from hitting Minky, these thoughts ran in her head and made her miserable, but then her father told her that what is destined for someone, they can never escape it and she found herself slowly becoming a firm believer in destiny herself.

After the dinner she invited him to her place for a coffee, he readily accepted because she had bragged to him that she made the best coffee in the world, his acceptance she felt was another sign that he was destined for her!

As soon as Bill entered the house she quietly closed the door and before he could reach for the switch, she stabbed him in the back, he tried to get up and run but it was too late for him he was bleeding like crazy and his vision started to blur, she turned him over and stabbed him in the heart.

She switched on the light and sighed, the blood had spoiled a bit of her carpet but she didn't bother because she had gotten bored of it and was planning to throw it out, another sign that fate had helped her out.

Did she feel remorse for killing Bill?,

No!, he was destined to die like all the other men she had killed before, if someone was not meant to die, the date won't be successful, after all it was destiny that brought men to her house so that she could satisfy her killing urge, didn't it?

May 07, 2023 20:17

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