The train wreck. If we agree to disagree, who will pay the price? Inheritance divides.

Written in response to: Start your story with someone looking out a train window.... view prompt


Adventure Christian Kids

Be careful when looking out a window. Because it tends to lead to staring out the window. And worst of all.

Falling asleep. 🥱

Missing your stop.

Missing a moment.

Of someone waiting on you and your efforts. To pick them up. To buoy them. If you are in the right frame of mind. Or have an awareness of the world and its usual trials, tribulations. It pays to have access to an


Of the fight.


In the fight


During the fight.

I think we may all agree that confusion can be a killer. In more ways than one. Not to be confused with “letting someone in”. That is always a thoughtful gesture. Built on a certain level of camaraderie. That is good. Realistically, we must all remember that there is always more to it.

Counterproductive to blame it on a “business” model. Heck we are all apart of a business model. The business model of—Life. Ebbing and flowing with one another in ways we wish to and wish not to ebb or flow—or ride, fly or skip. One way or another. The ebbing and flowing is not a tasty or good formula.

Leaves a bad taste in our mouth.

When in doubt leave it out? Hopefully that does not mean a person, any person. There are enough persons currently roaming the streets right now. How is it that the airlines have carried some to and from in the dark of the night while others of us have had to

Wait. Confusion sets in. Who gets to decide this anyway? Wait again…

For the decisions, the deciders, to end the confusion and get down to business. Confusion at any age is serious. Wanting the confusion to end is human. Wanting to continue the confusion is shameless, is inhumane. Pushing another almost to a point of saying,

I give up.

No. Not in that way. Not in the most desperate of ways. Taking a life away from another. That is rife with entirely too much complication Too open for judgment and not enough mercy. Forgiveness. Clarity.

Aim for good. A good start. Then the missteps and misguiding along the way will not feel so, well, confusing. When you aim, go ahead and aim high. Who knows? The deciders? ……..

In order to live in reality, prudence must be present. Prudence is not the name of a, not a person, although it could be. Prudence means be cautious, judicious, wisdom-filled, useful good judgment. Biblically speaking, it represents acting from ideas that we know to be true, but doing so with an underlying desire for good.


It is action driven by truth, but with good at its end. Prudence requires courage and discretion. Do you have what it takes to give that?

How nice. How refreshing. Like a good beer.

To see through the murky waters to the right end.

Except right now, we are on a train, heading for possibly a train wreck and looking out the window. Ready to fall asleep. Will we sleep through the train wreck? Or will we feel it hit, head on and “awake” unable to eat, sleep or walk.

Proverb 19:14 “The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thoughts to his steps.


Can be both good and bad.

A helpful house and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord. Except when the fight has turned vicious.

Inheritance. We are all inheritants of this land we live on.


It is not simple. It is complicated. And one must remain on their toes. So as to not be “aced” out of their own life. He loves those who hate us. We are all servants, however we are held accountable for what we do with the profits of toil. Of our father’s toil. And there are plenty of persons with a honest to goodness need and have been waiting in line. A long time. Too long.

A lesson in givers and takers:

Givers and Takers. The actors, the disingenuous simply really just go through the motions. There is something in it for them. And they do care care who they must step on to get it. Who they use, how they use them. How they “look”. May they step into “it”. Also adept at the practice and principle of carelessness and coldness.

Chew up and spit out. There are some complications to life, like I told you. It has very little to do with competition and much more about ethics, morals and promises.

Because ya really cannot fake those attributes. Really. Honesty as capable and able as a “real” business person with the added integrity of a good person. Double whammy of good.

How nice. How refreshing. Like a good beer.

So as an inheritant of this land, how do you think it best to act?

Looting, Grafitti-ing, Rioting, Demolishing store windows? Is that a good inheritant of the land you have been given by God. Or if not God, where do you think the land we all live on came from?

Amazon, Fed Ex, UPS? Aple Pay or Gogle? Santa Claus?

We all must be implored to understand what we have received. Our inheritance as Americans. As people. We must remember from where and who the toil came from. And display humbleness. Be mindful of and for our land, for the works of those who came before us.(LA)

Makes no difference the color of one’s skin. The size of a person, the size of a person’s head, feet, whatever. We cannot control this aspect of our fellow inheritants. And neither can they. So. Instead of staring out the train window. Why not best we all toss the pre-conceived notions out the window.

Decide what to focus on. In what order. And then Go to it! We all, each and every one of us has natural rights. We owe those rights to others to be in awe of their differences and get to know the real them. Before pointing and shooting.

It’ll be difficult. Hard to endure. Seem impossible at times. But it beats the alternative and that is to let a precious moment pass by wherein you could have helped another instead of just stared out a window, stood frozen, maybe even laughed at them, and chose to watch them struggle.

A good aim? It could, it might, it may even begin with putting down the phones.

Just sayin’……

October 20, 2022 19:55

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